Society of Iowa Rugby Referee Requirements
●Must have an active referee that is scheduled for two matches (through the SIRRs) each season (spring and fall).
○if you do not have an active referee, match fees will be increased to $200 per match.
●Must be current on club dues and match fees.
●Referee fees must be paid by the day of the match. If they are not current by the Wednesday prior to the next scheduled home match (if match is cancelled, you will have a credit) your referee will be pulled.
○For clarification, even if a match fee is not current and a team is on the road, they will be considered not compliant and the referee will be pulled.
●If you are not a member of the Iowa Rugby Union, and need to have a SIRRs referee assigned, the match fee will be increased to $200
●If matches are cancelled, they must be cancelled by the Wednesday prior to the match, or else pay a $100 match fine.
●Matches must be confirmed with the referee by the Wednesday prior to the match.
○If not confirmed by Wednesday, the first occurrence is a formal warning.
○Second occurrence is reassignment of referee.
Match fees:
●$150 per match - $0.40 per mile, $60 match fee
●$200 per match if not a member of the Iowa Union
●$200 per match if no active referee
●$20 per assigned Assistant Referee
Tournament fees:
●Match fees = $1 per minute of schedule match
●Travel reimbursement = IRS maximum (currently $0.56 per mile, round trip)
●If two day tournament, 90 miles one-way necessitates host pay for referee hotel
Touch Judge Requirements:
●Teams will be expected to have someone certified as a touch judge (in addition to a certified referee) through the USA Rugby online touch judge course ($25) by January 2015.
Assigned Assistant Referee Requirements (assigned through SIRRs):
●Playoff Matches
●Regular season matches with playoff implications
●Division I Men's Senior Matches
Super Saturdays:
●SIRRs and league commissioners may determine, based upon referee availability, that matches must be moved to a common match location, up to three matches per date.
●Match fees will be split evenly at $75 per team, instead of home team paying $150.
●Each team will be expected to bring their certified referee or touch judge.
Sunday schedules:
●Based on referee availability, SIRRs assignor and Iowa Vice President, may determine that matches originally scheduled for Saturday must be moved to Sunday.
●Match reassignment hierarchy (in order of likelihood of reassignment):
○teams without certified referees
○intra-LAU league matches (teams within Iowa)
○defined match level, per the USA Rugby Match Level Matrix (