Meadowbrook Townhomes Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Present: Jill Roche, Butch Krahn, Bruce Pervin, Linda Bell, Dick Huntoon
The March meeting of the Meadowbrook Board of Directors was called to order by President Jill Roche.
A motion was made by Butch Krahn and seconded by Bruce Pervin to approve the February Meeting Minutes. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Dick Huntoon and seconded by Bruce Pervin to approve the financial report. The motion carried.
Old Business:
· Butch will to do a walk around to finalize which units are in need of having their front concrete patios caulked. A list will be given to Dennis Einck Remodeling for doing the caulking. That project will start as soon as he is able to begin.
· The Board continues to get bids for the sewer drain problem at 4936 32nd Ave.
· The homeowner at 3204 49th Street requested permission to widen her driveway at her own expense. Permission was granted.
· Instead of replacing faded shutters they will be refurbished with Armor All. Butch will do a walk around to see which shutters are in need of refurbishment because many were replaced after the tornado. Butch and Pam have bid $4 per shutter to do the restoration (including supplies). Motion was made by Jill and seconded by Bruce to accept the bid. The motion carried.
· We are in the process of requesting bids for filling the cracks in our streets. We are planning for this to be done this spring.
· We are also in the process of getting quotes for park benches for the park.
New Business:
· Discussion was held on once again allowing dogs in the complex. There have been inquiries from residents about allowing homeowners to have a dog.
· If you have a new tree and are able to, please consider watering it. They are in dire need of moisture to assure they will continue to do well.
· We have open Board positions, please consider being a Board Member. Call any of the Board members for more information.
· The date for the Association’s Annual meeting is set for Wednesday, May 30, 2012. More information will follow.
The next Board Meeting will be on Thursday, April 19, 2012.
Linda Bell made a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Bruce Pervin, and the meeting was adjourned.