Meeting Minutes
March 5, 2014, 7pm
Board Members Present: Brian Feltman, President; Mary Mooney Argy, Vice President; Eric Nakasu, Treasurer; Jane Foster, Fundraising Chair; Joan Pritchard, Secretary
Coaches Present: Carter Keyser
Players and Parents Present: Several parents and 1 player were present
Agenda Items:
Poker Tournament, March 29,at The Center at Founders Village. The Flyer was handed out to players by the coaches; it will be emailed to parents and put onto the teams’ websites. $50 per poker player goes directly to the FVHS Booster Club! We have 5 player signed up, our goal is at least 10.
- To participate in the Poker Tournament, we need to supply a gift basket worth $200. Thanks to Coach Marquez for getting the following donated for the basket:
- 2 Foursomes at Baker Golfcourse
- Roger Dunn Gift Certificate
- PGA Super Sale
- Brenda Nakasu will donate the basket and wrapping for the FVHS Golf Team Booster Gift Basket!
Carwash and Bake sale Fundraiser, April 5,9am to 1pm in the FVHS parking lot. We need to get insurance to be recognized as a official booster club by FVHS. Brian Feltman is working on getting that insurance.
- Once the carwash is completely approved, all team members will need to sell at least 5 tickets to the car wash. All tickets will need to be accounted for.
- We will also need parents to sign up for one hour slots to help supervise and drive cars.
- Players will need to be at the carwash the entire time to wash cars and sell baked goods.
- We need all players to contribute 1 baked item for the bake sale.
- We also need towels, hoses and nozzles for the car wash.
Donation Letters – A simple fundraiser involving players sending letters to family and friends asking for monetary donations. All players will need to send out 5 to 10 letters. Once the letter is finalized, it will be emailed to parents and put onto the websites.
Boys Team Pictures – This week’s Boys’ Team photos went very well and will be up on the website soon!
Money In – All but 1 of the Boys Team has made the suggested donation. 11 of the Girl’s Team have made the suggested donation for off season.
Money Out –Payments were made to the business service company that got our Tax ID number, etc.
- A motion was made by Brian Feltman and seconded by Brenda Nakasu to approve the following payments:
- Reimbursement to Coach Keyser of $1260 for 18 dozen Pro V1 Balls
- Reimbursement to Coach Keyser of $400 for ball tokens.
- Coach Keyser anticipates needing more tokens in about a month.
- Coach Keyser also will need payment to Meadowlark and Baker Golf Courses for matches.
Other Business
Corporate Sponsors – Parents are encouraged to find corporate sponsors if they can. We will need to get clarification from CIF to determine where any sponsorships can be placed. Sponsorship of part or the entire banquet is another option.
Goal for Booster Club – Brian Feltman wanted to know what the parents want addressed.
- Brian reminded all that Booster Club Board Members are volunteers and receive no compensation, their player receive no special treatment.
- All donations cover the cost of the team playing, uniforms, coach’s time, etc.
- Transportation Fees are separate through the school.
Coach Keyser Update
Boys Team won their first match earlier today, March 5! 1:0 for the season!
Eight Grade Parent Nights – March 10 and March 24. Coach passed around the handouts he will have for prospective players. Current players may help recruit prospective players.
Tentative Golf Camp – Coach is planning to have separate camps for the boys and girls.
- Camp will be limited to 24 players to allow for good rotation between 3 slots.
- 3 days at Mile Square, 12 to 2p on Thursdays, last 6 Thursdays, boys first then girls. The girls will go right into season after camp.
Extra Uniforms – Coach Keyser had a few players opt out, so he has a few extra items:
- 2 Medium Shirts each blue and white, with Baron logo, retail for $65. First come first get, $40!
- 2 Large Shirtseach blue and white, with Baron logo, retail for $65. First come first get, $40!
- 2 Blue Jackets, check with Coach for sizes, with Baron logo, retail for $70. First come first get, $50!
- 5 White hats with Baron logo, first come first get, $25!
Golf Bags – Players may purchase their own golf bags with logo for approximately $110 + shipping.
Banquet – A committee will be formed soon for the Boys’ Team banquet.
Match Days – Coach Keyser asked that players, including girls during the off season, wear their match shirts and jackets on Match days.