Organización de los Estados Americanos

Organização dos Estados Americanos

Organization des États Américains

Organization of American States

Department of Human Development

Professional Development Scholarship Program

“Tourism in Thailand: Development, Management and Sustainability”

OAS/DHD/CIR. 225/2008

1)  VENUE: Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket campus. Address: 80 Moo1, Vichit Songkram Rd, Kathu, Phuket, 83120, Thailand. Tel: (66 76) 276-200; Fax: (66 76) 276-203. Website:

2)  CONTACT PERSON: Ms. Piyanart Apithambundit, Deputy Dean for Research and International Relations. E-mail:

3) DATES: May 12th to June 4th, 2009

4) LANGUAGE: English

5) MODALITY: On site


The program is designed to:

·  Develop the resourceful personnel In tourism industry in Thailand and member countries;

·  Provide all participants with the opportunity to acquire both academic and shared work experience for greater understanding and appreciation of tourism development, management and sustainability in different cultures and international context;

·  Motivate collaborative academic-related activities among institutions and industry's networks in the areas of tourism management in the region.


Course Outline:

·  Overview of Tourism industry and its current situations in Asia

·  Tourism Planning and Policy vs. Sustainability: Asia's

·  Tourist Behavior and its trend

·  Tourist Information management and E-Tourism

·  Tourism Marketing and Marketing Strategies

·  Destination Management: Concept and Workshop)

·  Tourism Impact/ Crisis management Concept and Workshop

·  Human Resources Development in Tourism industry

·  MICE tourism

·  The contemporary Issues and trends: Health /Medical Tourism

·  Tourism Development and Sustainability-Planning and Policy: concept and Country Report

·  Field trip


Group presentations regarding destination management and Tourism Impacts.

Study /Field trips:

Destination management: Andaman Area; Phuket, Phang-nga, and Krabi province, Thailand.

Field trips will be organized during week 2 and 3 to give more insight and better understanding to participant of destination management and sustainability, by visiting the touristic sites that are being claimed as leading destinations of the Andaman area and in Bangkok, Thailand.

Advance Assignments:

Country Report: representatives from each country individually have to prepare a country report for presentation session that will focus on the issue of tourism development of each country. Tourism impacts should also be included as emerging in current situations of each country in any form, for instance, economic, ecological, sociological, cultural and environmental aspects.


·  All applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of an OAS Member state, (residents must send copy of visa).

·  Be able to communicate professionally in written and spoken English, with documentary evidence if English is not the native language.

·  Age: less than forty five (45) years old.

·  At least one year of work experience in the field

·  At least Bachelor degree in any field

·  Be physically fit to fulfill the obligations of the course; and able to attend the entire course

·  Submit a duly completed request before the deadline established by the National Liaison Office (ONE) [1]. The candidate is responsible for finding out the deadline set by the ONE in his/her country of residence.


The Government of Thailand and the Training and Development Centre will provide:

·  Economy class, round trip airfare transportation from point of residence to study site[2]

·  Room and board

·  Ground transportation expenses

·  Other expenses concerning training registration and tuition

·  Medical treatment in case of minor illness.


·  Must have health and accident insurance coverage abroad.

·  The selected candidates must confirm their acceptance to the OAS Department of Human Development in Washington, DC, the OAS General Secretariat Office in their respective countries and through the ONE.

·  Selected scholarship recipients are responsible for obtaining the necessary visa(s) to enter the country of study and the corresponding transit(s). The OAS will not be responsible for any costs relating to obtaining visas or transfer documentation.

·  Each scholarship recipient is responsible for arriving in time for the commencement of activities on the date established by the institution offering the course or program.

11) SUBMISSION OF SCHOLARSHIPS APPLICATIONS: Scholarship applications for participation in this course must be submitted using the Fellowship Application Form, provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, including all documentation required. Applications must be forwarded to the Organization of American States through the official channels established by the government of each country (ONE). This is a mandatory requirement.

The following is the list of National Liaison Offices (ONEs) in the OAS Member states:

The Fellowship Application Form for this course may be obtained from the OAS offices of the General Secretariat in the Member states or via the fellowship application page using the following link:

The applicants need to submit 3 copies of the application form

Please note that the official announcement is published in the language of instruction of the course and is available via the Educational Portal of the Americas Web page at:

Any questions regarding submission of applications for this course should be sent to:

C.c.: Course Coordinator, Course file

APFR/ Tourism in Thailand: Development, Management and Sustainability /Thailand /2009


[2]Funds for terminal and in-transit expenses are NOT provided