Poster session “D” (Wednesday, September 26, 2012)
Session 6. "Synchrotron radiation sources and free electron lasers"
№ / Last_Name / Affilliation / Title1. / Hanbin Wang / CAEP/IAE, Mianyang, Sichuan, China / The CAEP Superconducting Linac Based THz-FEL / WEPPD001
2. / E. Syresin / JINR, Dubna / Simulations and Design of THz Wiggler for 15-40 MeV FEL / WEPPD002
3. / Diagnostic Technique with Femtosecond Resolution Appliedfor FEL Electron Bunches / WEPPD003
4. / Y. Getmanov / BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk / Longitudinal Stability of Energy Recovery Linac with Two Accelerating Radio-Frequency Structures / WEPPD004
5. / S. Tomin / NRC, Moscow / Properties of Radiation from the European XFEL Undulator Prototype / WEPPD005
6. / N. Smolyakov / NRC, Moscow / Analytical and Numerical Analysis of Electron Trajectories in a 3-D Undulator Magnetic Field / WEPPD006
7. / A. Valentinov / NRC, Moscow / Vertical Size Of An Electron Beam At Siberia-2 / WEPPD007
8. / Energy Ramping at Siberia-2 / WEPPD008
9. / A. Stirin / NRC, Moscow / Measurement of Speed of Light Emitted by Ultrarelativistic Source / WEPPD009
10. / V. Moiseev / NRC, Moscow / Study of Two Cavities Accelerating Module at SR Source Siberia-2 / WEPPD010
11. / M. Fedotov / BINP SB RAS; NSU, Novosibirsk / The Possibilities of a Shadow Mask Application for the Systems of SR Beam Stabilization / WEPPD011
12. / V. Paramonov / RAS/INR, Moscow / Standing Wave RF Deflector with Reduced Aberrations / WEPPD012
13. / V. Kurakin / LPI, Moscow / Inverse Compton Sources on the Basis of Electron Accelerators with Beam Energy Recovery / WEPPD013
14. / A. Kotanjyan / YSU, Yerevan, Armenia / Undulator Radiation inside a Dielectric Waveguide / WEPPD014
15. / S. Seletskiy / BNL, USA / Upgrade of Beam Injection Diagnostics at BNL NSLS / WEPPD015
16. / Studies of CSR Effects in the Bunch Compressor at NSLS Source Development Laboratory / WEPPD016
17. / H. Ghasem / IPM, Tehran, Iran / Closed Orbit Correction in the ILSF Storage Ring / WEPPD017
18. / Design of Transfer Lines for the ILSF Accelerator Complex / WEPPD018
19. / Javad Rahighi / IPM, Tehran, Iran / ILSF, a 3rd Generation Light Source Laboratory in Iran / WEPPD019
20. / A.V. Smirnov / RadiaBeam, Santa Monica / Helical 1Tx1cm Pulsed Insertion Devices for Production of Intense Polarized X- & Gamma-rays / WEPPD020
Session 8. "Magnetic and vacuum systems, power supplies"
№ / Last_Name / Affilliation / Title21. / A.V. Smirnov / RadiaBeam, Santa Monica / HTS Wiggler Concept for the Damping Ring / WEPPD021
22. / I. Bogdanov / IHEP, Protvino / Test Results of SIS 300 Fast-Cycling Superconducting Quadrupole Prototype / WEPPD022
23. / N. Azaryan / JINR, Dubna / Dubna-Minsk Activity on the Development of 1.3 GHz Superconducting Single-Cell RF-cavity. First Steps / WEPPD023
24. / A. Sidorin / JINR, Dubna / The Quench Detection System for Superconducting Elements of Nuclotron Acceleration Complex / WEPPD024
25. / V. Shkaruba / BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk / 7.5 T Superconducting 15-Pole Wiggler for LSU-CAMD Storage Ring / WEPPD025
26. / V. Tsukanov / BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk / Tests of the Superconducting Wiggler Prototype Indirectly Cooled by a Cryocooler / WEPPD026
Session 10. "Control and diagnostic systems"
№ / Last_Name / Affilliation / Title27. / O. Belikov / BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk / Stepping motor drive systems for accelerator technology / WEPPD027
28. / E. Bekhtenev / BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk / Beam Position Monitor System for 2 MeV Electron Cooler for COSY / WEPPD028
29. / Fast Tune Measurement System / WEPPD029
30. / A. Styuf / BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk / New Beam Position Monitor Electronics For VEPP-5 Preinjector / WEPPD030
31. / A. Batrakov / BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk / PMC Modules for Control Systems of Pulse Installations / WEPPD031
