IADT Central Florida Campus
Term 1610, 2016
Gary Dufner: Adjunct Professor
Final Examination
1. What is Graphic Design? Please give 3 examples of how Graphic Design is utilized in modern culture and commerce.
2. The Prehistoric cave paintings at Lascaux, France predate Graphic Design as we know it. Still, the imagery is said to have both representational / instructive, and symbolic / ritualistic dimensions. What are these dimensions?
A. Representational / Instructive:
B. Symbolic / Ritualistic:
3. The Sumerians of the Fertile Crescent in what is now Iraq made contributions to social and intellectual progress far-reaching into the future of Humanity. Discuss these contributions.
4. The Egyptian Hieroglyphic written language was an amalgam of graphic representations remaining a mystery for over 1500 years. Define the 3 aspects of the Hieroglyphic language.
A. Pictographic:
B. Logographic:
C. Phonographic:
5. What is an ALPHABET? How did the Western concept of the graphic alphabet come about? Who were the major contributing cultures?
6. Define the following:
A. Clay Tablet:
B. Papyrus:
C. Parchment:
D. Paper:
E. Codex:
F. Book:
7. Among the many contributions of the Chinese culture to Graphic Design, the most important, besides the invention of paper, is the discovery of printing. Give a brief explanation of how Chinese printing evolved.
8. The Illustrated Manuscript is one of the first and finest examples of cultural and religious expression in Graphic Design. What is a Manuscript? Give 2 examples of the illustrated manuscript throughout history. How did the Illustrated Manuscript aid in the collection and distribution of knowledge in the western Medieval Period?
9. “Les tres riches heures du duc du Berry” is a masterpiece of late Medieval graphic design. What is it and what makes it great?
10. Between the eras of hand-scripted books and publications produced by moveable type in Europe there was yet another interim process of mass communication of words and pictures in printed form. What was it and how was it accomplished? Please give an example of this graphic technology.
11. In 1453, a German silversmith named Johann Gutenberg invented a system and subsystem technology for the fabrication and use of continuous movable type. In brief, what did Gutenberg do and how did he do it?
12. Describe a page of the signature Gutenberg Bible. In what language is it written?
13. In brief, who is Albrecht Durer and of what significance is his body of work to the progress of Graphic Design?
14. Gutenberg’s press and printing methods in mass production were first utilized for a religious / political purpose in the early sixteenth century. What happened and who were the major personalities of the event?
15. What is the process of ‘metal’ plate engraving? What did this technology do to advance Graphic Design in information publication?
16. Who is Lodovico degli Arrighi? Explain his contribution to the Graphic Design of printed information in his day.
17. Who is Geoffroy Tory? What did he accomplish in the design and use of letterforms?
18. Who is William Caslon? What did he accomplish with his new letter designs and for what purpose?
19. What is a printing press and how does it work? Please give examples of its development and technical evolution.
20. What did John Calvin Moss create in 1865 and why?
21. In 1880 what system did Stephen Horgan develop to print photographs in mass publication?
22. In 1856 signboards grew substantially and were covering public spaces in a new dynamic way for urban living in contrast to the art gallery. What were the signs of?
23. What artist started the influence of modern art in the early 1900s called Cubism?
24. What anti-art movement had strong negative and destructive elements that started as a literary movement but then grew to art and music?
25. Who is the proclaimed father of Conceptualism and the most prominent advocate for the Dada movement?
26. Right after the Dada movement came another piggy backing on it but showing very real images painted dream like fantasy as fiction and nonfiction, which movement would this be?
27. What famous artist has taken Instagram photos online and printed them as his own?
28. What was the Bauhaus? Which art movement pushed Bauhaus? Which 2 famous painters were a part of Bauhaus in its early inception?
29. What