JANUARY 28, 2012
dulalpara, mohadebpur, naogaon
Annual Report of District Superintendent - 2012
Honorable Dr. Jerry D. Porter, General Superintendent, Church of the Nazarene, Dr. Gustavo Crocker, Regional Director, ERO, Church of the Nazarene, Dr. Hermann Gschwandtner, FSC, South Asia, with your kind permission, I would like to read my report.
Dear delegates, distinguished guests and brothers and sisters in Christ,
I would like to greet all of you present here in the name of Jesus Christ in the beginning of my report. I would like to give thanks to our Lord that today we have been able to arrange 20th District Assembly with His blessings.
I am very thankful to the Lord that we have been able to pass last 20 years. We have overcome many obstacles.
I would like to encourage you to develop the church. I hope and believe that all of you will be committed to develop the local churches. Today’s, District Assembly is the result of your many sacrifices. I hope that all of you dream that Bangladesh North-West District will devote to develop the self supported churches.
We would like to continue the way church is growing in our District. We have to emphasis on prayer so that Satan cannot hinder us. My prayer is that our District will be a District of, prayer and soul winning District. Let us build the castle of prayer.
We have already been recognized as soul winning District, church of the Nazarene is the church of soul winning. You will be glad to know that according to the statistics of National Christian Fellowship of Bangladesh (Evangelical Alliance) we have recognized as the largest denomination in Bangladesh! This credit goes to you and all the Nazarene churches, you have made this.
The Church of the Nazarene in Bangladesh is for Bangladeshis. So, we are to plan our activity considering the Bengali tradition and culture. We have to give importance of this in our planning and implement accordingly.
Church of the Nazarene International, Bangladesh is always cordial to work with other denominations. We do not believe in clash and conflict with other denominations. We are committed and eager to complementing one another.
Now, I’ll try to bring up before you a brief description of our activities in Bangladesh North-West District.
Report of Activities:
1. Jesus Film Ministry:
At present, we have 25JF Teams working in Bangladesh. In this program, a number of 75 team members, 5 CCP, two couches, total 82 of our brothers from different places in Bangladesh are proclaiming the Gospel and life of Jesus in the rural and remote areas through the Jesus Film. In 2012, we have been able to establish 114 local churches through JF. 3,701 new members have been involved with our churches. Through the JF Teams we have established 339Church Type Missions (CTM) with much effort of the teams. We hope that the CTMs are going to be churches soon. We have established 573preachingpoint (PP).
I heartily congratulate honorable Mr. Martin Bryan for his leadership in this Ministry. I am very thankful to Mr. Hilary N Mondol for helping with administrative responsibility for this Ministry. Mr. Bimol Roy is assisting for his reporting. We welcome the JF workers and congratulate them. We all pray, may our Lord bless all the JF team members and their families abundantly for their hard work and efforts for His Kingdom.
I am thankful to Mr. Brian Helmstrom, Jesus Film Harvest Partners for giving us the opportunity to have retreat with JF staffs. His presence has encouraged the JF staffs.
I would like to thank our colleagues in Regional Office, Mr. Barry Burnell and Dr. Hermann Gschwandtner for their guidance, direction and advice. I am thankful to Mr. Brian Helmstrom, JFHP for the financial support and cooperation. We have received 22 motor cycles and have applied for more 50 motor cycles to strengthen the work of the JF. May God bless you.
2. ChildDevelopmentCenter (CDC) Program:
We have 16 Child Development Centers (CDC) in different disadvantages communities in our District. Through this program, we are serving disadvantaged children and at the same time, we are reaching their families with Gospel and church is being strengthen thought this. In this program 2 Program Officers, 2Organizers, 30 Teachers, 1 Health Workers and 13cooks are working.
I am grateful to Mr. Larry Bollinger, NCM International Director, Dr. Hermann Gschwantdner, helping Hands, Germany, David Argabright, USA, Rev. Houng Young Choi, SungnamChurch of the Nazarene, Korea, Sun City Church, USAfor their support. We pray so that may our Lord blesses all of you.
