SPSRW-XX, Pump Around Operation
Version Date: 02/03/2017 Revision Date: MM/DD/YYY by XXX
Work under this section, includes all work necessary for the installation and maintenance of the pump around operation. Work shall be performed in the dry by pumping stream base flow around project work areas for sediment and erosion control purposes as may be necessary or directed by the Engineer and to conform to the plans, specifications, details, permits, local laws, state laws and federal laws and the Charlotte Land Development Standards where applicable.
The pump around shall provide a passageway for the normal stream flow through the work site. This pump around operation is for storm drainage work only and should not be considered for sanitary sewer bypass pumping.
The measures and works shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
Pump Around Operation – A pump shall be used to convey the stream base flow around the work area during channel excavation, installation of structures, and stabilization. The pump well shall be cased and filter provided to prevent pumping of sediment fines. The intake for the drain mechanism upstream of the impervious dike should be located near the top of the water column unless otherwise specified by the City. Impervious dikes shall be installed at the upstream and downstream locations of the pump around operations. The size of pumps used shall be determined by the onsite contractor with approval from the Engineer. The pump includes temporary flexible hose in sufficient length to pump the water from the upstream side of the active working area to the downstream end. Pumps shall be silent or quiet rated (70 decibels at 25 feet). Water removed from the pond or excavated project site shall pass through a special stilling basin to be located upstream of the receiving stream unless otherwise noted.
Sediment Filter Bag Systems – A special stilling basin shall be used to filter pumped water during construction. The quantity of sediment filter bag systems may be increased, decreased, or eliminated entirely at the direction of the on-site Engineer.
Measurement will be made as described below:
The Pump Around Operation specified under this Section shall be measured at the contract price per day. No separate measurement of materials will be made under this item.
Impervious dikes will not be measured under this section, but will be measured in accordance with the Impervious Dike Special Provision.
The costs for special stilling basins will not be measured under this section, but will be measured in accordance with the Special Stilling Basin Special Provision.
There will be no partial payment for this item. Any pumping required in a 24 hour period will constitute a day of pumping and will be paid for at the unit price bid for pumping.
The Pump Around Operation specified under this section consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, supplies, supervision, tools, and performing all work necessary for the installation, maintenance, and removal of temporary impervious dikes in conjunction with stream restoration/stabilization construction and shall be paid for at the contract price per day.
Impervious dikes shall be paid separately in accordance with Impervious Dike Special Provision.
Special Stilling Basin shall be paid separately in accordance with Special Stilling Basins Special Provision.
Payment will be made under: