July 30th, 2013---CO NAWGJ MEETING MINUTES---GU---Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Attendees: Nichole Otterson, Annette Carlson, Priscilla Hickey, and Linda Weekes

Attendees via Facetime: Kathi Blazek, and Jen Ditmer


New State Judging Director---Nichole Otterson

New State Board Members-Kathi Blazek, Annette Carlson, JenDitmer, Priscilla Hickey, and Linda Weekes

Election Procedures

Problems with the paper ballots and envelopesin both elections this year, and possible solutions were discussed.

COUSAG on-line voting received very good reviews, and the procedure should be investigated for possible use in our


New Board Positions

Kathi Blazek

Website Administrator-discussed “unlimited website capabilities”; i.e., Judges and Coaches Hall of Fame website

Newsletter Editor-discussed “pros and cons” (time, effort, and repetition of information already on other websites) of having more than one newsletter annually

Judge’s Contact Information-Directory Coordinator-discussed eventually having the directoryon the website under password protection; creating a form for information changes; and including home and cell phone numbers for judges, who have both numbers

Spring Assigning TeamMember

Annette Carlson

Mentor (“Big Sister”) Coordinator-discussed name change due to female and male judges wanting to mentor; Nichole will contact Chris McIntosh to thank her for being the last coordinator, and explain that the program will now be a board position; last year Priscilla updated the “Big Sister” handbook, and put it in a PDF format; Annette will update it this year; Priscilla will give Annette the information packets from last year’s Meet and Greet Program; Annette wants to create a Welcome Card for the “New Judges” and “Judges New to Colorado”

New Judge Coordinator-discussed recent and possible future plans to encourage people to become gymnastic judges; new judges need to practice judge for at least 2 sessions at a meet before they can be assigned to judge a meet (USAG rules); new judges should practice judge all four events by rotating events in reverse Olympic order.

Fall Assigning Team Member

Jen Ditmer

Education Coordinator-discussed the role of working withthe COUSAG board members on setting up clinics

Librarian-discussed deleting old collection of gymnastic VHS tapes, as many judges no longer have VHS technology, and many of the tapes are already on Youtube; creating in the future an online site to view our collection of DVDs via a password

Spring Assigning Team Member

Priscilla Hickey

Assigning Coordinator for the Fall and Spring Assigning Teams; Thursday, August 8th, 2013, 1st meeting of Fall Assigning Team at GU from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Test Administrator

Linda Weekes


CPE Coordinator

Clinic Attendance Recorder

Fall Assigning Team Member

Electronic Judging Assignment Contracts

Judging assignments will be via electronic contracts starting with the 2013 Compulsory Fall Season.

Kathi will put an article on becoming familiar with electronic contracts---a tutorial on how to complete, and send an electronic file on our website ( home page.

There will be 3 ways to process the contract:


print out the contract; fill-in information by hand; scan; save as PDF; address e-mail to Assigner (Priscilla Hickey) and to Meet Director; attach to e-mail; send

print out the contract; fill-in the information by hand; make 3 copies; address-mail one copy to Assigner (Priscilla Hickey) and one copy to Meet Director; keep one copy.

If the judge does not accept/sign the contract,he/she needs to contact Priscilla Hickey IMMEDIATELY, so she can find a replacement judge.

If the judge accepts/signs the contract, he/she is responsible for finding a replacement judge (contact Priscilla for available judges). In an extreme emergency, help will be given in finding a replacement judge.

A master schedule will be published after all contracts are accepted.

Compulsory and Optional Testing Dates and Times

Saturday, August 24th, 2013, at DU’s Sturm Hall, Room 253

Level 4/5 written exam---9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Level 7/8 written exam---9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Level 7/8 practical-video exam---10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Level 10 written exam---12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Level 10 practical-video exam---1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Sunday, September 29th, 2013, at Gym Plus

Friday, November 22nd, 2013, location TBA

Judge’s Cup Meet

Saturday, October 5th, 2013 and Sunday, October 6th, 2013

Bid is in for Lakewood High School, and Nichole will be notified in early August-Mary Beth Artemis is the contact coach

6 sessions with 72 gymnasts maximum in each session; 432 gymnasts maximum

Princess Pink theme

Committees and Chairperson:

Meet Director and Coaches Meetings---Nichole Otterson

Decorations---Kathi Blazek

Hospitality Room for Judges and Coaches---Annette Carlson

Awards and “Goodie Bags”/gymnast gift---Jen Ditmer

Computer scoring---Tim Frye

Assigning Coordinator and Meet Referee---Priscilla Hickey

Entrance fees and CPE forms---Linda Weekes

Committee volunteer helper sign-up sheets will be at the Sunday, August 11th, 2013, clinic at GU, and a later e-mail asking for volunteers will be sent to the entire membership, as not all judges are registered to attend the clinic.

