Council Questionnaire (Female Section)
Section 0: Interview Codes
Date of interview
Month Day
Surveyor’s code
Geo code
Supervisor’s code
Number of participants who joined at the beginning:
Number of participants who agreed to take part (CF.01)
Number of participants who completed the considered group
Interview start time
Minute hour
End of interview time
Minute Hour
Name of Province
Code of province
Name of district
Code of district
Name of Village
Code of Village
Any other name that the village may be called: 1
Any other name that the village may be called: 2
Location of the considered group
1. Within the village area> 0.19
2. Outside the village area> 0.19
3. Within the constructed building related to the entire village
4. In a tent or a temporary shelter
5. In the house of village’s head
6. In one of the villager’s house
7. In the free yard of the head of village house
8. In other yards
9. other
Type of house and building code:
1. Mud house with windows
2. Raw brick house
3. Concrete house
4. Stone house
5. Ordinary tent
6. Relief tent
7. Temporary construction
8. Other
Team leader’s name:
Team leader’s age:
Team leader’s address:
1. Do not know
2. Do not want to answer
Team leader’s telephone number:
1. Do not know
2. Do not want to give the number
Section FC: Form of agreement
CF. 01
Do you agree to participate in the considered group? Those who agree say yes.
Number of the considered group
1. No (ask them to leave)
2. Yes
CF. 02
We want to interview the villagers after one year, and then two years later, do you agree to participate in the considered group in the following years?
Number of the considered group
1. No (ask them to leave)
2. Yes
Identity Code:
In order to find you in the village next year and then two years later, we need to know your name. What is your name?
1. Yes(write the name in the table)
2. No (if they do not want to give their names put x instead of the name.
Did a man accompany you when you joined this group (if the answer is yes) what is the person’s name?
1. Had no male company
2. Do not want to give his name
3. Do not know his name
Section 1: Basic Information
Identity Code:
How old are you?
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
Are you married?
1. No>1.04
2. Yes
A. Do not know>1.04
B. Do not want to answer>1.04
Do you have any children? (If the answer is yes)
How many children do you have?
A. Do not want to answer
B. Do not have children
Do you have a job or a profession?
Use the job codes:
A. Do not want to answer
B. Do not have any job
What is your highest official qualification?
1. None
2. Primary school
3. Elementary school
4. High school
5. Under graduate
(If the answer is ‘religious school’ write down its name)
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
How many years have you completed of your highest education?
If this person does not have any educational qualifications write down “00”
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
Section 2. Infrastructure (Part one)
Are there female teachers in your village?
1. No>2.03
2. Yes
A. Do not know> 2.03
B. Do not want to answer> 2.03
How many female teachers are in your village?
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
How many mixed schools for boys and girls do you have in your village (joint school for male and female?)
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
5. Five or more
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
C. None
How many schools do you have in your village just for boys?
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
5. Five or more
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
C. None
How many just for girls schools do you have in your village?
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
5. Five or more
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
C. None
Where do the boys study mostly in your village?
1. Boys go to the village school
2. Boys go to the school outside the village
3. Boy do not study
4. At home
5. Boys study in other places other than schools
6. Elders in the village teach the boys
7. Boys study at the mosques
8. Boys study in religious schools
9. Other.
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
Where do the girls study more in your village?
1. Girls go to the village school
2. Girls study outside the village
3. Girls do not study
4. At home
5. In other places other than schools
6. Elders of the Village teach the girls
7. Girls study at the mosque
8. Girls go to the religious schools
9. Other
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
We want to ask this question separately from every one of you; do you think that girls should be allowed to go to schools?
1. No
2. Yes>2.10
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer>2.10
Count the numbers of ‘yes’ answers and write them down in the related boxes, write the numbers of ‘no’ answers in the related boxes, also count write the numbers of the ‘do not know’ answers and ‘do not want to answer’ in their related boxes.
Why shouldn’t the girls be allowed to go to school?
1. Girls do not need education
2. Girls do not like education
3. Chores or work in the farm take up all their time
4. Their fathers do not allow them
5. Tradition and rules of the village
6. Against Islamic religion
7. Other
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
In comparison with last year, has the number of boys going to school in your village increased, decreased or remained the same?
1. Increased
2. Remains the same>2.12
3. Decreased
A. Do not know>2.12
B. Do not want to answer>2.12
Who do you believe caused this difference? Elders of the village, tribal elders, the council, commander, head of district, provincial authority, central government, NGO’s or other sources.
1. Village elders/tribal elders/the council.
2. Local commander
3. Head of district
4. Provincial authority
5. Central government
6. NGO’s
7. Others
8. Lack of security
9. Climate (snow and rain)
10. Parents
11. Economic conditions/children should work
A. Do not know
B. Do not answer
In comparison with last year, has the number of girls going to school in your village increased, decreased, or remained the same?
