SOP 7E.1.11

R 7/15/05



  • NA


  • KRS 199.680
  • KRS 205.634
  • KRS 615.030
  • 922 KAR 1:370


  1. Reasons for out-of-state placements may include:

(a)Placement with a relative who lives out-of-state;

(b)Movement with foster parents out-of-state;

(c)Placement in an out-of-state treatment setting when a child is in need of specialized services that are not available in the state.

  1. A committed child’s placement in an out-of-state treatment setting when a child is in need of specialized services that are not available in the state must be approved through the Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) Commissioner, or designee (currently the Assistant Director of the Division of Protection and Permanency.)
  2. If it has been determined that a child needs a Private Child Caring setting and all in-state possibilities have been exhausted, the RPC consults with the Children’s Review Program Statewide Placement office.

(a)If no new possibilities are formulated, the RPC requests approval to begin out-of-state referrals. The request includes documentation of all in-state referrals, as well as the recommendation and/or agreement by the SSW and FSOS to begin the out-of-state referral process.

(b)The CRP Statewide Placement office seeks the approval of the DCBS Commissioner or designee to begin the out-of-state placement referral process.

(c)Upon approval of the search, the RPC contacts potential out-of-state placements, prioritizing (in part) according to proximity to the child’s home county. The RPC provides instructions to the potential provider as to participation with Kentucky Medicaid and pre-approval, and follows up as appropriate.

(d)Upon locating an appropriate placement with a Kentucky Medicaid provider (the Cabinet uses a participating Kentucky Medicaid provider first), the RPC informs the SSW.

(e)The SSW contacts the facility to determine when the child can be admitted; with the understanding that placement has not yet been approved.

(f)The SSW requests, through supervisory and regional channels, approval of the interstate placement by the DCBS Commissioner or designee. The request includes:

(1)The completed Level of Care Packet;

(2)The RPC’s initial request for approval to begin out-of-state referrals;

(3)An indication of the funding source; and

(4)Any other available documentation supporting an out-of-state placement.

(g)Within four (4) working days of receipt of the request, the Commissioner ordesignee notifies the SRA or designee of the decision.

(h)The Deputy Compact Administrator:

(1)Completes the ICPC-100A, Interstate Compact Placement Request, to request courtesy supervision; and

(2)Contacts social service personnel in the state where the facility is located, in order to:

  • Verify that the facility is licensed and in good standing with licensing authorities; and
  • Assess the facility’s reputation and the quality of care.

(i)Upon approval by the Deputy Compact Administrator of the receiving state, the Deputy Compact Administrator of Kentucky:

(1)Notifies the SSW, SRA, and CRP Statewide Placement office of approval;

(2)Provides the SSW with the DPP-114, Level of Care Schedule, with the signature of the Director of Protection and Permanency; and

(3)Works with the SSW to arrange transportation.

(j)The SRA assigns a regional designee to follow up on the financial aspect of the placement (including Medicaid precertification). The designee’s name is given to the provider at the time of the child’s admission.

(k)A DPP-1285R, Out of State Psychiatric Hospital/Residential Program Services Agreement or similar provider agreement is signed at the time of admission.

(l)If a child is decertified, the regional designee requests that the provider assist with an appeal. If this is not successful, the regional designee:

(1)Ensures that payment to the provider will come from the regional budget as agreed on the DPP-1285R, Out of State Psychiatric Hospital/Residential Program Services Agreement, or similar provider agreement;

(2)Notifies the Resource Management Section in Central Office (502/564-3427); and

(3)Consults with the SSW and FSOS and notifies the RPC as to whether a new search for an in-state placement is appropriate.

(m)When the child has returned to Kentucky, the SRA or designee notifies the Deputy Compact Administrator and the Interstate Compact case is closed.

  1. It is recommended that a pre-placement visit be scheduled if at all possible.
  2. The SSW notifies the RPC and the Deputy Compact Administrator when placement has taken place.
  3. The SSW visits with children in out-of-state residential placements at least annually.

(Link to Checklist for Out-of-State Placement Procedures)