Ocean SpringsSchool District
August 2017A Publication of Ocean Springs School District/Child Nutrition Program
W E L C O M E B A C K T O S C H O O L!
A message to parents LUNCH PRICE…. $2.75
. . from Gayle Schultz, Child Nutrition Director
Elementary homeroom teachers will have a list of lunch numbers the 1st day of school. Secondary students will have their lunch number on their class schedule. Please help your child learn their new number and to say their first name, as this will help the lunch line flow more smoothly.All students will use a keypad to punch in their own lunch number.
A new school year is always an exciting time for students, teachers, staff, parents and child nutrition employees. We look forward to providing nutritious healthy meals to the students.
As part of a nationwide effort to improve student health our school district will offer students and staff a greater variety of fruit, vegetables and whole grains, as well as low fat or fat free milk in our K-8 and High school menus. The updated nutrition standards are a key part of the 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. To meet these standards all children must have a ½ cup of fruit or vegetable on their meal tray. This is to encourage children to eat healthier with more variety from all food groups.
Lactose free milk will be available to those students who cannot have milk. Your child must have a current medical form on file at their school cafeteria signed by a doctor. Please let your cafeteria manger know if your child will be drinking lactose free milk when you turn in their medical form.
- Student extra entrée’ price $1.25
- In an effort to help promote the benefits of breakfast and lunch reduced price students will receive breakfast and lunch at NO Charge.
- Our New Student Charge Neal Policy EEAC will be emailed to all parents and staff.
Non-Discrimination Statement: In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability.
Safe, secure, private, available 24/7,fast & paperless!
Every year the Federal Government revises the income scale, so just because you did not qualify last year doesn't mean you won't this year. Funding for other school district programs are based on the free and reduced percentage for the district so please apply! If you were on the program last year please remember that on September 14th your last year’s application will expire. If you need assistance or information please call 875-2880.
If you need a paper application they will be available in all school cafeterias and the Child Nutrition Office.
- No charging meals at High School
- K-8 paying students – new charging policy EEAC.
- Parents may pay for meals in advance. Bad debt (charging) is an unallowable expense, please set up an account on myschoolbucks.com to monitor your child’s account for low balances. Call your child’s cafeteria for more information.
- Checks should be made for lunch & breakfast meals only. (All returned checks will be forwarded to Nexcheck. Nexcheck will collect the face value of the returned check plus a collection fee).
- Money for extra food cannot come from the student’s lunch/breakfast account; it must be paid for daily.**(unless a parent fills out a permission form) it must be paid for daily!
** Now available on the OSSD website under the Child Nutrition Department or the Parent Section: New Parent Permission forms for students to purchase extra food out of their meal account.
Please remember per Mississippi State Board Policy students must purchase a reimbursable meal before purchasing extra food with the exception of water, milk and ice cream.