Jean Arnold Curriculum Vitae Winter 2011

Jean Arnold

Fall 2011

Department of English 5500 University Parkway

Lecturer San Bernardino, CA 92407

California State University, San Bernardino


Ph.D., English, Claremont Graduate University, 1997

M.A., M.Phil., English, Claremont Graduate University

B.A., Literature, Scripps College, Claremont, CA


Victorian Jewelry, Identity, and the Novel: Prisms of Culture. Ashgate Publishing Company, June 2011.

“Jean Baudrillard.” Twentieth Century European Culture. Dictionary of Literary Biography. Ed. Paul Hansom. Vol. 296, Second Series. Detroit: Gale Research, 2004. 26-39.

“’From So Simple a Beginning’: Evolutionary Origins of US Nature Writing.” ISLE (Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and the Environment). Winter, 2003. 11-26.

“Cameo Appearances: The Discourse of Jewelry in Middlemarch.”

Victorian Literature and Culture, Volume 30, Number 1, Spring 2002. 265-88.

“Wide Open Spaces: Locating Hybrid Identities of the Southwest in the Works of Powell, Lummis, Cather, and Silko.” Genre. Volume 22, 2001, 84-103.

“The Victorian Field of Study.” PMLA. Special Millenium Issue, December, 2000. Volume 115, Number 7.

“Mapping Island Mindscapes: The Literary and Cultural Uses of a Geographical Formation.” Reading under the Sign of Nature: New Essays in Ecocriticism. Ed., John Tallmadge and Henry Harrington. University of Utah Press, 2000. 24-35.

“Letter,” “Forum on Literatures of the Environment.” PMLA 114.5 (October 1999): 1089-90. http://www.asle.org/site/resources/ecocritical-library/intro/forum/arnold/


“Signifying Chains: The Discourse of Jewelry in Victorian Literature”

British nineteenth-century experiences of empire, gender difference, class representation, and commodity exchange are symbolized by gems in period prose writings, history, and novels by Thackeray, Eliot, and Collins.

Director: Marc Redfield; Committee: Margaret Waller, Wendy Martin

Recent Professional Activities

Panel Chair: “Materialisms in Victorian Literature and Culture,” PAMLA, Scripps College, November 2011.

Conference Paper: “The Empirical Empire: A Geography of Victorian Scientific Knowledge,” INCS, Pitzer College, April 2011.

Conference Paper: “Victorian Diamonds and the City in Nineteenth-century Novels,” PCCBS, Pomona College, March 2010.

Conference Paper: “Writing Against Empire: Victorian Fiction Speaking Unspeakable Violence,” PAMLA, Pomona College, November 2008.

Conference Paper: “The Gift of the Diamond: a Colonial Object as Exchange in British Domestic Culture.” NAVSA, University of Victoria, BC, Canada, October 2007.

Panel Chair: “Reading British Literature as Cultural Criticism.” PAMLA, UC Riverside, November 2006.

Conference Paper: “The Child as Father: A Child’s Epistemology as a Source of Adult Ecological Identity.” ALSC, San Francisco, October 2006.

Panel Chair: “The Victorian City in Fiction and Fact.” VISAWUS, University of Washington, October 2004.

Conference Paper: “Gift, Theft, and Exchange in The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins.” VISAWUS, University of Washington, October 2004.

Panel Chair: “Nineteenth-Century British Literature and Culture: Identity Formation.” PAMLA, Scripps College, November 2003.

Conference Paper: “The Empirical Empire: a Geography of Victorian Scientific Knowledge,” VISAWUS, UCLA, October 2001.

Plenary Session Moderator: “Imperial Emulation: Careers, Courses, and Copies,” VISAWUS, UCLA, October 2001

Conference Paper: “’From So Simple a Beginning’: Darwin’s Evolutionary Origins of US Nature Writing.” MLA Convention, Washington, D.C., December 2000.

Conference Paper: “Illuminating the Victorian Diamond: A Historical Artifact in Literary Narrative,” VISAWUS, UCLA, October 2000.

Conference Paper: “’Be Stone No More’: George Eliot’s Ekphrasis, Myth, and Cultural Revision,” IAWIS, Scripps College, March 1999

Conference Paper: “Victorian Discourses of Jewelry,” (PAMLA), San Jose State University, November, 1997

Conference Paper: “Mapping Island Mindscapes: The Literary and Cultural Uses of a Geographical Formation,” (ASLE), University of Montana, Missoula, July, 1997


Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers (ALSCW)

Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment (ASLE)

Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies (INCS)

Modern Language Association (MLA)

North American Victorian Studies Association (NAVSA)

Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA)

Pacific Coast Conference on British Studies (PCCBS)

Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western US (VISAWUS)

Teaching Experience: Some Courses Taught

California State University, San Bernardino:

English 110 (World Literature)

English 211 (Literature II: Milton and the 18th-century)

English 212 (Literature III: Nineteenth-century English Literature)

English 301A (Analysis of Poetry)

English 301B (Analysis and Writing of Poetry)

English 306 (Expository Writing)

English 385 (Literary Theory and Criticism)

English 475 (Shakespeare’s Histories and Comedies)

English 476 (Shakespeare’s Tragedies and Romances)

English Composition: 85A, 85B, 95, 101, 105, 106, 107, 306.

Online Teaching

University of California: English IA, 1C, 4D, 5

Pitzer College: (Visiting Assistant Professor) “Literature of the Southwest: the Four Corners Area”

Scripps College: Writing

Harvey Mudd College: Humanities: “Literature, Nature, and Culture” and “Mapping Island Mindscapes.”

Teaching Interests

English Language Literatures, all genres, periods, and locations

Eighteenth-century British Literature

Environmental Literature and Ecocriticism


Literary Theory and Criticism

Nineteenth-century British Literature: Romantic and Victorian