1. Increased
2. Remains the same>2.14
3. Decreased
A. Do not know>2.14
B. Do not want to answer>2.14
Who do you believe caused this difference? Elders of the Village, tribal elders, the council, commander, head of district, provincial authorities, central government, NGO’s or other sources
1. Elders of the Village\tribal elders\council
2. Local commander
3. Head of district
4. Provincial authority
5. Central government
6. NGO’s
7. Others
8. Lack of security
9. Climate(snow/rain)
10. Parents
11. Economical conditions/children should work
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
When somebody gets ill, where do you normally take him\her for treatment and examination? Health worker, doctor, homeopath, or an elder person, clinic or hospital, or any other person.
1. Health worker
2. Hospital
3. Clinic
4. Doctor
5. Homeopath
6. Elder person
7. Other
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
C. Do not have treatment facilities
If a man gets ill in your Village, is there a health worker inside or outside the village to help him any time at night or during the day?
1. No
2. Yes
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
If a woman gets ill in your village, is there a health worker inside or outside the village to help the woman any time at night or during the day?
1. Do
2. Yes
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
Is there any female midwife or doctor in your village or in the village near you?
1. No
2. Yes, in the next village
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
We want to ask this question separately for each one of you. If your daughter gets ill, and there is no female nurse or doctor to cure her do you take your daughter to a male doctor?
1. No
2. Yes
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
In comparison with last year, has the treatment facilities for people improved, treatment facilities decreased or there hasn’t been any changes in access to the treatment?
1. Improved
2. Remains the same> 2.21
3. Decreased
A. Do not know>2.21
B. Do not answer>2.21
Who do you believe caused this difference? Elders of the Village, tribal elders, the council, commander, head of district, provincial authorities, central government, NGO, or others
1. Village elders\ tribal elders\ the council
2. Local commander
3. Head of district
4. Provincial authorities
5. Central government
6. NGO’s
7. Others
8. Lack of security
9. Climate
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
What is the main source of drinking water for majority of your villagers?
1. Open top well-public
2. Open top well inside the house
3. Hand pump - public
4. Hand pump inside the house
5. Deep well drilled- hand pump
6. Deep well drilled- motor
7. Spring-without protection
8. Spring- protected
9. Water pipe-by gravity
10. Pipe with motor
11. Municipality water pipe
12. Wheel well
13. Karez
14. River, lake, canal
15. Kanda
16. River dam
17. Pond
18. Stream
19. Water supply tank
20. Mineral water/bottled water
21. Other
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
Do most of the people in your village pay money using water from the above main sources?
1. No>2.24
2. Yes
A. Do not know> 2.24
B. Do not want to answer>2.24
How much money did each household pay on average last month for taking water from this main source?
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
How long does it take on average to get to the water source take water and come back?
1. It takes no time, the water source is inside the house
2. One hour or less
3. Less than quarter of a day (between one to three hours)
4. Quarter to half a day
5. More than half a day(6 to 12 hours)
6. More than a day
7. More than two days
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
How many times do the houses take water from this main source?
1. More than once a day
2. Once a day
3. Once every two days
4. Once every three days
5. Once every four days
6. Once every five days
7. Once every six days
8. Once a week
9. Other
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
Section 3: Projects and Priorities (Part one)
Imagine 3 million Afs. is given to your village for execution of three development projects, this fund can be spent in the following areas: 01: Drinking water, 02: Irrigation, 03: Schools, 04, Training and literacy courses for women, 05: Training and literacy courses for men, 06: Health training courses and health & safety, 07: Health clinic and other health facilities, 08: Agriculture seeds, 09: Agriculture accessories, 10: Livestock breeding, 11: Road and bridge construction, 12: Electricity, 13 Small loan programs, 14: Public toilets, 15 Construction of Village center.
Note the codes from the chart in front, for example write 12 for electricity. The numbers should be exactly the same as you have written in the form of agreement.
I want to ask this question from each of you separately, what is the main project among the projects mentioned to be implemented with this money?
Identity code
A. Do not know
B. Do not want to answer
Is there any development project to improve people’s living condition in the village?
1. No>3.06
2. Yes
A. Do not know> 3.06
B. Do not want to answer>3.06
01. Drinking water
02. Irrigation
03. Schools
04. Organization
05. Money for work/ for men
06. Money for work/for women
07. Generating income for women
08. Generating income for men
09. Training skills for women
10. Training skills for men
11. Literacy courses for women
12. Literacy courses for men
13. Educational, health and safety courses for women
14. Educational, health and safety courses for men
15. Clinics
16. Food safety
17. Food for work/for women
18. Food for work/for men
19. Establishment of orchid and fruit trees
20. Agricultural seeds
21. Agricultural accessories
22. Livestock
23. Roads
24. Bridges
25. Gulches and construction of barriers against floods
26. Electricity
27. Rehabilitation of forests and protection of soil against the wind