Peter Antonov for Senate - AFAC liaison

(a platform for the opening of ’07-’08)

I am the best candidate for this position because I find it easy to communicate and collaborate with members of the diverse demographics that are represented on campus. As an immigrant I can sometimes offer an alternative perspective, and it is easy for me to find a common ground with members of publics which American society traditionally marginalizes.

I will be effective at mediating the interests of the Student Body with the procedures and agendas of the Admissions and Financial Aid Committee (AFAC), because I feel very comfortable speaking with our college's Administration and Faculty; AFAC represents the interests of these groups heavily.

This term I am working on AFAC as a student at large, and I have discovered that their job is very important. The issues we work on affect everybody's day-to-day experience and they also define the institutional character of Carleton. I am familiar with the procedures in place for AFAC meetings, and have a good working relationship with my fellow members. This makes it easier for us to pursue our collective interests as a student body.

This year AFAC adjusted the way in which Admissions uses the demonstrated need of aspiring students in making their decision. The change is fully consistent with the '93 Policy, and was done following a request from the Office of the President, the College Council, and the Board of Trustees. The Financial Aid Budget has recently been in the red; this change will allow us to more consistently remain within the prescribed amounts, and to maintain the school's commitment to meet every admitted student' financial need. I recognize that it was necessary for us to alter the procedure, and I support the resulting re-definition of the '93 Policy. It is clear, however, that since we will now remain within our budget, there may be an impact on class composition (from a socio-economic perspective). I am committed to resolving any distorting effects that may result from this change, and I will work with the other members of the committee to implement what remedies are necessary. We are looking forward to reviewing the loan component of Carleton aid award packages later this term and into next year. I will therefore be seeking feedback on this issue from my fellow students if I am elected.

I am also interested in serving on the CSA Budget Committee, if there will be an opening on it at any time next year. I have silently spectated at all the meetings of CSA Budget Committee this term, and cannot wait to make a difference.

To recap:

1.Good communication skills

2.Familiar with bylaws and procedures

3.Very interested in the needs of fellow students

4.I want to help make Carleton a better place, and I am very enthusiastic about giving back to my community

5.Vote (preferably for me).

I sincerely thank you for your consideration and support.

Elect Adam Karas: CSA Senator
My name is Adam Karas and I am running for CSA Senator. As a member of the Admissions
and Financial Aid Committee (AFAC) as well as the Bookstore Committee, I have acquired
the experience and skills necessary for a CSA senator. As a member of both committees,
I have gained the experience of working with both faculty and students to promote
students interests. I want you to understand that I am truly working for the students
and helping to make the Carleton experience that much better.
Issues I Support
1) Student operated organizations. “Who wouldn’t?” you might ask. More power to
students hardly seems like a unique idea. This is of course true. However, in my
support from many in my support of student operated organizations, in my desire to help
finance, student operated businesses. I wish to promote self-sustaining organizations
that are both profitable as well as beneficial to the student body.
Ideas have included: coffee houses, small restaurants, catering services, etc.
2) Unifying the One-Card System. The discrepancy between the need for Schillers
to do
laundry, and the One-Card to eat needs to be rectified. The One-Card isn’t designed to
limit students’ options, but to make things easier.
3) Maintain the Carleton Bookstore. As you might have read, the Carleton Bookstore
been operating at a loss in recent years. I wish to maintain the bookstores status as an
independently operated business.
As a CSA senator, I will bring the energy and commitment necessary for change. Issues
such as the One-Card, bookstore, and student operated organizations are by no means the
only concerns I have for the student body, they are merely a beginning. As a Senator, I
can promise that the voices of the student body will be heard. I wish to help bring
about these changes and many more.
Vote Adam Karas, CSA Senator
Elizabeth Gray ’08- Committee for Student Life reelection platform 2007

Hi, my name is Elizabeth, and I’m a junior English and American Studies major. I’ve served on the CSA since my sophomore year (with some brief breaks) and I really want to represent our student body for another term. I sing with the Accidentals and run an ACT program, College Buddies. Recently as a Senator, I’ve helped STAND draft a CSA resolution supporting college divestment from Darfur and been appointed to the SHARE committee, which looks at college sexual misconduct policies. Rather than give you a formal platform, I’m going to include some quotes from the CSA minutes over the last two years that should give you a good idea about where I stand. Thanks for your time and consideration!

On Rottblatt: “Malashevic stated that every single time Rotblatt comes up the ultimate decision is to suspend the bylaws and fund the request and that having to do this every year is unnecessary. Gray voiced her support for Malashevic's statement and pointed out that the majority of students support Rotblatt. Gray stated that the CSA should not be in loco parentis, above the rest of the students.”

On Carls for Choice: “Carls for Choice requested $44 to provide transportation to a counter protest outside an abortion clinic. Gray and England spoke up in support of funding the request on the basis that it is not necessarily a politically tied issue. Gray stated that our school spends a large amount of money on experiential learning and that is what the CSA would be doing by approving the bid. Senators voted and approved $44.”