Pink “feed-back” cards need to be created for each event and level.

CONAWGJ Lunch and General Meeting Update

Sunday, August 11th, 2013 at GU after the COUSAG Compulsory Clinic---12:45 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.

Picnic lunch will be served.

Nichole via Facetime from Providence, RI, after she attended the National SJD meeting that weekend

Winter Holiday Judge’s Party

Friday, December 27th, 2013

Priscilla Hickey’s home

6 – 9 p.m. ??? (judges only)

bring your favorite hors d’oeuvre

Submitted by Linda Weekes, Secretary

August 11th, 2013---CO NAWGJ GENERAL MEETING MINUTES---GU---SUNDAY, 12:45 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.

CONAWGJ Lunch and General Meeting

Attendees: Melissa Allen, Laurie Balerud, Chelsey Berg, Lisa Brocard, Carole Bunge, Stacey Cannon, Annette Carlson, Vicki Clarkson, Jen Ditmer, Brogan Evanson, Tim Frye, Priscilla Hickey, Dana Himmelmann, Jeni Jankowski, Pam Lovatt, Mary Ann Mahoney, Chris McIntosh, Jan McNall, Cindy Miyake, Lesley Ogg, Shana Peterson, Jana Prochazka, Eric Pung,Linda Thortenson, Kenya Tyler, Linda Weekes, Jennifer Widdowfield, Lynn Ann Willwerth, and Rachel Wood

Attendee via Facetime: Nichole Otterson, from Providence, RI, after she attended the National SJD meeting that weekend

Full AgendaInformation-see attached page

Introduction of CO NAWGJ Board Members and Positions

Kathi Blazek---Website Administrator, Newsletter Editor, Judge’s Contact Information-Directory Coordinator, and Spring Assigning Team Member

Annette Carlson---Mentor Coordinator, New Judge Coordinator, and Fall Assigning Team Member

Jen Ditmer---Education Coordinator, Librarian, and Spring Assigning Team Member

Priscilla Hickey---Assigning Coordinator and Test Administrator

Linda Weekes---Secretary, CPE Coordinator, Clinic Attendance Recorder, and Fall Assigning Team Member

Must Haves (Judges and Nichole)

Assigning Process

Electronic Contracts Information and Process

Judge’s Cup Meet

Next Testing Date

Please check the website for current information

Additional Items Discussed

2014 NAWGJ National Symposium will be held in Atlanta, GA in June??? (July 17th – 20th, see e-mail from Leslie Patterson via Nichole Otterson on 8-19-13)

Nichole needs 2 more judges for the practice meet at Jets on Sunday, August 25th, 2013. If you can judge, please let Nichole know a.s.a.p.

If your judging availability changes throughout the judging season, please let Nichole and Priscilla know a.s.a.p.

To access the Judge’s Contact Information-Directory on our website ( the new secure password--- (judge2013)

New judges need to practice judge for at least 2 sessions at a meet before they can be assigned to judge a meet (USAG rules); new judges should practice judge all four events by rotating in reverse Olympic order. The new judge needs to have the chief judge sign a CPE practice judging form/a statement on paper that the new judge practiced judged that event. Also include the place and date of the meet, and the level of gymnasts on the form. When the new judge has practice judged the 2 required sessions, turn the form into Nichole Otterson.

New judges must have current USAG membership, safety certification, and background check to be on the floor at a meet.

New judges do not have to be a member of NAWGJ to practice judge.

Proposed incentives to volunteer at the Judge’s Cup Meet: (needs to voted in by new state board)

1 session----Volunteer CPE Credit

2 sessions---NAWGJ membership dues payment

3 sessions---Colorado clinics paid

4 sessions---USAG membership dues payment

5 sessions---Judging fee paid @ judging rating @ 3 hour session

6 sessions---Judging fee paid @ judging rating @ 3 hour session

depending on the total number of 3 hour sessions that you volunteer your time, you could earn up to 4 hours maximum ofvolunteer CPE hours, and/or up to 6 hours maximum of in-gym CPE hours, payments for NAWGJ and/orUSAG dues, and payments for judging/working the 5th and 6th session of the Judge’s Cup Meet

Submitted by Nichole Otterson, SJD, and Linda Weekes, Secretary

August 28th, 2013--- CO NAWGJ BOARD MEETING MINUTES---GU---WEDNESDAY, 10 A.M. – 11 A.M.

