SCHOOL STAFFING PLANS 2007/8 – 20011/12

1School staffing plans are an important element of the University’s planning process. Through the generation of the plan, the School should be able to ensure it has plans in place to effectively respond to the staff issues raised, in particular specific matters related to the 2007 Staff Survey. The plan also seeks to clarify the learning and development activities planned by the School. As well as helping the School focus on this important issue, the plans help ensure that they can be aggregated and understood at institutional level, reflected in the HR Learning and Development Strategy. This process should also help good practice in individual Schools be disseminated across Schools and Services.

2The planning document is brief. It is expected that Schools cover any major manpower issues should be raised in the commentary of the finance plan. Schools, if they wish, can record this information in the staffing plan also.

3Colleagues from Personnel & Staff Development will be available to assist in the development of these plans.

4The plans are for discussion by School Planning Groups, and are to be approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for a particular School. The plans will be reviewed, for report to the Director of Personnel and Staff Development, and good practice will be disseminated. The plans will be available to all Schools via the Planning Services’ website, under appropriate password controlled access. Generic outcomes of the plans across the institution (and specific issues, as appropriate) will be assessed by Personnel and Staff Development as an important input to its review of the Learning and Development Strategy.

5Timetables will vary School by School, and to be agreed within SPGs, but overall a draft version should submitted to the April SPG meeting, and a final version signed off by the relevant Deputy Vice-Chancellor in May.

6It is important that the School indicates any resource implications of their plans in each section either for the School or central services.

Stephen Cooper

Director of Personnel and Staff Development

Revised January 2008



In each section of the template, you will find a number of points to comment on. Use them as an aide-mémoire (they can be deleted from the completed plan), but feel free to go beyond them as appropriate.

Please summarise the main issues and actions planned in response to the latest Staff Survey (2007).
Please include any resource implications of these plans. Please also indicate what further support should be provided from the Professional Services to support these plans. Are there particular risks that you anticipate and, if so, how do you intend to address them?
This section of the plan should draw together staff learning and development priorities and activities identified in theFinance, Education, Research and External Relations Plans.
In addition you should also report on progress and/or achievements of planned staff development activities in the previous Staff Plan.
Listed below are the learning activities that are already accounted for and are not specific to your School’s Plan.
Therefore, these do not need to be reported on including:
  • Health& Safety
  • Equal Opportunities & Diversity training for new staff
  • Induction - each School should have trained Induction Facilitators responsible for ensuring that the core University induction is undertaken
  • PDR Reviewer (for appropriate staff)
  • Recruitment and Selection (for appropriate staff)
  • All lecturers are on the five year probation and have to attend PCAP unless they have evidence of attending a similar programme elsewhere. They are automatically assigned to a mentor who is a more senior colleague. In their first term, they meet with their Head of School to agree their targets relating to the appropriate stream.
  • A range of in-house training and development available through the Staff Learning and Development (SLD)
  • Training related to Research that is usually organised by Directors of Research and through RDOs
  • Attendance by support staff on the annual staff conference (Working Together).
Discussions will be held outside of the Staffing Plan with Staff Learning and Development about ensuring the above training activities are taking place, to discuss individual training needs arising from PDRs etc, and assistance provided in sourcing training solutions.
Staff Learning and Development PartA
Please give an update on progress and achievements from the Learning and Development section of last year’s Plan
Development needs identified in last year’s Plan / Update on progress
As part of the dissemination of good practice, you are encouraged to highlight any of your training & development activities you consider other Schools could benefit from.
Staff Learning and Development Part B
Plans and priorities to develop academic and support staff
Please summarise the School’s priorities and plans to develop its academic and support staff over the planning period in line with the rest of the School’s Plans, Staff Opinion Survey and key metrics.
You are asked to state the planned expenditure on training and development over the planning period. Please include any other resource implications of these plans.
What further support would be needed from Professional Services – e.g. Staff Learning and Development, Education Enhancement Unit, Research Development Office etc.
In order to aid the planning of Professional Services activities, please indicate the level of priority to the School, i.e. A = ‘must do’, B = ‘would like to do’
Issue / Anticipated impact of intervention
What do the success factors look like? / Planned funding / resource implications / Priority A/B / Assistance required from Professional Services
Research Plan – Early Career Researcher training as a result of recruiting a large number of new lecturers. We would like to supplement support provided by Mentors with a formal programme… / Understanding of FEC, managing RAs / Central funds? / A / Staff Learning and Development – help with design of programme

Draft and completed plans should be returned at each stage to the Team Leader of the School Planning Groups, who will ensure that it is circulated to the Group and/or to the DVC for signing-off.