32. / A. Pavlenko / BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk / Multimode Digital Integrators For Precision Magnetic Measurements / WEPPD032
33. / V. Repkov / BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk / The System for Control of an Electron Beam Welding Machines / WEPPD033
34. / R. Kadyrov / BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk / Design the System of Vacuum Control and Beam Diagnostic of Booster Synchrotron for the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS – II) / WEPPD034
35. / Y. Maltseva / BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk / Distributed Beam Loss Monitor Based on Cherenkov Radiation in Optical Fiber / WEPPD035
36. / A. Bashkirtsev / BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk / The Data Receiving Program for the Beam Detector on the Tandem-BNCT Facility / WEPPD036
37. / V. Aleynik / BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk / The Control System for the Tandem-BNCT Accelerator Facility / WEPPD037
38. / A. Makarov / BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk / Optimization of the Negative Hydrogen Ion Beam Injection into the Tandem Accelerator with Vacuum Insulation / WEPPD038
39. / M. Nozdrin / JINR, Dubna / Development of the new Control Systems for JINR e- linac Accelerator Test-Bench / WEPPD039
40. / V. Zamriy / JINR, Dubna / Precision Thermostatic Control for LUE-200 Accelerator Section / WEPPD040
41. / G. Karamysheva / JINR, Dubna / Computer Modeling of the Acceleration of Low Charge Krypton Ions in Cyclotron CYTRACK / WEPPD041
42. / R. Pivin / JINR, Dubna / Vacuum Automatic Control System (ACS) for NICA Project / WEPPD042
43. / P. Alekseev / ITEP, Moscow / Concept of the Software for ITEP-TWAC Control System / WEPPD043
44. / A. Orlov / ITEP, Moscow / Developing of the Synchronization System for Accelerating-Storage Facility ITEP-TWAC / WEPPD044
45 / Optimization of the Detector Geometry and Data Processing Algorithms for FAIR CR BPMs / WEPPD045
46. / O. Lebedev / IHEP, Protvino / Digital Delay-Line Periodic FIR Filter Layout of Transverse Feedback in the U70 / WEPPD046
47. / A. Smirnov / MEPhI, Moscow / The Optimization of RF Deflector Input Power Coupler / WEPPD047
48. / A. Ermakov / MSU, Moscow / Control Systems for Industrial Electron RF Accelerators / WEPPD048
49. / N. Kulabukhova / SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg / Software for Virtual Accelerator Environment / WEPPD049
50. / E. Belonogaya / SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg / Approximate Method for Calculation of Field of Charged Particle Moving through Dielectric Object / WEPPD050
51. / A. Chernov / PNPI, Gatchina / Stripper Extraction from the H-minus Ions Cyclotron C-80 / WEPPD051
52. / E. Kaportsev / RRC KI, Moscow / Modernization of the Automated Control System in the Kurchatov Synchrotron Radiation Source / WEPPD052
53. / Y. Fomin / NRC, Moscow / New Electron Beam Reference Orbit Measurement System at Dedicated Synchrotron Radiation Light Source SIBERIA-2 / WEPPD053
54. / Vladimir Vasilievich Grechko / INR RAS, Moscow / Some Aspects of the Cavity Resonant Frequency Control System Heater Operating Point Choice / WEPPD054
55. / P. Reinhardt-Nickoulin / RAS/INR, Moscow / Emittance Measurements at the Exit of INR Linac / WEPPD055
56. / Development of INR Linac BCT System / WEPPD056
57. / D. Malyutin / DESY Zeuthen, Germany / Commissioning and First Results of the Transverse Deflecting Structure at PITZ / WEPPD057
58. / H. Delsim-Hashemi / DESY, Hamburg / Diagnostics of Ultra-short Low-charge Electron Bunches at REGAE / WEPPD058
59. / F. Poulet
/ CEA Moronvilliers, France / AIRIX Measurement Chain Optimization for Electron Beam Dynamic and Dimensional Characteristics Analysis / WEPPD059
60. / V. Sharma / BARC-EBC, Mumbai / Distributed Control System for Electron BeamDC Accelerator / WEPPD060
61. / E. Ebrahimibasabi / SBU, Tehran, Iran / A New Design of Faraday Cup for the ES-200 Electrostatic Accelerator / WEPPD061