3. EvangeCube Ministry:
Through Evangecube we have been able to organize 55new churchesin 2012. A number of 1,554new believers have been baptized and joined in the Church. Besides, a number of 234 CTMs have been organized through EvangeCube. CDC teacher and local pastors are woring or the Evengecune in the evening / afternoon after their regular work. I am thankful to my fatherly Jerry Caven & Mrs. Muriel Caven for their financial support in this program. We pray so that may God bless them and use them more effectively for the growth and development of the Church.
In 2012, we have total 115churches and 4,460new members have joined our Nazarene Churches in this reporting year. Praise the Lord!
4. Proclaimer and Bible Story Card:
The low literate bothers and sisters in our Dittrist are using Bible Story Cards and Proclaimer. We have now 100 Proclaimers. I am thankful to Dr. Hermann Gschwandtner for his help south Asia Partnership has financially supported in this program. I pay so that may God bless the bothers and sisters in South Asia Partnership.
5. Pastors Training:
In Church of the Nazarene Bangladesh, we need many pastors to keep on right track of the advancement of this fast growth of Churches in Bangladesh. To prepare the pastors, they need good training and education. We are training the pastors through the SANBC activities. In this year 4 pastors will be ordained. Hope they will be ordained in the Assembly. A number of another 17 pastors are being trained though SANBC. In this program 2 full time teacher and 8 approved teachers are proving training through SANBC. You will be glad to know that Martin Arif and Holeswer Bormon are going to KoreaNazareneUniversity for higher education.
Rev. Simon Mondol and Pastors Simon Hasan Sarkar is full time Trainer for this. May God bless them.
I would like to appeal to Regional Office, GeneralChurch and other resource partners to come forward and assist with financial support for our Pastors Training Program.
I am thankful to Mrs. Elaine J. Bumstead, NCM Canada and Church of the Nazarene Canada for their support for $ 20,000 USD in every year for Pastor’s Training. We are very grateful to them.
6. PK Program:
At present, we have 108 children in Pastors Kids (PK) program. A number of 3 children of a pastor can be included in this program. If any of you present here is a pastor and your school going children are 4-10 years old, you can contact with our Program Officer Ms. Sumi Gomes so that your children can be included in this program. I am also thankful to Mr. Larry Bollinger and NCM international team for assisting in this program.
7. Child Development Sponsorship Program (CDSP):
Church of the Nazarene, Bangladesh is partnering with the Compassion International - Bangladesh. We are operating Child Sponsorship Activity in 2 projects in our District and a total 12 projects in Bangladesh.We are planning for another 5 new CDSP projects in 2013.
In this program CI-B has funded BDTK 89,198,075. We hope to receive some more projects from CI-B in near future. We are cordially thankful to CI-B for partnering with us for assisting our Child Development Program. We are committed to be an excellent partner in Bangladesh. I am very thankful to Mr. Kajal K Sengupta, Country Director, CI-B and his team.
8. Power of One:
On October 15-16, 2012, a number of 35 pastors from our District have attended Power of One training program.They have been taught how the local church can plant new churches. In this year, we have set our target that we will establish 50 local churches through this program. We have already made follow up with these 35 pastors for 2 times to encourage them. I am thankful to Regional Office for financial support for this program. Dr. Gustavo Crocker and all FSC of our region have encouraged our pastors by attending in this training program.
9. Nazarene Youth International (NYI):
Under the leadership of Mr. Samuel Bala, the NYI activities are going on well. In 2012, the NYI activity is as follows:
- NYI Convention
- 4Regional Conference
- Attending South Asia NYI Congress, India
We have seen that the NYI has been active in the local churches, the youths are not only our futures, and they are also our present. Let us create opportunity for the youths so that they are able to contribute in churches.
10. Nazarene Mission International (NMI):
Under the leadership of Mrs. Silvia Madhu, NMI activities were operated very nicely.
The NMI activity of 2012 is as follows:
- One day conference - 5
- NMI Sunday
- Regional conference
- NMI Board meeting
- NMI News letter
- Quarterly prayer fellowship
I am thankful to Lord that Silvia have given birth their first baby in 2012. let us pray so that their family becomes more lively.
