PACT Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Central Elementary Cafeteria 6:30PM
Call to order 6:34 PM
Attendance: Marie Lemery, Tanya Pelosi, Pat Gablinski, Liz Goolgasian, Alesandra Pena, Lindsay Marchand, Amy Vincenzi, Christine Avelar, Katelyn Disano, Christy Joslin-White, Allison Richardson, Jillian Ruggerio, Kate Tompkins, Andrew Vivieros, Michelle Robert, Paula Howard, Steven Brunelle, Pat Gablinske and MaryAnn Roll.
Excused: Jessie Kanter
A motion was made by Liz Goolgasian to approve the October 2016 PACT meeting minutes; second by Christy Joslin-White. All in favor
Presidents Report:
- If anyone is interested in Board position for the 2017-18 School Year please let any Board member know. Specifically, the President and Vice President positions will be vacant next year and this would allow time for any interested parties to shadow the existing officer.
Principal’s Report:
- Monday, November 7th Lincoln Central Students will be taking part in a “Mock Election”. Each student in every grade will be able to vote. Polls will be set up complete with ballots and poll workers! The Valley Breeze will be onsite to take photos.
- On Wednesday, November 9th there will be a public forum at Lincoln Middle School from 5:30-7:30 PM regarding ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act). The RI Department of Education is seeking parent input as they frame the implementation plan for RI.
Open Comments/Discussion/Guest Speaker
- Mary Ann Roll from the Lincoln School Committee presented on the importance of ESSA. She also presented on the school lunch and snack program guidelines and standards in Schools. Food cannot be used as a reward in schools, specifically non-healthy snacks. The RIGL only allows for food to be used if detailed within a student’s IEP (Individual Educational Plan). The Wellness Committee is a very active group with many new members and welcomes any input from our school community.
- Andrew Viverios from Aramark, who runs the Lincoln School Lunch Program presented on the School Lunch Programs; such as Farm to Table, Fruit and Vegetable bar and Table Hosting.
- Mrs. Pena from 2nd grade presented on the upcoming events planned for this school year.
A motion was made by Amy Vincenzi to award the second-grade teachers the full enrichment grant of $750.00; seconded by Paula Howard. Motion passed with all in favor.
Treasurer’s Report:
- A copy of the current reportwas distributed for review and discussion.
- Please continue to submit box tops and shop through Amazon Smile. Tax free donations are welcome at any time, if you need a form please contact Marie Lemery and you can get a tax deduction before the end of 2016.
- Please contact Jessie Kanter at if you would like to purchase any Lincoln Central Merchandise. Be out the lookout for winter hats available soon, flyers will be sent home soon.
Fundraising Report
- KidStuff coupon book sales are currently underway and all payments or unsold books are due Friday, November 4th.
- Upcoming: Texas Roadhouse Gift Card Fundraiser will occur in December, Central will get 10% of each gift card sold. These gift cards can then be used when Central has a Restaurant Night at Texas Roadhouse as well. “Andy” the Armadillo Mascot from Texas Roadhouse will also be present at Central on 11/3/16 for Student of the Month Assembly/Presentation.
Old Business
- The Fall Festival was a great success and well attended with a lot of positive feedback. The only negative feedback was the date due to soccer and baseball. It is a difficult time of year to schedule an event due to permits and availability.
- The new directory has been distributed. If more than one student attends Central the directory was sent home with the student in the higher grade. If you need additional copies please contact Amy Vincenzi at . Not all student contact information is included in the directory, some parents opt to not have their information included.
New Business
- Science Night for Grades 3-5 is November 3rd. PTO Today will also be filming during this event to use for promotional material. PACT received a $600.00 donation for this opportunity!
- The Holiday Bazaar is scheduled for Thursday, December 8th. It is a schoolwide, daylong event. Each classroom will have a specific shopping time. Labels and lists will be sent home with each student so parents can help them make a shopping list. The Volunteer email was sent out, if you can help for a portion or the full day please contact Joy Bolduc at r Christine Avelar at .
- The Central Family Dance will be Saturday, March 18th at the Kirkbrae County Club. A committee is being formed and volunteers are needed, please contact Marie Lemeryat f you are interested. Large auction items are needed for this event.
- PBruins Night will be Friday, January 20th, order forms will be going home soon for anyone interested in purchasing tickets for a holiday gift. A hat, drink and popcorn are included in the ticket price.
- The Lincoln High School Nurse is hosting an Adolescent Sex Information discussion for Parents on December 6th at the High School.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:42PM.