IF ANIMALS COULD DRAW… what would they draw? Choose an animal and make a drawing by that animal. / Due Sept. 2LIVING THINGS – plants, animals, humans, alone or in combination. Draw from life or a resource photo. / Due Sept. 16
ONE MILE OF SPAGHETTI- try to imagine what one mile of spaghetti might look like—think creatively! / Due Sept. 30
I DREAMED I SAW… Complete the sentence with a visual interpretation of a dream or surreal image. / Due Oct. 14
TATTOO DRAWING – design a tattoo for one of your teachers! Your design should reflect the personality or subject of the teacher. / Due Oct. 28
YOUR MOST CHERISHED OBJECT – draw by looking at the real thing using the techniques we’ve learned in class. / Due Nov. 11
FREE CHOICE – get inspired by something that really motivates you or by something you’ve seen other artists try / Due Dec. 2
HERITAGE- Self-portrait that includes your heritage, nationality, or family history / Due Jan. 6
MODES OF TRANSPORTATION- ways to get from here to there / Due Jan. 20
OPPOSITES- A drawing that shows opposing ideas or points of view / Due Feb. 3
NON-CLICHÉ LOVE- Draw a picture about love without resorting to cliché roses, hearts, or tears. / Due Feb. 17
INSIDE LOOKING OUT An unusual view looking out from something inanimate / Due Mar. 3
THINGS I LEARNED IN SCHOOL- Drawing inspired by something you learned in another class / Due Mar. 24
THINGS IN THREES- Draw 3 different views of an object from three different angles / Due Apr. 7
SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW- Demonstrate something you’ve learned really well in a free choice drawing / Due Apr. 21
Requirements / Scoring
Idea: original, developed beyond cliché, shows evidence of planning; may be related to the artist in a personal way / 4 3 2 1
Technique: demonstrates an understanding of the properties of chosen medium ; may show evidence of observation / 4 3 2 1
Elements and Principles: can manipulate and demonstrate sound design principles in order to create unity / 4 3 2 1
Composition: Uses the full page, shows evidence of planning and thoughtful arrangement / 4 3 2 1
Craftsmanship/Effort: Artist has followed through on all aspects of the drawing; shows deliberation / 4 3 2 1