Charity Mandatory and Discretionary Rate Relief Application

Please fill in this form to apply for Charity Mandatory and Discretionary Rate Relief Application and send itto:

Revenues Team

Council Offices, High Street,
Coleford, Glos
GL16 8HG

Details about the Organisation
Ratepayer name
Is the organisation registered as a Charity or Community Amateur Sports Club? / Yes/No
If yes, please provide the registration number
Is the organisation exempt from registration? / Yes/No
If yes, please explain and provide evidence:
Is the organisation established or conducted for profit? / Yes/No
Is the organisation affiliated to a local or national organisation? / Yes/No
Is the organisation a registered Housing Association? / Yes/No
Details about the Property
Address and Postcode
Description e.g. Office, Shop:
Does the property have a licensed bar? / Yes/No
Is the use of the property wholly or mainly charitable? / Yes/No
Membership details of the organisation
Is membership open to all members of the community? / Yes/No
If no, what are the restrictions and why are they imposed?
Is membership actively encouraged for vulnerable members of the community, underrepresented or disadvantaged groups? / Yes/No
If yes, please explain how:
What is the level of membership or entry fee?
Details about the activities/facilities provided by the organisation
Describe the main objectives of the organisation:
Is the organisation providing education or training to develop the skills or understanding of members, non-members or disadvantaged groups? / Yes/No
Describe the main activities provided by the organisation:
Explain how the activities are for the benefit of, and are being used by, the local community:
Detail the extent to which the local community benefits from the facilities provided:
Does the organisation provide facilities which indirectly relieve the council of the need to do so? / Yes/No
If yes, please explain how:
Are the facilities made available to people other than members? / Yes/No
If yes, please explain how:
If you have any further information which you feel is relevant to the application please give details on a supporting sheet attached to this application.
Please provide a copy of the last audited accounts, to support your application. If the property has a licensed bar, these must include bar takings and expenses.
Full name
Capacity in which this is signed
Contact telephone number

The Data Protection Legislation

Forest of Dean District Council is the Data Controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Legislation. We will only use your personal information in accordance with the Legislation and for the purposes of Business Rates. We will not give information about you to anyone else, or use information about you for other purposes, unless the law allows us to.

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07 October 2018