Working Group: popHealth Steering Work Group Minutes
Date: February 9, 2016 Time: 2:00 PM
WebEx Code:
Access code: 667 391 957
Present / Name / Present / NameX / Jackie Mulhall – eHealthConnecticut / Linda Cramer – WY Medicaid
X / Peter Li - OSEHRA / Gary Parker – Alabama Medicaid
Jeremy Klein – eHealth Connecticut / Cat Lasome - OSEHRA
Hickmon Friday – TX Medicaid / Mathur Gandham – George Mason U.
X / Jim Griffith – HP/MAPIR Collaborative / Kevin Atkins – SD Healthpoint
Russell Reas – QCentrix / X / Jason Phipps – TX Medicaid
Mark Monstrastelli - ONC / George Lily – DSS
Andy Gregorowicz - MITRE / Sudheer Apanna – SD Healthpoint
Susan Jones – Key Medical Software / Janie Alanna Stryjewski – Key Medical Software – use popHealth
Rahul R / Wolf Metzner – Texas Medicaid
Dalana Ostlie – Providence Health Systems
· Follow-up items from last meeting
o Next release should include what items? Roadmap
o Peter sent Jackie a .pdf file with the current survey questions. Jackie to review and send Peter feedback on what the questions should be (sent to Peter today). Jason will also review the questions and send feedback to Peter. Jason will review the updated version with Jackie’s comments incorporated.
o Texas has developed a list of items that are highly likely to be developed by them. Hopefully this year.
§ Gary Parker and AL Medicaid are looking at the list and identified some that they are also working on so he will coordinate with Texas.
o Someone should be looking at the most recent release of Cyprus and what needs to be developed to support that. Northwestern will be involved in this and some of the AL Medicaid team.
o Could Mark M take over DAX while Gary is too busy? Gary will reach out to him.
o Jason is going to do some marketing on the Medicaid CoP calls to try to get more people engaged.
o Everyone should think about if there are speakers that would be of interest to the group.
o We would love to have to Mark M engaged again with our community. Jason to reach out to him.
· Dev workgroup report – Peter Li for Jeremy Klein
o No Dev workgroup meeting last week due to schedules.
o Two fixes merged into master branch since we last met. Contributions made by AL team. Reviewed by Peter and Jeremy.
o Update on things that will be changing with release of Cyprus v3 are being addressed. We are delaying this until the release of Cyprus v3 beta. It was released last week. Peter is looking at this and developing a task list and story on what needs to be updated.
o Ability to do ecqm calculation by demographics
o Could import multiple measure bundles
o Northwestern team is doing a security assessment and we may need to incorporate some enhancements from that. Luke reported that they had done a security check. They found some issues and those have been addressed. Two pull requests to fix those issues.
o Complexities from one of the Ruby gems from the Health Data Standards library. Might need to update it manually if they don’t put it in the Ruby Gems repository. Causing an error. Has to do with import and export of QRDAs and CCDAs. In order to apply fix we need to use the most current version of code from the Health Data Standards Repository. Update
o Alabama install Docker shell update – Jason and Texas are testing the docker install with AL
o Need a volunteer to put together a list of who is working on what now – Jason will volunteer to pull together a list of who is currently doing what. Anyone who knows anything anyone is currently working on for popHealth.
o Suggestion - popHealth v4.2 August release date to coincide with the Cypress v3 release in July. The v4.2 will include:
§ 2015 EH/EP measure updates
§ C4 CQM filter functionality - patient and provider filter
§ Automated system test based on Cypress tools
· OSEHRA Certification – Peter Li
o Found an error. The test they ran 6 months ago no longer works. There must have been some changes since it was run so Peter has asked Jeremy to look at it. Does not impact MU 2014 certification.
o Blog after completing OSEHRA certification
· Data Extraction Group – Jason Phipps
o No discussion on meeting Gary is trying to put together with EHR vendors
o Talked about potential transport mechanisms that Texas had suggested – focusing on Direct since it is the only transport for 2015 that is required
§ Direct batch
§ Direct trigger
§ Direct option 3
· PCOR Project – Mark Monterastelli – no report
· popHealth User Group – Jackie Mulhall – moved to third Tuesday of each month opposite steering workgroup meeting
· OSEHRA Summit – Peter
o Call for abstracts has been extended another week
o Earlier this year – June 27-29
· Roadmap – stories – Jason will put the Texas items in his tool Pivotal Tracker for story boarding to see if that is a format people like. He will do that once they have popHealth installed with Docker. Then they will start adding their desired features into Tracker and invite other people in.
· Jason needs test data to test his install of popHealth. Cyprus has data that is all QRDA Cat 1 files.
· Open Forum