Georgetown Outdoor Education GOPOP/Big Trip Criteria


·  Your history and experience, as a GOAT is important

·  Expect multiple meetings with OE staff before and after

·  Create a folder with partitions based on the bulleted points below. Make an effort to be thorough with this so that it is GENUINELY USEFUL to future Goats who want to emulate your trip, rather than a hot mess of emails and other photocopies that aren’t meaningfully contextualized.

The following info should ALL be recorded in a trip folder... GOATing by numbers

·  Planning timeline and TCP: Dated, detailed; with transport transfers, contingency plans, escape routes (for each area), annotated (route drawn onmaps, sports and activities, prompt, and risk management notes and prices.

·  EAP: As with all EAPs, but include multiple hospitals, emergency ranger contacts, your contact and escape routes, once again.

·  Resources: Should include Pass permits; special information, such as rules and regs, opening hours, outfitters, stores, guide companies, special insurance

·  Travel info: Type and cost of travel (likely)

·  Projected Budget: Itemize Estimated Cost

·  Actual Budget

·  Gear list for participants: make sure they have plenty of time to buy stuff.

·  Group gear: make sure it will be available to you with OE logistics staff.

·  Menu: remember allergy/diet considerations

·  Special Safety Considerations

·  Partic. forms with any additional notes, eg, from parents, special transport/health arrangements

·  Shelter/Sleeping arrangements

·  Other

·  Reservation info and email/ dispatches record

·  All receipts

·  Email/ letters must be sent to all Participants with all necessary info as it is necessary, including Teamsports instructions, waiting list considerations, pay schedule, refund policy, transport heads up, meeting place

·  Evals ready to give out (online or paper), include co-guide eval.

Important! Check you have ample meds and equipment in your First aid kit before you go. Remember, it takes ages to re-outfit a FAK so don’t leave it to the last minute
Its always fine to go to your destination early to prepare gear, scout and ‘get a feel’ for the area
Make sure you arrive at the destination rendezvous well in advance of your participants so that you can meet them all with smiles and cuddles!
...after the trip, for the trip folder...

·  completed evals

·  Notes about the destination that would be useful to the next generation of Goats traveling to the same area; this is in addition to what you have already recorded (maps, contractors, etc.).

·  Thank you messages

·  Recommendations from participants for next year’s trip (Quotes to put in the promo material)