Large Hotel of the Year – Entry Form
Contact DetailsContact Name:
Business/Property Name:
Business Type:
Facebook page:
Twitter account:
Cumbria Tourism member / YES NO (Delete as appropriate)
Business Details
What is your quality rating and award?
How long has the business been operating (Yrs & Months)
How many staff do you employ: (Show proprietors/owners + Full + Part time)
Give details of any periods the property/business is closed:
Give occupancy details (%)
Last 12 Months
(i.e. April 16 to March 17) / Previous 12 Months
(i.e. April 15 to March 16)
Total occupancy:
Peak Season occupancy (Apr to Sept):
Low Season occupancy (Oct to March):
List any awards you have won in the last 3 years
1: About your business (max 200 words)
Give a brief history of your business, the products or services it offers, the types of customers you attract and the market that it operates in.
2: Your commitment to excellence (max 300 words)
Describe your values, philosophy and commitment to excellence. What puts you above the competition and at the top of your sector?
What is your unique selling point?
3: Food and beverage (max 100 words)
What 3 things ensure your breakfast and evening meal experience is excellent?
4: Quality improvements and developments (max 300 words)
What improvements have made to your business or service in the last two years?
What impact did this have on your business and visitor experience?
5: Customer service (max 300 words)
What are the 3 most important things you do to ensure visitors receive exceptional levels of customer service?
6: Staff training and development (max 200 words)
- What are the 3 most important training and development activities you have carried out in the last 2 years? (Internal or external training, staff and/or business owners.)
- What has been the impact on your business of this training?
7: Innovative marketing and promotion (max 300 words):
Provide up to 5 bullet points describing the most innovative marketing activities you have carried out in the last 2 years.
What impact have these activities had on your business?
8: Accessibility (max 200 words):
Do you have an access statement? (Provide a web link showing where your access statement is published or attach a copy with your entry.)
Access Statement YES NO (Delete as appropriate)
Provide 3 examples of how your business is meeting the needs of disabled visitors?(This can include staff training, physical provisions or marketing initiatives)
Do you have any environmental accreditations or accolades? Please list below.
Provide up to 5 examples (bullet points) of how your business is embracing sustainable practices? (This could include lessening your impact on the environment, supporting the local community or economy or encouraging wildlife.)
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