Cracker lab

The purpose of this activity is to see the enzyme found in saliva, amylase, act on a carbohydrate. You will test saliva for the presence of sugars and starches. You will also investigate how an enzyme is affected by pH. You will be using indicators to test for the presence of organic compounds. Iodine tests for the presence of complex polysaccharides such as starches. Benedict’s solution tests for the presence of simple sugars such as glucose.

Materials per group:

2 test tubes Iodine Solution

Benedict’s Solution

Part A: Testing amylase for sugar and starches

1. Collect about 1 inch of saliva, put it into 2 test tubes. Label them A and B.

2. To test tube A add 10 drops of Benedict’s solution and place in a hot water bath.

3. Record your results.

4. To test tube B add 2-3 drops of Iodine solution. Record your results.

5. Rinse out the test tubes and reuse them for Part B.

Part B: Testing amylase in the breakdown of starch into sugar.


1. Take ½ a cracker and crush it into test tube A.

2. Put one half of the cracker in your mouth and chew on it for 4 minutes.

4. The cracker that was in your mouth goes into test tube B.

5. Add 2-3 drops of iodine into each test tube. Record your results.

6. Rinse out the test tubes.


1. Take ½ a cracker and crush it into test tube A.

2. Put one half of the cracker in your mouth and chew on it for 2 minutes.

4. The cracker that was in your mouth goes into test tube B.

5. Add 10 drops of benedicts into each test tube. Place in water bath for 2 minutes. Record your results.

6. Rinse out the test tubes.

Name: ______Amylase Enzyme Lab

Part A: Testing amylase for sugar and starches

Record your results from Part A below.

Part B: Testing amylase in the breakdown of starch into sugar.