After School Enrichment Classes
Winter 2010
All classes will begin the week of January 25th. Classes will meet
for eight weeks. There are some days that classes will not meet due to Faculty Development, PS/LS Conference Day, or possibly sickness of an instructor.
Pre-School classes will meet from 2:00-3:00. K3 and K4 students will be charged for any time in Extended Day from 12:00-2:00. Some parents pick up their children at 11:55 and bring them back for class. Pre-first students will not be charged for the short time between school dismissal and the beginning of their Enrichment class. Dismissal from classes is at 3:00. There is no charge for extended day from 3:00 until 3:20. You may go through the usual pickup carline or park in the parking lot and walk down for pickup. Make sure your child knows their carpool number!
Lower School and Middle School classes will meet from 3:25-4:25 and some additional classes from 4:30 until 5:30. The additional time slot may give some children an opportunity to participate after tutoring or Middle School sports practices. The students will be picked up by their instructor on the stage steps in the LS Great Hall at 3:25 or 4:30. They will be dismissed on the steps outside the Great Hall after the class. If your child needs to stay for Extended Day, please send a note to the instructor. If you are not there for pickup, your child will be placed in the Extended Day group on the playground or in the Great Hall.
We are pleased with the growth of our Enrichment program over the last few years. Every effort will be made to be responsive to the needs of your child. Please turn in your registration form ASAP so your child will get their choice of classes. You may want to indicate a second or third choice in the event the first choice class fills up. Every effort will be made to match them up! Thank you for your understanding.
Registration forms are due no later than Tuesday, January 19th. Please e-mail me with any questions.
Carol Deaton – Enrichment Coordinator
Pre-School Enrichment Classes
K3 through PF
Mondays – Pre-School
PS Cooking and Crafts PF
Instructor: Mrs. Eberhardt
Cost: $90 Limit: 8 students
Eight Weeks: January 25th – March 29th Join Mrs. Eberhardt for some cool cooking and crazy crafts! Do you want to make ice creamSundays, pizzas, homemade candy and more? Come join us for all the fun!
PS Cheerleading
Instructor: Sidney Sanders (former AA cheerleader!)
Cost: $90 Limit: 12 students
Eight Weeks: January 25th – March 29th
Sis, boom, bah! Sis, boom, bah! Spartans! Spartans! Rah, rah, rah!
That is an oldie, but Sidney will teach you all the latest cheers and chants while making posters, pom poms, and decorations. Join Sidney for lots of fun.
Tuesdays – Pre-School
PS Pottery – K3 and K4
Instructor – Deena Eberhardt
Cost $90 Limit: 8 students
Eight Weeks: January 26th – March 23rd
Ooey, Gooey, Squishy, Smoothy…It’s All Fun!
That’s why pottery is #1.
Pinch pots, coil pots and bowls are such a BLAST!
Hurry and sign up…Spots fill up FAST!
PS Arts and Crafts
Instructor – Celia Aikens
Cost $90 Limit: 10 students
Eight Weeks: January 26th – March 23rd
Want to find your inner creativity? If so, sign up for this art class! We will be using all kinds of art mediums to create wonderful works of art that can be hung on the fridge, around the house, or in an office. We may get a little messy but we will have loads of fun! Hope you can join us!!
PS Sporting Fun K4 and PF
Instructor: Eric Raymond (former AA student, Extended day worker)
Cost $90
Eight Weeks: January 26th – March 23rd
Come join your friends for some outdoor fun! You will learn the basic fundamentals of soccer, play baseball, basketball and other sports. If you are ready for some running and action this class is for you!
Wednesdays – Pre-School
PS Fundamentals of Ballet
Instructor: Cassidy Carson 25 years involvement with dancing
Cost: $90 Limit: 12 students
Eight Weeks: January 27th – March 31st
The course will expose your children to fundamental steps, positions, and core muscle control and development. In learning the basics of ballet and training these specific muscles, the dancer will begin to notice strengthening of hand-eye coordination, posture, focus, and balance. The class will explore different styles of music associated with classical dance. We will learn about tempo change, beats, and how to communicate a change of either through body movement. We should get acquainted with all 6 positions of classical ballet, as well as several across floor movements. Exposure to ballet is complimentary to any sport or activity that your child may already be involved in and they will love it!
