Management Committee Meeting 8th February 2017, 6pm
at Framwellgate Moor Youth and Community Centre
D. Jenkins, J. Bowman, K. Gates, R. Johnson, A. Smith, T. Moderate, G. Waudby, A. Taylor, David Hall, A. Smith, C. Bulmer
1 Apologies for Absence and Introductions
M. Simmons, G. Knight, J. Bennett, Mark Wilkes
2 Chairman’s Report
No Chairs report
3 Treasurers Report
JB prepared a table of running costs and budgetary forecasts from Moneymanager to enable Committee Members to see the charities financial position. Funding applications had been submitted to AAP, CDCF, Esh Community Fund, Wellesley Trust and High Sheriffs Award, and we are still awaiting the outcome.
JB contact Ben Westerman who last year completed the end of year Financial Report and BW agreed to do the same this year.
4 Youth Workers Report
Please see attached.
In response to the YWR, RJ asked the Management Committee if they agreed to change the charities structure to a CIO and for him to amend the Constitution accordingly. The Management Committee were in agreement for this to happen. Once the Constitution is complete JB to submit it to the Charity Commission and an EGM will be called to continue the process of changing to a CIO.
DJ also asked the Management Committee is she could be the designated Child Protection Officer having done the Safer Recruitment Training, the Management Committee agreed to this.
5 Any other Business
Gareth Waudy from Wharton Park asked about the position on a recent funding application that was granted, Intergr8. DJ explained that they would start the process as soon as possible and advertise for staff. DJ would contact GW once she had staff in place to discuss how the project would run and the best times to be in the park to engage with young people.
6 Date of Next Meeting Extraordinary General Meeting
Wednesday 8th March 2016 at 6pm