On the Committee for Student Life: “Gray reported that the Committee on Student Life met to discuss locations of the new dorm and encouraged students to attend meetings to offer input. Gray commented that students were attracted to the option of living on campus but being off-board. Gray requested that buildings not be constructed over the lower arb. Gray reported on committee’s decision to keep Mai Fete parties open for all students (not just seniors) and to close parties at 11pm for quiet hours. Gray stated that administration would not allow all classes to attend Mai Fete and to keep the party open to 11pm. Gray pointed out that East Side Social spaces are being dealt with by CSL but more senators should be involved. Smith-Ricco reminded the senators about the discussions about incorporating the coffee house into the cave and improving the venue to better serve the students. Gray asked if it were possible to combine the venues to be a two level complex that serve different needs.” I strongly support establishing a student bar on the East side of campus similar to that at Oberlin:

The Carbon Neutrality Revolving Fund: “Gray asked for clarification on the standing of the $30,000 that former treasurer Fritz discovered in previous accounting errors. Gray asked for the first meeting to discuss how to spend the large sum of money. Gray pointed out that spending a large amount of money at once happens rarely and it allows opportunities that don't usually happen.” I serve on the “30K committee”, and have strongly supported the establishment of this significant student and college commitment to individual sustainability initiatives.

I am officially petitioning to run for one of the two College Council
Liaison seats up for contestation this election term. I have a great
passion for helping others and I believe that in representing my peers
I would be able to carry out this passion to the best of my ability.
I have always wanted to serve in CSA as a student senator. And I
believe this is a great opportunity for me to be a representative
spokesperson for my friends, peers and a chance to serve the college in
general and to participate in the democratic decision making processes
of this institution, for as we all know, democracy is not a spectator
If I were to be elected by my peers to the College Council, I would
gratefully serve with the dignity and professionalism that is necessary
in sitting on a council with our college President, Robert Oden.
I will not disappoint my peers and constituents, as a candid speaker,
I am not shy to share my thoughts and would not shy from the duty to
support the general student viewpoints. Although that is true, I can
also be diplomatic and tactful and am eager to listen to the other side
and can be pragmatic.
I hope that my service on the College Council will accomplish three things:
Keep the College (administration) accountable to student concerns
To improve relations with administration and the student body
To push for meaningful CSA projects that will truly improve the student
life environment
------Here is my experience------
2004 - Member of Youth Advisory Council to MN State Education Committee
in the MN State Senate, Student Advisor to (then) Senator Steve Kelley
2005-Present, Member of CHS
2006 - Present, Co-Chair, CHS
2005-Present, Member, MOC
2006-Peer Leader, TRIO/SSS
As you see, my employment and volunteer experience and membership on
campus and in work study has shown my committment to work with others,
peers and important decision makers as well as leadership in my own
capacity. I hope that I may bring something to the table that my
experience and leadership has blessed me with. And I hope to serve on
the College Council with the support of my peers.

Mikhal Kaplan for College Council / Senate Liaison

·  The Wellness Center

o  The Wellness Center’s hours need to be changed and extended.

§  To a large extent the Wellness Center is open at the same time that students are in classes

·  The hours need to be at the very least shifted so that they open slightly later and close slightly later

·  The Wellness Center needs to have weekend hours

o  Allina, the health clinic in Northfield, only has hours on Saturday from 9-4, which means on Sundays the only place to seek medical care is the ER

The Wellness Center Needs To Offer Subsidized Birth Control, Morning After Pill, Condoms, and STI Testing

§  Many students on this campus are engaging in some kind of sexual activity

§  In order to make Carleton a better place we, as a community, need to help prevent unwanted pregnancy and the spread of STI’s

§  Of the three clinics that the Wellness Center recommends that students use in order to receive less expensive contraception and STI testing two close before the bus leaves from Carleton to go to the Minneapolis on Friday and the third is first come first serve and closes by 4 on Fridays.

·  Carleton’s Sexual Assault Policy Needs to be Consistent

o  At the moment there are no specific punishments outlined for specific sexual offenses

§  people are not aware of what could happen to them if they brake policy

§  victims are not guaranteed an outcome if they come forward and the person they accuse is found guilty

o  The gap between policy makers and policy implementers needs to be bridged

Carleton College prides itself on being a community, a place in which decisions are made and money is spent in order to better the group and not just the individual. The importance of the community to Carleton is why we have CSA and College Council, why we have a student activities fee. On admissions tours students sell Carleton to perspective Calrs by discussing the unique and great Carleton community. That is the reason why students choose Carleton over other schools of the same academic caliber. Despite that Carleton’s community is already unique and great, there are some things that need to be changed in order to make Carleton a better place on a whole: money needs to be redirected and policy needs to be reconsidered.

Evan Rowe for Senate/College Council Liaison

Now is the time for a strong student voice.

What I Believe:

Carleton is at a crossroads. Despite high rankings and booming enrollments, we see a worrying series of trends: negative campus culture changes, worsening town-gown relations, and a serious lack of communication between administrators and students. College Council is the perfect venue to begin to correct many of the problems we see facing Carleton, and with your support, I will do my part to get our school back on the right track.

What I Have Done:

§  Actively served on Senate since Fall 2005

§  Headed the committee which allocated the $30,000 surplus fund to beneficial, long-term investment projects like the Carbon-Neutral Renewable Fund