Tool Type / HANDOUT / Last Reviewed / 02/19/16
Geography / All / Source: / MHCA



Feb. 24, 2016, is Pink Shirt Day in Canada, a day dedicated to combatting bullying in workplaces, schools, homes and on the Internet. Under the OHS laws, employers have a duty to protect workers from workplace bullying, harassment and/or violence. So it’s important that you take appropriate measures to do so, including training and educating workers on this topic.


Adapt this handout for your OHS program and policies, andthe requirements and definitions in your jurisdiction’s OHS laws on bullying, harassment and violence. Give it to workers as part of a safety talk to educate them on these hazards.


Manitoba Heavy Construction Association

Workplace Violence Compliance Centre


Workplace bullying and harassment is a safety andhealth issue that can compromise the mental and

physical health and safety of workers.Harassment is defined as objectionable conduct thatcreates a risk to the health of a worker or severeconduct that adversely affects a worker’s psychologicalor physical well-being.

Bullying and harassing behavior can include:

• Verbal or written abuse or threats

• Personal ridicule

• Malicious or uncalled for interference withanother’s work

• Spreading malicious rumours.

Reasonable day-to-day actions by a manager orsupervisor that help manage, guide or direct workers

or the workplace isn’t harassment or bullying. Appropriateemployee performance reviews or discipline by a

supervisor or manger isn’t harassment or bullying.

Risk Assessment/Hazards

Bullying and harassment affect people differently.Reactions may include one or any combination of the


• Impaired concentration or capacity to makedecisions, which could lead to safety hazards (suchas lack of attention when working with dangerousequipment)

• Distress, anxiety, sleep loss or the potential forsubstance abuse

• Physical illness

• Reduced work performance.

Bullying and harassment can also effect the overallworkplace and may include the following:

• Reduced efficiency and productivity due to poorstaff morale

• Increased stress and tensions between workers

• High absenteeism rates

• Higher turnover, resulting in higher recruitmentcosts

• Higher levels of client dissatisfaction.

Control Measures/Safeguards

Employer duties include the following:

• Not engage in bullying and harassment

• Develop a written policy and action plan to preventharassment in the workplace

• Develop and implement procedures for reportingincidents and complaints

• Ensure all workers and supervisors know and followthe harassment prevention policy at all times.

Worker duties include the following:

• Act in a reasonable manner in the workplace

• Report if harassment is observed or experienced

• Complyand applywith theemployer’spolicies andprocedureson bullyingandharassment.

Print and review this talk with your staff, sign off and file for audit purposes.


Performed By:______Location:______

Employee Name:Employee Signature:




































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