PS Crafty Kids
Instructor: Jeanne Wesson Winter Camp art and instructor at Michael’s
Cost: $90
Eight Weeks: January 27th – March 31st
Do you love to make things out of popsicle sticks andchenille stemsand beads? Then join your friends in Crafty Kids for some crafting fun on Wednesdays and let your imagination take shape in wild and wonderful ways! Lets get glueing!
PS Pottery – PF
Instructor – Deena Eberhardt
Cost $90 Limit: 8 students
Eight Weeks: January 27th – March 31st
Ooey, Gooey, Squishy, Smoothy…It’s All Fun!
That’s why pottery is #1.
Pinch pots, coil pots and bowls are such a BLAST!
Hurry and sign up…Spots fill up FAST!
Thursdays – Pre-School
PS Yoga Sprouts
Instructor: Rachel Greb (Certified Yoga instructor)
Cost $90 Limit: 10 students
Eight Weeks: January 28th – March 25th
At yoga you will use fun, playful poses and breathing exercises to develop a feeling of well-being and help develop physical strength as well as flexibility. This will cultivate confidence and self-esteem while enhancing relaxation and self-control. This time honored activity can reduce hyperactivity while increasing cognitive and motor skills.
PS Spanish Fun
Instructor: Sarah Ehlers
Cost $90 Limit: 10 students
Eight Weeks: January 28th – March 25th
Interested in learning Spanish through songs, movement and hands-on activities? Join Señora Sarah for Fun With Spanish. We will learn conversational Spanish while singing, reading books and acting out some of your favorite fairy tales. ¡Vámonos! Let’s go!
PS Cooking and Crafts (K3 and K4)
Instructor: Mrs. Eberhardt
Cost: $90 Limit: 8 students
Eight Weeks: January 28th – March 25th
Join Mrs. Eberhardt for some cool cooking and crazy crafting! Want to make ice creamSundays, pizzas, homemade candy and more? Come join us for all the fun!
Lower School Enrichment Classes
1st through 4th Grade
3:25 – 4:25 PM
Mondays – Lower School
LS/MS 4H 3:25 – 4:25 Fourth – Sixth grades
Instructors: Joey Bristol
Cost $90
Eight Weeks: January 25th – March 29th
4-H is the educational youth program through the University of Georgia. Our aim is to help youth gain a positive self concept, develop social skills and decision-making abilities. Participants will improve their leadership and public speaking skills through fun and interactive activities as well as enhance their research skills and overall self confidence. The Garden Earth Naturalist Curriculum will be used to help the students explore and understand the earth’s ecosystems.
LS Video Broadcasting 3:25 – 4:25 1st through 4th grades
Instructor: Mike Callinan
Cost: $90 Limit: 10 students
Eight Weeks: January 25th – March 29th
Do you love to watch television, go to the movies, and pop your favorite DVD in to watch for the 12th time? Have you ever thought you would like to be a part of something like that! You can! In this class you will learn to create your own show, starting with interviews and other topics of interest around Athens Academy.
Let’s get behind the camera!
LS Leathercraft 3:25 – 4:25
Instructor: Carol Deaton
Cost: $90 Limit: 8 students
Eight Weeks: January 25th – March 29th
Learn to make something to last a lifetime! You can choose from a variety of projects including pillow, wallet, belt, wrist band, etc. You will learn to use the special leather tools by following directions for and tooling (meaning to work or decorate the leather) a pattern for your chosen projects.
LS/MS Calligraphy meets from 4:30 – 5:30
Tuesdays –Lower School
LS Cheerleading 1st – 4th grades
Instructor: Claire McDonald (former AA cheerleader!)
Cost: $90 Limit: 12 students
Eight Weeks: January 26th – March 23rd
Sis, boom, bah! Sis, boom, bah! Spartans! Spartans! Rah, rah, rah!
That is an oldie, but Claire will teach you all the latest cheers and chants while making posters, pom poms, and decorations. Join Claire for lots of fun.
