Jere D. Haas
January 2015
Business Address: Division of Nutritional Sciences
220 Savage Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York l4853
Telephone: (607) 2552665
Fax: (607) 255-1033
Title:The Nancy Schlegel Meinig Professor Emeritus
of Maternal and Child Nutrition
Home Address:59 Hickory Circle
Ithaca, New York l4850
Telephone: (607) 277-3123
Date and Place of Birth:September l5, l945
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
Nationality:United States Citizen
Institution Degree MajorDate
Franklin & Marshall College A.B. Anthropology 1967
Lancaster, PA
The Pennsylvania State University M.A.Anthropology 1970
University Park, PA.
The Pennsylvania State UniversityPh.D. Biological Anthropology1973
University Park, PA.
2015-present Professor Emeritus, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
19872014 Professor, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
1984-presentDirector, Human Biology Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
1998-2003Director, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
1998Interim Director and Profesor Titular, División de Nutrición y Salud, Centro de Investigación en Salud Poblacional, Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica, Cuernavaca, México.
19881989Visiting Professor, Food Research Institute, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
19801987Associate Professor, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
1982Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Anatomy, University of Aberdeen. Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K.
19751980Assistant Professor, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
19731975Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
1972Parttime Instructor, Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
19721973U.S. Public Health Service Trainee in Human Biology, Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
197l Field Director, Human Biology Training Program, Peru, Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
1968197l Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Anthropology and Human Performance Research Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
International nutrition
Maternal and child nutrition
Human growth and development
Functional consequences of undernutrition
Nutritional epidemiology
Iron deficiency
Physical performance
Human population biology and adaptation
2014-2015Co-PrincipalInvestigator with Saurabh Mehta, “Effect of Iron- and Zinc-biofortified Pearl Millet (ICTP8203-Fe) Consumption onGrowth, Immune competence, and Cognitive Function in Children Aged 12-18Months in India.” HarvestPlus (IFPRI/CIAT), 1/1/14-6/31/15.
2013-2015PrincipalInvestigator,”Efficacy of Iron Biofortified Beans in Improving the Iron Status of Rwandan Women ofReproductive age: A randomized control trial”. HarvestPlus (IFPRI/CIAT), 1/1/13-8/31/15
2012-2015Principal Investigator, “Effects of Iron Depletion and Repletion on Infant Memory Development.”CUAES/Hatch, 10/1/2012-9/30/2015.
2011-2013PrincipalInvestigator,”Physical activity and work performance in Indian and Rwandan adolescents in response to iron biofortification”. HarvestPlus (IFPRI/CIAT), 6/1/11-1/31/13.
2009-2012Principal Investigator, “Effectiveness of consuming double fortified salt (DFS) on iron status, cognitive function and productivity in Indian female tea pluckers.” Micronutrient Initiative, 3/15/09-1/31/12.
2008-2011Co-Principal Investigator with Salvador Villalpando. “Effects of consuming biofortified beans on iron status and physical activity in Mexican school children.” HarvestPlus(IFPRI/CIAT)and AgroSalud, 9/1/09-12/31/10.
2007-2010Principal Investigator, “Non-Invasive Assessment of Mother-Infant Interactions.” CUAES/Hatch, 10/1/2007-9/30/2010.
2006-2009Co-Principal Investigator with David Bassett, “Physical activity assessment using variability in accelerometer counts.” NIH/NCI,11/1/06-8/31/09.
2003-2006Principal Investigator/Program Director. “Program development in human metabolism & nutritional genomics at Cornell University.” U.S. Department of Agriculture/CSREES, 7/1/03-6/30/06.
2001-2005Principal Investigator/Program Director, “Program development in nutritional genomics at Cornell University.” U.S. Department of Agriculture/CSREES, 9/15/01-9/14/04.
2001-2004Principal Investigator, “Effectiveness of consuming iron enhanced rice in humans.” Micronutrient Initiative/Canada, 2/1/01-4/15/04.
2000-2003Principal Investigator/Program Director, “Individual Differences in Setting and Meeting Nutritional Requirements.” U.S. Department of Agriculture/CSREES, 9/1/00-8/31/03.
1998-2001Principal Investigator/Program Director, “Integration of nutritional goals and the food system.” U.S. Department of Agriculture/CSREES, 9/1/98-8/31/01
1998-2003Principal Investigator/Program Director, “Training in Nutrition.” NIH (NIDDK), 9/1/98-12/31/2005.
1998-1999Co-Investigator with Juan Rivera, PI. “Contribution of ready to eat cereals to the dietary intake of Mexican children and women, A national probability survey.” Kellogg’s/Mexico. 6/1/98-5/31/99.
1997-1998Principal Investigator, "Moderate iron deficiency and physical performance in exercising young women." Mead-Johnson Research Fund, 1/1/97-12/31/98.
1995-1997Principal Investigator, “Moderate iron deficiency and physical performance in young women." U.S. Department of Agriculture, 8/1/95-7/31/97.
