Researcher Links Workshop Application Form
“Biorefinery research - promoting international collaboration for innovative and sustainable solutions”
Mentor: Dr Elias Martinez-Hernandez, University of Oxford, UK
UK coordinator: Dr JhumaSadhukhan, University of Surrey, UK
Mexico coordinator: Dr Jorge Arturo Aburto-Anell, MexicanInstitute of Petroleum, Mexico
Dates:18-22May, 2015
Venue: Mexican Institute of Petroleum, Mexico City, Mexico
The application formbelow must be completed and submitted together with a 1-page abstract which will be reviewed and selected either for poster or oral presentation. Application form and abstract must be submitted to the workshop coordinators:
and Dr Jorge Arturo AburtoAnell,
Application deadline: 23 January, 2015
Selected papers presented in the workshop will be considered for publication in a Special Issue of theChemical Engineering Research and Designjournal of the Institution of Chemical Engineers devoted tobiorefinery value chain creation.
Eligibility Criteria:
-Applications must be submitted using the Researcher Links application form
-Application must be submitted by the above deadline
-Participants must be early career researchers: Early Career Researchers are defined as holding a PhD (or having equivalent research experience) and having up to 10 years post-PhD research experience. They are equivalent to the ‘Recognised Researcher’ and sometimes ‘Experienced Researcher’ categories in the EU framework for researchers’ careers: Leading Researchers as defined by the EU Framework for researchers careers are research group leaders who are internationally recognised in their field.
-Participants must have a research or academic position (a permanent post, research contract, or fellowship etc) at a recognised research institution either in the UK or in Mexico and can be of any nationality.
Quality Assessment
-Experience and relevance of the applicant’s research area to the workshop
-Motivation and contribution to the aims of the workshop
-Description of the long term impact expected through the participation in the workshop
-Ability to disseminate workshop’s outcomes
Selection Procedure
-Eligibility check
-Quality assessment
Notification of results
After submissions, successful applicants will be notified by email four weeks after submission deadline.
Equal Opportunities
The British Council is committed to equal opportunities and diversity in all its activities and this includes the avoidance of any bias in the assessment of applications due to gender, disability, racial or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or religious belief. Participants’ selection undertaken by workshop organisers must not contravene this policy. Extra support to enable participation of early career researchers with special needs will be given.
Application Form
1. Applicant detailsTitle and name
Position and institution
Postal address
Phone number
Primary Area of Research/Interest (please select up to 2 options) *
/ Biorefineryfeedstocks: production and supply of wastes, residues and non-food crops
/ Feedstock characterisation and pre-treatment
/ Platform chemicals and products from biochemical processing
/ Platform chemicals and products from thermochemical processing
/ Process development and integration
/ Economics, sustainability analysis and policy
/ Other (please specify):
Background *
Other (e.g. Charity,Government):
2. Brief CV(only relevant to the topic of the workshop and no more than 2000 characters including spaces)
3. Abstract - Please give a summary of the research you plan to present during the workshop. This will be reviewed and selected either for a poster or oral presentation. Please give a paper title, author names and affiliations. (No more than 1 A4 page long)
4. Please describe your motivation to attend the workshop and how the workshop matches your professional development needs (1,000 characters including spaces)
5. In your view, why are biorefineries important? (1,000 characters including spaces)
6. What relevant expertise do you think you can bring to this event? (1,000 characters including spaces)
7. Please describe the expected impact of your participation to the workshop on your personal and professional development, including your ability to work on an international level (1,000 characters including spaces)
8. Please indicate how you will disseminate the outcomes of the workshops and the new knowledge/skills you have acquired
9. Workshops will take place in English as standard. Please indicate your ability to work and communicate in English (Note, translators may be provided if necessary)
Native speaker / Good
Excellent / Need support
10. Please use this space to give any additional information that you feel is relevant for the application (1,000 characters including spaces).
11. Diversity Data (to monitor statistic participation – this will not be considered during assessment)
Gender: *
Prefer not to say
Age Range: *
35 and under
over 66
Prefer not to say
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