LS Arts and Crafts
Instructor – Celia Aikens
Cost $90 Limit: 10 students
Eight Weeks: January 26th – March 23th
Want to find your inner creativity? If so, sign up for this art class! We will be using all kinds of art mediums to create wonderful works of art that can be hung on the fridge, around the house, or in an office. We may get a little messy but we will have loads of fun! Hope you can join us!!
LS Jammin’ with Matt (1st through 4th)
Cost $90
Eight Weeks: January 26th – March 23rd
Instructor: Matt Matthews (one of our extended day workers)
Bring along your guitar and learn to play along with Matt. You will have a chance to learn any type of guitar music and have a blast with your friends! Matt is great on guitar and you will really love this!
LS/MS Twirling meets from 4:30 to 5:30
Wednesdays – Lower School
LS Fundamentals of Ballet
Instructor: Cassidy Carson 25 years involvement with dancing
Cost: $90 Limit: 15 students
Eight Weeks: January 27th – March 31st
The course will expose your children to fundamental steps, positions, and core muscle control and development. In learning the basics of ballet and training these specific muscles, the dancer will begin to notice strengthening of hand-eye coordination, posture, focus, and balance. The class will explore different styles of music associated with classical dance. We will learn about tempo change, beats, and how to communicate a change of either through body movement. We should get acquainted with all 6 positions of classical ballet, as well as several across floor movements. Exposure to ballet is complimentary to any sport or activity that your child may already be involved in and they will love it!
LS Crafty Kids
Instructor: Jeanne Wesson Winter Camp art and instructor at Michael’s
Cost: $90
Eight Weeks: January 27th – March 31st
Do you love to make things out of popsicle sticks andchenille stemsand beads? Then join your friends in Crafty Kids for some crafting fun on Wednesdays and let your imagination take shape in wild and wonderful ways! Lets get glueing!
Thursdays – Lower School
LS Yoga Sprouts
Instructor: Rachel Greb (Certified Yoga instructor)
Cost $90 Limit: 12 students
Eight Weeks: January 28th – March 25th
At yoga you will use fun, playful poses and breathing exercises to develop a feeling of well-being and help develop physical strength as well as flexibility. This will cultivate confidence and self-esteem while enhancing relaxation and self-control. This time honored activity can reduce hyperactivity while increasing cognitive and motor skills.
LS Spanish Fun
Instructor: Sarah Ehlers
Cost $90
Eight Weeks: January 28th – March 25th
Would you like to have more opportunities to use Spanish? Join Señora Sarah for Fun With Spanish. We will learn Spanish language and culture through fun activities, songs and games.
Pre-School Registration Form
Notice the age requirements for some classes.
Please indicate which classes your child would like to take and return to their teacher as soon as possible. . All classes have a limit, so get the form in as soon as possible. Due by January 19th.
Do not send payment. You will be billed through the Business Office.
I will send confirmation of your child’s class in the saddlebag. If a class doesn’t have enough students to make I will either call or send an e-mail to see if another option is available.
Child’s Name ______Grade/Teacher______
Mondays 2:00 – 3:00
PS Cooking and Crafts PF ______$90
PS Cheerleading ______$90
Tuesdays 2:00 – 3:00
PS Pottery K3 and K4 ______$90
PS Arts and Crafts ______$90
PS Sporting Fun K4 and PF ______$90
Wednesdays 2:00 – 3:00
PS Fundamentals of Ballet ______$90
PS Crafty Kids ______$90
PS Pottery PF ______$90
Thursdays 2:00 – 3:00
PS Yoga Sprouts ______$90
PS Spanish Fun ______$90
PS Cooking and Crafts K3 and K4 ______$90
Total number of classes ______Total $______
Parent signature ______
Parent e-mail address ______
LS Registration Form
3:25 – 4:25
Please indicate which classes your child would like to take and return to their teacher as soon as possible. All classes have a limit, so get the form in as soon as possible.
Do not send payment. You will be billed through the Business Office.
I will send confirmation of your child’s class. If a class doesn’t have enough students to make I will either call or send an e-mail to see if another option is available.