Attendees: Nichole Otterson, Kathi Blazek, Annette Carlson, Jen Ditmer, Priscilla Hickey, and Linda Weekes

Nichole thanked everyone for their efforts so far as a new state board. Please convey all pro and con opinions to uson ourefforts, as we are a “work in progress.”

Regional-National SJD Meeting Notes

State board meeting minutes and general meeting minutes will be located on the state, regional, and national websites.

The state board must approve any changes to the state board positions.

If you are an elected board member, you cannot be paid for your services.

If you are board approvedpersonnel, you can be paid for your services.

The Web-Master is reimbursed for maintenance costs for the website only.

The dates, locations, and agendas of future state s must be announced to the membership.

Future NAWGJ elections for SJD and state board members will usean on-line voting procedure.

All meets assigned through NAWGJ must use the contract that will be available in the future on the NAWGJ website to insure standard wording on all contracts, as well as,include the NAWGJ and USA Gymnastics membership numbers and expiration dates, and the USA Gymnastics Background Check and Safety Certification expiration dates.

NAWGJ will have a common annual membership expiration date beginningJuly 31st,2014 for everyone.

In order to implement, all memberships will be pro-rated by $5/month fromAugust 1st, 2013 through July 31st, 2014.

See the pro-rating chart on the NAWGJ website.

In order to take advantage of the pro-rating fee, members musttake action prior to December 31st, 2013, and renew

memberships,not on-line, but by sending a check to Mary Lee Martin, 10305 Chapala Place NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111.

new your membership on-line, a membership card will not be available to print at the current time.

Please print and retain your receipt as proof of renewal. Membership cards can be printed later from your profile page.

When you renew your membership, you will no longer retain your P3#. You will be given a new random number.

NAWGJ Symposium will be held in Atlanta, GA, on July 17th – 20th, 2014.

Judges who attend the symposium will earn CPE clinic credits, and can count the symposium as one of the two National/

Regional Congresses/Symposiums required for eligibility for the National/Brevet courses in 2017.

NAWGJ National Judge’s Cup Meet will be held in Tacoma, WA, on January 10th – 12th, 2014.

Leslie Patterson, Region 3 Judging Director, requested Nichole Otterson to be our judge representative at this meet.

The 2015 National NAWGJ Judge’s Cup Meet is tentatively being scheduled for Montgomery, AL.

NAWGJ Website has some new items, and has requestedsome new software.

Errata sheets for the JO Code, the Compulsory Book, and the Flip Book will eventuallybe on the website.

An electronic version of the JO Code will eventually be on the website.

NAWGJ Librarian passed out three new practice judging DVD’s to the SJDs to add their state collections.

Patty Shipman (CA) has been elected as the new NAWGJ Director of Finance.

Insurance Update

NAWGJ no longer requires that you pay a $3 fee for insurance “rider” coverage, while you are performing judging duties

atnon-sanctioned competitions (mock meets), in-gym critiques, clinics, etc., at which NAWGJ wasn’t the official assigner.

NAWGJ now requires that you follow theirnew policyto be covered by the NAWGJ insurance policy:

1. The judge must contact theirstate NAWGJ assigning official prior to the commitment with their name, the date of the commitment, and the name of the gym/facility. (CO-Priscilla Hickey-please contact her by e-mail)

2. The information will be listed on a “blanket” contract, which only covers the judge when he/she is performing judging duties, not coaching/spotting duties.

3. NAWGJ insurance coverage is $500,000 per judge per occurrence.

4. The NAWGJ assigning official must be an elected member of the NAWGJ State Board, the State Judging Director, or

the Regional Judging Director, who has been given the authority to offer NAWGJ contracts by the governing board.

Colorado Board Minutes

The board unanimously approved,the now required, working budget for the Judge’s Cup Meet.

The board unanimously approved the following benefits for volunteering at the 2013 CO NAWGJ Judge’s Cup Meet:

1st session = Donation of your time to CO NAWGJ and Volunteer CPE Credits

2nd session = Paid registration to all Colorado clinics from October 1st, 2013 to September 31st, 2014

3rd session = Paid NAWGJ MEMBERSHIPDUES and SPECIAL BENEFITS See notes below!!!

