Course Specifications
Faculty : / AgricultureNursingArtLawCommerceMedicineComputer & InformationPharmacyDentistryPhysical EducationEducation MansouraEducation DamiettaScience MansouraScience DamiettaEngineeringVeterinarySpecial Education MansouraSpecial Education DamiettaApplied ArtsDepartment : / Tropical Medicine Department
Course Specifications
Programme(s) on which the course is given : / Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery MBBCh.Major or minor element of programmes : / Tropical Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Department offering the programme : / Tropical Medicine Department
Department offering the course : / Tropical Medicine Department
Academic year / level : / Fifth year
Date of specification approval : / / 2016
A- Basic information
Title: / Basic of Tropical Medicine / Code:Lecture: / 28 / Tutorial: / 6 / Practical / 14 / Total: / 48 / (hour/week)
B- Professional Information
1 - Overall Aims of Course
1- To provide medical studens with basic amout of knowledge and skills needed for general practitioners for dealing with common endemic and infectious diseases.2- to facilitate active learning about various endemic diseases and proper management of common tropical, infectious and endemic liver diseases.
2 – Intended Learning Outcomes of Course (ILOs)
a- Knowledge and Understanding
a1- / Describe the nornal structure and function of the gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary system.a2- / Enlist etiology and pathogenesis, describe clinical features and select various diagnostic modalities of common tropical and endenic disorders.
a3- / Recognize different principles of management of various Tropical, infectious and hepatobiliary disorders.
b- Intellectual Skills
b1- / Analyze symptoms and signs and construct a differential diagnosis for common presenting complains.b2- / Select appropriate diagnostic tests to the patient as regard cost effectiveness
b3- / Design appropriate management strategies for patients with common tropical, infectious and hepatobiliary disorders.
c-Professional and Practical Skills
c1- / Take a through history taking of appropriate depth and details, relevant to the clinical context.c2- / Perform physical examination and special characteristic clinical tests relevant to the suspected tropical, infectious and hepatic disorders.
c3- / Formulate a therapeutic plan for managenemt of various tropical and hepatobiliary disorders
d-General and Transferable Skills
d1- / Establish effective communication with the patient and the tutor and practice how to break bad news in a roleplay or in aclinical case.d2- / Explain to the patients and their relatives the nature of the illness, the diagnostic and therapeutic options and recommended lifestyle modification.
d3- / Honor and respect patients, their relatives, seniors and other colleagues involved in his teaching and subsequently in his future practice.
3 – Contents
Topic / No. of hours / Lecture / Tutorial/Practical1- Introduction to Infection
2- Sepsis
3- Fever / 5 / 3 / 2
4- Fever of unknown origin {FUO}
5- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
6- Nosocomial Infections / 3 / 3
7- Aquried Immune defeiency syndrome (AIDS) HIV infection
8-Infection in immunocompromised Patients / 4 / 2 / 2
9- Emerging and re-emerging infections
10- Avian and swine flue
11- Prion disease / 3 / 3
12- Parasitic diseases
13- Parasitic liver diseases
14- Tropical liver diseases
15- Schistosomiasis / 6 / 4 / 2
16-Viral hepatitis / 4 / 2 / 2
17- Tetatus
18- Botulism
19- Anthrax / 2 / 2
20- E Coli infection
21- Salmonillosis
22- Shegellosis
24- H pylori infcction / 4 / 3 / 1
25- Chronic diarrhoea
26- Brucellosis
27- Plague / 2 / 2
28- Onchogenic Infections
29- Eosinophilia
30- Splenomegaly / 3 / 2 / 1
31- Liver cirrhosis and Portal hypertension / 3 / 1 / 2
32- Clinical approach to a case of jaundice / 3 / 1 / 2
33- Tropical sheet / 2 / 2
34- General examination / 2 / 2
35- Local abdominal examination / 2 / 2
4 – Teaching and Learning Methods
4.1- / Lectures with power point presentation4.2- / Clinical rounds
4.3- / Field visits to tropical medicine unit
5 – Student Assessment Methods
5.1 - / OSCE / to assess / A1-3,B1-3, C1-3,D1-35.2 - / to assess
5.3 - / to assess
5.4 - / to assess
5.5 - / to assess
Assessment Schedule
Assessment 1 / At the end of clinical rounds / weekAssessment 2 / Final examination / week
Assessment 3 / week
Assessment 4 / week
Assessment 5 / week
Weighting of Assessments
Mid-Term ExaminationFinal-Term Examination
Oral Examination / OSCE
Practical Examination / 9 marks
Semester work
Other types of assessment
Total / 100%
Any formative only assessments
As a part of the score of Internal Medicine6 – List of References
6.1- Course Notes6.2- Essential Books (Text Books) / Manson's Tropical diseases
Hunter Tropical Medicine and Emerging Infectious Diseases
Diseases of the liver and billiary system by Sheila Sherlock and James Dooley
6.3- Recommended Books / Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine
Handbook of Liver Diseases
6.4- Periodicals, Web Sites, …etc / Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygene
Journal of Hepatology
A collection of lecture handouts have been prepared by faculty members
7 – Facilities Required for Teaching and Learning
1- lecture hall in MRI bilding in Jehaan outpatient clinic. It is air conditioned2- Teatching aid as computer, data show projector, laser pointer are provided from Tropical unit
3- Clinical Facilites in tropical unit during field visits including the inpatent rooms, the endoscopy unit and the Ultrasond guided intervnsion unit
Course Coordinator : / Assistant Prof. Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz
Head of Department : / Prof. Mahmoud El-Bendary
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