11. Sunday School Program:
By the blessings of our Lord, we are successfully operating regular Sunday School activities with 8,482 children in our District. A number of 2 Sunday school camp have been organized with 317 children in area level.
In 2012, with the partnership with AWANA Bangladesh, a number of 3 Trainings have been conducted for Sunday School Teachers and Pastors. A member of 40 pastors have training in 4/14 Window, 80 Pastors and Sundays School Teachers have been trained on Seed Planters, 10 Sunday School workers have been trained on Train the Trainers, follow – up training was conducted for 40 Pastors and Sunday school teachers. We are very thankful to Mr. Prodip Karmokar and AWANA Bangladesh. A number of our 70 local churches are using AWANA curriculum.
In April 2013, we are planning for Children Summit. Please pray for this event. We need materials for Sunday Schools. We need Sunday School Teachers. I request you to think profoundly about this and pray for this. Mr. Milon Patwary is sincerely carrying out the responsibility of Sunday School. I congratulate brother Milon Patwary and his Sunday School Board for this.
12. Mr. Jerry & Mrs. Muriel Caven’s Support:
Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Muriel Caven promised to fund us for 12 Village Ministry Centers. They are the blessings for our Districts. In 2010 – 2011, they have given support for the following things:
-60 teachers’ support, who are using EvageCube and they organized churches
-Support for 18 orphans
-5,000 Jesus’ pictures (14/12 size)
-200 goats
-50 bicycles for pastors
-6,500 New and Old Testament Bibles
-2,000 Injil Sharif (Muslim version of the New Testament)
-10 Orphans support in the orphanage
-12 Village Ministry Centers (ChurchBuilding)
-Planned for school for 100 children and staff quarters in Birgonj.
-7,000 EvangeCube sets
-Running a M evangelism center in Bihari camp in Mohammadpur
-6 motor cycles for pastors
-Support 4 of our colleagues
You will be glad to know that Church of the Nazarene, Bangladesh used EvangeCube first in Bangladesh which we received through Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Muriel Caven. Now, not only our NazareneChurches but many other Church Denominations are using EvangeCube effectively. Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Muriel Caven have promised to assist more in 2012-2013than what they have done in 2011-2012.
You know that in the land of Birgonj, we have already started the activities of Jerry and Muriel Caven orphan and widow village called, “Village of Hope” with 30 orphans and 5 widows in August 2011. Now there are 50 orphans and 8 widows. KoreanInternationalEnglishChurch is sponsoring for this project. Rev. Josh Broward and his Church have supported for 3 buildings. They have visited us 5 times in their mission trip. Dr. Hermann Gschwandtner and I visited South Korea in May 2012. Please pray for this project.
Future Planning of 2013:
13. Pastors Conference - 2013:
We are planning to organize a pastors conference with the 2 others Districts in Bangladesh for about 300 pastors. The objective will be mutual cooperation for the pastors for evangelism, strengthen the local churches, and encourage the local church for Mission. We have not yet received any commitment for funds. Please pray for this so that we received required resource in time.
14. Target of Church Planting:
Bangladesh North-West district, in 2013 we have planned to organize 200 churches from JF, 60 from Evengecube, and 50 new churches from local churches initiative, total 310 new churches. Please pray for us so that we can devote ourselves for church planting and development and Lord gives us victory.
15. ChurchBuilding:
My prayer is that every local church will have church building on their own an. I know of the local church have given land for the church building and some of the local church are on the process. I hope in 2013, we will be able to building 10 village Ministry center in our District.
We the Bangladesh North-West district have emphasis on education and training so that we can advance the Mission work. I am thankful to all for you devoting yourselves in Mission work.