1995-1996Principal Investigator, “Physical performance adaptation in high altitude natives: Work and muscular efficiency.” Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant for Tom Brutsaert, National Science Foundation, 9/1/95/8/31/96.
1991-1993Principal Investigator, "Nutritional anthropometry in women of reproductive age." World Health Organization, 11/1/91-1/31/93.
19871995Coinvestigator with Reynaldo Martorell, PI, "Early malnutrition and status in adolescence." National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 6/1/8711/30/95.
1987-PresentCo-investigator with Kathleen Rasmussen, PI, "Training in maternal and child nutrition." NIH (NICHHD), 7/1/87-present.
1990-1991Principal Investigator, "Evaluation of Indonesian nutritional surveillance programs." Government of Indonesia--World Bank, 11/1/90-10/31/91.
1989-1990Co-investigator with Per Pinstrup-Andersen, PI, "Indonesian Food and Nutrition Policy," Government of Indonesia, World Bank, 8/1/89-12/31/90.
19881990Coinvestigator with John Himes, PI, "Early malnutrition and later bone growth," National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 9/1/888/31/90.
19871989 Principal Investigator, "Indonesian Nutrition Surveillance: Food and Nutrition Policy Studies." Government of Indonesia World Bank, 8/1/877/31/89.
1986-1988Principal Investigator, “Fetal growth and neonatal mortality.” Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant for Laura Caulfield, National Science Foundation, 4/1/86-9/30/88
19851987Principal Investigator, "Household demand for food and nutrients." National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 9/30/869/30/87.
19851986 Principal Investigator, "Implementation of nutritional status monitoring at the village level in Indonesia." U.S. Agency for International Development, 1/1/856/30/86.
19841987 Principal Investigator, "Birth weight and neonatal mortality at high and low altitude in Bolivia." National Science Foundation, 7/1/846/30/87.
19831986Coinvestigator with R. Brooke Thomas, PI, "Consequences and responses to illness among Andean peasants." National Science Foundation 7/1/8312/31/86.
19791983Principal Investigator, "Adaptation to anemia and high altitude." National Science Foundation, 7/l5/796/30/83.
l979l982Coinvestigator with Michael Crawford, PI, "Dietary aspect of aging in a Kansas Mennonite Community." National Institute of Aging, 7/l/796/30/82.
l980l981CoInvestigator with Jean-Pierre Habicht, PI, "Comparison of overweight and obesity as risk factors." National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism and Digestive Diseases, 1/l/80l2/3l/8l.
l980l981CoInvestigator with Daphne A. Roe, PI, "Effects of exercise on riboflavin requirements in young adult women." National Dairy Council and US Department of Agriculture, l0/l/809/30/8l.
l978l980Principal Investigator, "Ultrasonic assessment of nutritional status." National Cancer Institute, 9/30/78l2/3l/80.
l976l979Principal Investigator, "Maternal adaptation and offspring viability at high altitude." National Science Foundation, 7/l/76l2/3l/79.
l9741975 Principal Investigator, "Migration, birth weight and infant mortality at high altitude in Leadville, CO." WennerGren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 6/l/745/3l/75.
l97l1973Field Director, U.S. Public Health Service Training Program in Human Biology, examining high adaptation in Southern Peru. Paul T. Baker, Program Director.
l969Research Assistant, Physical growth of Peruvian children at high and low altitudes in the Andes and the Amazon jungle. Charles Hoff, Field Director.
l968l969Research Assistant, studying physical growth and development and physical performance of mentally retarded U.S. children. Ellsworth R. Buskirk, Principal Investigator.
