Summary of Head Start Oral Health Follow up Activities

(From ASTDD 06 -07funding)

Two rounds of Follow Up Funding were provided by ASTDD in fall 2004 and fall 2005 (previously reported) and two rounds were funded in fall 2006 and fall 2007. 26 states received funding in 04-05 as noted in the first summary and an additional 13 states received funding in 2006-07. 10out of 13 reports have been returned and are summarized below. 3 reports will be forthcoming upon completion of the follow up activities.

The activities in the Follow Up Reports related directly to goals and objectives found in the State Head Start Oral Health action plans developed at the Head Start Oral Health Forums held throughout the country from 2000-2006. Oral health education, disease prevention and access to care were addressed in the Forums and specific activities were planned to meet the challenges and support successful strategies to improve the oral health of Head Start children and families.

The list below is an example of the2006-07 activities reported as being accomplished through the provision of ASTDD follow up funds

  • Development of a web based oral health module for state wide distribution
  • Follow up meetings of the stakeholders who attended the initial Head Start Forums to assess progress on action plans and make revisions as needed
  • Development/dissemination of a CD ROMand a Tool Kit on oral health (WV)
  • Fluoride varnish training programs including assessment
  • Plan and implement a model Fluoride varnish Project
  • Site visits to Head Start programs to document oral health activities, evaluate action plans, and provide TA
  • Development of a study on children’s visits to the dental office to receive preventive care
  • Continuing education for dental and medical professionals
  • Development of a survey to gather information on HS/EHS mothers’

perinatal needs

  • Oral health education and training for Head Start teachers,staff and parents
  • Improved PIR data for preventive services and dental examinations

The ASTDD Follow up Report requested a budget explanation on the use of funds. This request reported the following funded activities supported by ASTDD. The activities were also supported with additional funds from various organizations and additional grant money.

Activity / ASTDD Funds
$2,500.00 per state
(10 states included in this table) / Additional Funds
( approximates in matching or additional funds ) / Contributing Organizations/ partners
1. Development of a web based oral health module / 1 state ( MI) / HSSCO funds / HSSCO $
MHSA in -kind
2. Oral Health Training and education(CD ROM/Tool Kit) / 3 state (WV, DC, NC) / $225,000 additional funds (grant)
Mini HS Grants $2,500- $5,000 to programs
Some funds from SOHCS Grant / Washington Benedum Foundation Grant
HSA Mini grants to Programs
3. Fluoride Varnish Training Provide curriculum training including materials for staff / 2 states( NM, ND) / $5000.00 to continue Fluoride varnish project next year
Salary for dentist
and case manager, clinic supplies,
manuals /printing
Some funds provided by HRSA grant and Early Care and Education Administration / HSSCO,
Children’s Medical Services,DOH, Office of Oral Health
Presbyterian Medical Services (in-kind)
Dept. of Health
4. Data Collection
Surveys, marketing and research / 3 States (SC,NE, UT) / $250.00
In-kind included:
$4000 HSCO
$6025 Dental Dir.
$3000 Program Specialist
$2000 secretary / HSSCO, HSA, Dept. of HHS,
U of NE Medical Center, Dental College, Early Childhood Training Center (in-kind)
5. Training dental office personnel to take children at age 1, CE course for dental professionals / 1 State ( VT) / No dollar amount provided / VT Dept. of Health
VT Dental Assoc. VT Dental Hygiene Assoc.

There are 10 state reports included in this collection of information. Some of the states conducted activities in more than one area in the table above. Also some in kind services such as professional time, use of equipment, space and supplies were not given a dollar amount. The dollar amount contributed is tabulated as an example of the ability for seed money to generate additional funding.

10 states (in this report) funded by ASTDD at $2,500 each= $22,500.00

Funds reported ascontributionsfrom other organizations =$ 235,250.00

ASTDD Head Start funds provided to the 10 states in 2006-07 were used to secure matching funds and financial contributions well beyond what was provided by ASTDD. This is a demonstration of the commitment of organizations to partner with ASTDD in their goal of improving the oral health of Head Start children and families throughout the country.It also emphasizes the importance of seed money to initiate projects that will be sustained with additional funding.

The question/responses on the need for additional resourcesreported the following:

  • Funds are needed to secure and provide materials for additional training on fluoride varnish, statewide expansion
  • Funds for continuing education courses for dental and medical professionals are needed. (Approx. $1000 per course) 10 Medical offices could be provided in-services for approx. $2000.
  • Grants that provide resources to continue the support of Head Start-Oral health partnerships

Submitted by Kathy Geurink RDH, MA

ASTDD Head Start Liaison

Feb. 2008