16. A Brief Description of BNM Activities:
- Nutrition and Food Security Project for 70 centers (CFGB, NCM Canada)
In this project the nutrition and food security related activities are being operated in 70 local church centers and their community for 5 years. Mr. Milon Patwary has been successfully serving as Manager. There are 217 staffs in this project. I am very thankful to NCM Canada and Canadian Foodgrains Bank for their financial support in this project. Among the 5 years, we have successfully finished 2nd year of his project. The activities summery of this project are as follows:
-Community mothers participating in 21 days demonstrations
-Deworming tablets for children and adults
-Home gardens planted
-1,400 SHG established, Members 21,000
-32 types IGA started
-Latrine & Tube wells installed
- Child Focused Community Development Project (CFCDP) (KNH)
-157 SHGs
-10 CLAs
-Over 46 types of IGA
-Federation formed
- Disaster Preparedness and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) Project (Tearfund)
–6 Unions
–6 Communities
–DM training
–Climate Change Awareness Training
–Adaptation Training
–Water Tank Distribution
- School and TrainingCenter Project, Sreemongol (Helping Hands / German Govt)
-Health Awareness
-Social Awareness
-21 days demonstrations
- Integrated FFW and Climate Change Adaptation Project (CFGB, NCM Canada)
-FFW for 3 years (excavation of canal, pond, reconstructed road)
-Agriculture, seed
-Increase income
-Increase production
-Food Security
-Climate Change Adaptation
-Tree plantation
- SchoolBuilding and Clinic in Khulna (Domino / German Govt.)
Project Completed in 2012
1Blue Barrel (Tearfund)
- Completed
2Village Doctor Training (First Fruit)
- 20 persons
- 6 months course completed
3Blanket (NCM Canada)
- 800 Blankets
4Solar (Tearfund)
- 11 Solar Panels
17. NCM Canada funded small projects:
-Cow rearing
-By-cycle distribution
-Motor cycle distribution
-Deep Tubewell
-Shallow Tubewell
Future Planning of BNM:
1. DRR project in Satkhira with USAID (OFDA / Tearfund) - 3 years
2. School in Gahuly with Domino (2 years)
3. CFCDP (KNH) – Naogoan – 5 years
4. Manikgonj DRR / CCA
5. NFS (NCM Canada / CFGB)
14.District Advisory Board:
In 2012, we had the opportunity to meet in District Advisory Board Meeting 2 times and we discussed about various development issues of our District.
15. RAC / GB:
I had the opportunity to attend RAC meeting in Indiaand General Board Meeting. I am thankful to Dr. Gustavo Crocker for his prudent leadership.
Thanks Giving:
Today in this great 20th District Assembly, I am thankful to Dr. Jerry D. Porter, General Superintendent, Church of the Nazarene International. I am proud that I have the opportunity to work with him for the second time. In the midst of his busyness, he has given time for this assembly in this rural place. I pray to Lord so that Lord bless you and your family.
I am thankful to Dr. Gustavo Crocker, our dear Regional Director. He is a very hard working man. The more I see him, the more I learn from him. I remember his concern and his suggestion for our District. I am proud to work with him. We pray that God make you successful in our region.
I am thankful to Dr. Hermann Gschwandtner, FSC and NCM International, South Asia. He is the model of my life. His contribution in my life is unforgettable. Every e-mail from him leads me to be more faithful to Lord. Every time, I meet with him, I learn new things from him. His visits encourage us a lot. We all pray for our Lord’s abundant blessings upon him and his family members.
I am grateful and thankful to Mrs. Elaine J. Bumstead, NCM Canada and Board Member, Canadian Foodgrains Bank, for her tender motherly love and affection. She is our Canadian mother. Her commitment, dedication and sacrifice remind me of Jesus Christ. She is a very humble lady working days and nights for His Ministry. When I am frustrated, when I am sad, when I am suffering, her e-mails and her phone calls have strengthened and encouraged me. I appreciate the commitment and dedication I have seen in her for our Ministry in Bangladesh. May God bless her very richly!
I am grateful and thankful to Mr. Larry Bollinger, NCM International. He is such a man who can realize the need of people and projects. His smiling face reminds me that everyone is equal to him. We pray that Lord bless NCM international and make you successful. We love you. Larry and NCM team is supporting our CDC activities. Nell Sweden has visited the CDC activities in Bangladesh and has given valuable suggestions. I am thankful to Larry and NCM Global Team for their support and cooperation.
I am thankful to Mr. Jerry Caven and Mrs. Muriel Caven and their son Mr. Jay Caven and Mr. Mike Caven for their prayer and for their prayer and financial support. They are blessing for our District. You have already known that they are cooperating with our activities in a great deal. We pray so that May God bless them more.