
Jay Select Board

December 12th, 2016


Present: Terry Bergeron, Chair; Tim Demillo, Vice Chair; Tom Goding; Judy Diaz; Keith Cornelio; Shiloh LaFreniere, Town Manager

Guests: Donna Perry, Sun Journal; Mike Booker, Darren Roundy, Corey Leclerc, Jay Fire Department; Mark Holt, Sewer Supt.; Allison Hagerstrom, Greater Franklin Development; Richard Caton, Chief of Police.


1. Pledge of Allegiance: 6:00 pm

2. Minutes - November 28th & 30th, 2016: M/M/S Tim/Tom to accept the November 28th & 30th minutes as written. Vote 5-0-0

3. Old Business - Meeting Regarding Fire Dept. (Josh Bell & Towns): Tim, Shiloh and Judy went to the meeting in Farmington. There were representatives from Farmington, Wilton, New Sharon and Weld. Discussion centered around what the towns have for challenges, assets, and how the towns see their fire departments in 10 years. The group was tasked with asking their Boards and FD’s where they see the fire services in 10 years. Another meeting was scheduled for January to bring back this information and have further discussions.

Holiday Decorations: The Board voted on November 28th not to put up holiday decorations for this year. Don Simoneau from the American Legion had contacted Shiloh and offered to collect money on Main St. for the decorations. Marilyn Morse had also called to say that they were putting up a decorated tree on the porch of the Grange Hall to spread Holiday cheer. Shiloh asked the Board for input on what they wanted done next. They discussed putting it on a Board agenda in January, putting it on the budget agenda to be discussed with the Budget Committee, forming a committee, setting up a fund raiser, seeking adopt-a-pole sponsors, etc. Shiloh stated that, f the Board is interested in putting up decorations next year, they should think about it soon and not wait until next year. The Board asked Shiloh to put this item on the agenda for budget discussions.

4. Fire Dept. Capital Request – Station 1 Boiler Replacement: The annual maintenance on the boiler is done each February by A. Maurais & Sons. Chief Booker had indicated that for the past two years it has cost approximately $1,500 each year to keep the boiler running. Last year the boiler had an issue with CO2 leaking. Maurais did a temporary fix with caulking, but a permanent fix is necessary. The boiler has been looked at by a contractor that did not put in a bid, and it is his opinion that the boiler can be repaired and parts can still be found for it. It was suggested that an alarm be installed that would call out if the boiler stops running. The fire department uses the boiler for hot water, and when the system is shut down in April, they no longer have hot water. It was decided to hold off on purchasing a small hot water heater until a decision on whether or not to replace the boiler has been made as some of the boilers come with hot water heating capabilities. Putting off the replacement of the boiler will allow more time to find other efficiencies, do more research, and have possible major repairs/replacement done in the off-season. M/M/S Tim/Judy to have Maurais do the annual service as soon it can be scheduled and have them do a full assessment of the boiler; purchase an alarm system, continue to monitor for CO2, and reassess the boiler in the spring. Vote 5-0-0

5. Emergency Operations Plan Update: Police Chief Richard Caton was present to answer questions regarding the Emergency Operations Plan Update. The plan needs to be updated and signed every year, basically for contact information and shelter changes. M/M/S Terry/Tom to accept the Emergency Operations Plan Update. Vote 5-0-0

6. Buxton Discussion: Allison Hagerstrom from Greater Franklin Development was present to follow up on the presentation that was given by Buxton to Jay, Livermore Falls, Farmington and Wilton in October. The Board discussed the proposal. Terry recognized the work that has been put into the initiative but expressed that he was concerned with the timing due to the events at the Mill and the budgets. Judy would like to see more than just retail targeted. She would like to see larger businesses come to town, like manufacturing, for instance. Keith would like to look at the proposal as a visionary would, and that even though the Town is facing tough times, something like this proposal may be the help the Town needs recognizing that new businesses usually have new buildings that would be added to the tax base. Tim asked if any of the other towns have agreed to the proposal. Livermore Falls voted not to support the initiative. Wilton had not decided as of the meeting. Farmington committed to support it if there were 3 towns interested. Farmington, Wilton, and Livermore Falls all have TIF funds to spend, Jay does not. The Board discussed three options: 1. Put the initiative on the ballot and have the Budget Committee make a recommendation; 2. Discuss the topic with the Budget Committee to either put on the warrant or not and whether to recommend yes/no vote; 3. Decide not to support the initiative and not put it before the Budget Committee or on the warrant. M/M/S Judy/Tom not to support the initiative. Vote 3-2 (Tim, Keith)-0