4th session = Payment for USAG membership dues

5th session = Payment for a 3 hour session at your judging rating hourly fee

6th session = Payment for a 3 hour session at your judging rating hourly fee

CO NAWGJ will pay the pro-rated portion of your membership dues that will expire July 31st, 2014, as well as, your full

membership dues from July 31st, 2014, to July 31st, 2015, for the judges, who volunteer at least 3 sessions at the 2013 CO NAWGJ Judge’s Cup Meet on Saturday, October 5th, and Sunday, October 6th, 2013, at Lakewood High School. Reminder---Only current NAWGJ members are eligible for CO NAWGJ benefits.

SPECIAL BENEFITS---this year only---CO NAWGJ will pay the $125.00 registration fee for you to go to the 2014 NAWGJ National Symposium in Atlanta, GA, as well as, a travel stipend of up to $300.00,for the judges, who volunteer at least 3 sessions at the 2013 CO NAWGJ Judge’sCup Meet.

Judge’s Cup Meet Committee Updates

A “walk-through” visit to Lakewood High School is scheduled for Wednesday, September 4th, 2013, with Mary

Beth Artemis.

Decorations will include table coverings, banners, balloons, “Head-in-a-Hole” Princess Picture sites.

Hospitality is researching various restaurant food donations and menus.

Awards, trophies, and goodie bags are being researched.

A free score cardfor the parents will be provided at the admissions table.

Submitted by Linda Weekes, Secretary

June 6th, 2014---CO NAWGJ MEETING MINUTES---Mimi’s Café--- Friday, 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Attendees: Nichole Otterson, Annette Carlson, Jen Ditmer, Priscilla Hickey, and Linda Weekes Absent: Kathi Blazek

Xcel Review


Good number of gymnasts involved

Good number of meets held

Good number of available to judge

Good variety of judgesassignedto judge


Internet/clinic notes werenot as in-depth as the Xcel Code.

Some coaches and judges were not aware of on-line updates.

Wide variety of scores---Practice judging (at least one session with a higher rated judge via Xcel practice video or in- gym)may be required for novice judges, as required for compulsories and optionals.

Several “gray” areas in the interpreting of the rules---Examples of “gray” areas should be compiled, and submitted for clarifications.

2014 Judges’ Cup Meet---Rock n’ Roll theme

Saturday, October 11th and Sunday, October 12th at Lakewood High School---3 session each day

CO NAWGJ will sponsor a Level 5 All Star Team and two judges to the National Judges’ Cup Meet in Montgomery, Alabama, January 9-11, 2015.

“Meet Integrity” Judges’ Assigning System

An explanation and discussion was held about a contractual database system used in several states to assist in the assigning of judges. Nichole compiled questions to ask the web master.

Priscilla Hickey moved that CO NAWGJ State Board approve the use of the Meet Integrity Judges’ Assigning System for the 2014-15 gymnastic season. Annette Carlson seconded. The vote was 4-0 to adopt the on-line system.

Priscilla Hickey nominated Annette Carlson to be the next Assigning Coordinator. Jen Ditmerseconded. The vote was 4-0 to approve Annette as the next Assigning Coordinator.

Fall assigning team will be Jen Ditmer and Linda Weekes.

Winter-Spring assigning team will be Kathi Blazek and the new State Board member.

New CO NAWGJ State Board Member Election

One year term---August 1st, 2014 to July 31st, 2015

Deadline for applicationsto Nichole Ottersonis June 15th, 2014.

On-line voting from July 1st to July 15th, 2014.

Some board duties may be re-assigned after the election.

Updates---Board Members

Linda Weekes---2013-2014 CPE Annual formsare due by June 30th. A CPEreminder e-mail has been sent. One CPR miscellaneous hour can be earned by attending the COUSAG State Meeting on June 13th, 2014, at Sturm Hall on the DU campus. If you have any questions, please contact Linda.

Jen Ditmer---Exploring the possibilities of contracting out-of-state clinicians to Colorado for a future judging and/or rules clarification-oriented state clinic, and the ordering of new practice judging DVD’s. Next state clinic will be Sunday, August 17th, 2014. Place and time to be announced later.

Annette Carlson---stated the number of new judges, how many tested and obtained their 4/5 ratings, and their 6/7/8 ratings during their 1st year of judging. The New Judge Handbook has been updated again. If you want to be a mentor to a new judge, please contact Annette.