7. EcoMaine – Ban on Plastic Shopping Bags: EcoMaine is no longer accepting plastic shopping bags effective immediately. Hannaford and Walmart have a box available to recycle the bags, or they can be thrown in the trash.

8. Maine Bond Bank Long Term Financing Finalized – Route 4 Project: Mark Holt was present to answer questions regarding the Maine Bond Bank Long Term Financing for the Route 4 Project. The project came in under budget. The original approved financing with Androscoggin Savings Bank was $867,675 and only $824,442.46 was spent. Mark shopped around for long term financing and the Maine Municipal Bond Bank had the best rates. Interest plus costs has been set at 1.9% for a 10 year loan. The first two years of the loan will be at a lowered principal payment of $1,000 plus interest, so that the current long term debt can be paid off. M/M/S Terry/ Tom to convert interim financing to long term with Maine Municipal Bond Bank for $824,442.46 plus interest and costs. Vote 5-0-0

9. Budget Preparations – Donations: In years past letters have been sent to organizations that received funding in past years. Shiloh asked the Board how they wanted to address donations this year. Did they want to send letters again this year? Only to those that were funded last year? To the entire list that used to receive funding? Will new donations be considered? Etc. It was decided to send letters for funding requests only to the groups funded last year (according to articles 27-35 of last year’s town warrant). M/M/S Judy/ Tom to send a letter to only the article 27-35 recipients last year, giving them a date they must get their requests in by and asking for their cash balance, and not allowing new donation requests. Vote 5-0-0

10. Appointment of Budget Committee Member – Vicki Mcleod: M/M/S Judy/ Tom to appoint Vicki Mcleod to the Budget Committee. Vote 5-0-0

11. Paychex Benefit Account Plan Termination Resolution: Administration of the Town's Flexible Spending Account will now be done by a new company, Group Dynamics. The Board needs to approve the Paychex Benefit Account Plan Termination Resolution to terminate the Town's agreement with Paychex and to transfer the administration of the Town’s Flexible Spending Account to Group Dynamics. M/M/S Judy/Tom to terminate the agreement with Paychex and go with Group Dynamics. Vote 5-0-0

12. Board Meeting – Dec. 26th: Shiloh questioned whether the Board wanted to hold their normal meeting on the 26th, due to the Holiday. If not held on the 26th, the next meeting wouldn't be until January 9th. Three Board members committed to having a meeting, so it will tentatively be held on the 26th.

13. Other Business: Judy mentioned the list of products that Verso Paper Corp. makes and encouraged consumers to support the Paper Industry by buying the products from the companies listed. Copy of list attached.

14. Executive Session – Personnel Issue:M/M/S Tim/Tomto go into Executive Session under MRSA Title 1 Chapter 13 Section 405, Subsection 6 for the purpose of discussing a Personnel Issue - Compensation. Vote 5-0-0.Terry declared the Board out of Executive Session.

M/M/S Tim/Tom to authorize the Town Manager to enter into a retire/rehire agreement with John Johnson that will include a reduction in salary and benefits with work schedule flexibility. Vote 5-0-0

M/M/S Tim/Keithto go into Executive Session under MRSA Title 1 Chapter 13 Section 405, Subsection 6 for the purpose of discussing a Union Issue. Vote 5-0-0.Terry declared the Board out of Executive Session.

M/M/S Judy/Tom to adjourn. Vote 5-0-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Bryant