NIH-USPHS Pre-doctoral Trainee (1972-73)
Fellow, Human Biology Association (Elected, 1982)
Vice President, American Association of Physical Anthropology, (Elected, 1992-94)
President, American Association of Physical Anthropologists, (Elected, 1995-1997)
Named Nancy Schlegel Meinig Professor of Maternal and Child Nutrition, College of Human Ecology, Cornell University (1995-present)
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Section H, Anthropology (Elected, 1996)
Lydia J. Roberts Memorial Lecturer, University of Puerto Rico (2002)
Chair, Association of Nutrition Departments and Programs (Elected, 2002-03)
Named International Professor of Nutrition, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University (2003-present)
2006 Research and Development Award, from the Philippine Agriculture and Resources Research Foundation, of the Philippine Ministry of Agriculture, for the research paper Rice biofortification as a viable approach towards improved human nutrition. (Shared with Co-authors, G.Gregorio, D. Adorada, C. Sison, A. del Mundo, A. Felix, J. Beard and L Murray-Kolb)
Named “Profesor Investigador Honorario en Ciencias Médicas-F”, Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica, Cuernavaca, México (2010-2013)
2012 Kellogg Prize for International Nutrition Research, American Society for Nutrition
Fellow, American Society for Nutrition (Elected, 2012)
Elected Professor Emeritus, Cornell University, Ithaca , NY (2015)
Who's Who in America, Who's Who in American Education, American Men & Women of Science
Associations and Societies
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow (1996)
American Association of Physical Anthropologists
American Society for Clinical Nutrition
American Society for Nutrition, Fellow ( 2012)
Human Biology Council, Fellow (1982)
International Association of Human Biologists
Pediatric Society of Bolivia (Honorary)
Society for the Study of Human Biology
Society for the Study of Social Biology
Elected and Appointed Offices
American Association for the Advancement of Science; At-Large Member of Section Committeefor Section H-Anthropology (2006-2009)
American Society for Nutrition, Publications Management Committee (2005-2009)
American Association of Physical Anthropologists; President (1995-1997); Vice-Presidentand Program Chair for Annual Meeting (1992-1994); Publications Committee, chair (1997-1998)
Association of Nutrition Departments and Programs; Executive Committee (1998-2003); Chair (2003)
Committee on Nutritional Anthropology; Nominations Committee (l97778); Research & Funding Committee (197980)
Council on Nutritional Anthropology: Research & Funding Committee (198789); Executive Committee (198889)
Human Biology Council; Nominations Committee (l97880); Executive Committee (l98l85)
Society for International Nutrition Research; Executive Council (2000-2003); Nominations Committee (1993-95)
Editorial Board, Human Biology (198488)
Editorial Board, Annals of Human Biology (19852010)
Editorial Board, American Journal of Human Biology (1989-2002)
National and International Committees and Advisory Boards:
Board of Advisors, Institute for Nutritional Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, PRC (2003-2008)
Advisory Board, Strong Center for Developmental Disabilities, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY (2000-2005)
Expert Advisory Panel on Nutrition, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland (1993-present).
Technical Advisory Group on Food and Nutrition, Pan American Health Organization, Washington, DC. (1996-present).
Expert Committee on Physical Status: The Use and Interpretation of Anthropometry. World Health Organization (1990-1994).
Subcommittee (Chair) on the Uses and Interpretation of Anthropometry in Pregnant and Lactating Women and the Newborn Infant. World Health Organization (1991-1994).
Committee on Nutritional Status During Pregnancy and Lactation, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences (19881990).
Subcommittee on Nutritional Status and Weight Gain During Pregnancy, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences (19881990).
Special U.S. working groups for the UNESCO, Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme in Project 6 "The Impact of Human Activities on Mountain and Tundra Ecosystems" and Project l2 "The Interaction of Environmental Transformations on Genetic and Demographic Changes" (19731976).
Referee and Reviewer:
Research Journals: Human Biology, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Science, Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, Social Science and Medicine, Journal of Nutrition, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Ecology of Food and Nutrition, Food and Foodways, Salud Publica de Mexico, Medicine and Science in Exercise and Sport, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Journal of Biosocial Science, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Journal of Nutrition Education, American Journal of Public Health, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Journal of the American Medical Association, Journal of Pediatrics, European Journal of Applied Physiology, Lancet.
Research Funding Organizations: National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Bureau of Maternal and Child Health and Resources Development (DHHS), WennerGren Foundation for Anthropological Research, National Geographic Society, Thrasher Foundation, Nestle Foundation, The Micronutrient Initiative of Canada.
Ministry of Health, Nutrition Directorate and Nutrition Research and Development Centre, Indonesia; Ministry of Health, Division of Nutrition and MaternalInfant Division, Bolivia; National Nutrition Council, Manila, Philippines; U.S. Agency for International Development, Jakarta, Indonesia, and Washington D.C.; World Health Organization, Nutrition Unit, Geneva, Switzerland, Maternal and Child Health Program, Acute Respiratory Infection Program; Pan American Health, Organization, Nutrition Program; Washington D.C/Guatamala, Uruguay; MotherCare, Arlington, VA/Bolivia; OMNI, Arlington, VA/Bolivia. International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington D.C./Philippines, National Institute of Public Health, Cuernavaca, Mexico; Governor’s Commission on Food and Nutrition, Puerto Rico; HarvestPlus (IFPRI/CIAT) Washington, D.C./Philippines,Indonesia, Kenya, China, Mexico, India, Rwanda; Micronutrient Initiative, Ottawa, Canada/Sri Lanka, India; University of Saskatchewan/Saskatoon &Ottawa, Canada.
Graduate Field Membership(As Professor of the Graduate School, 2015-2017)
Nutrition, Epidemiology, Anthropology, International Development, Latin American Studies
Teaching Experience:
Introductory (undergraduate) coursesin human growth and development, human biology and evolution, nutrition problems of developing countries,
Advanced (undergraduate and graduate) courses in growth and development, human adaptation, field methods in human biology, nutritional assessment laboratory, methods of assessing child growth, international nutrition problems, programs and policies.
Division of Nutritional Sciences:
Planning Committee (198687 ad hoc), chair
Field of Nutrition Seminar Committee (198386), chair (198586)
Teaching Assistant Appreciation Committee (198386), chair (198586)
Research Committee (l97883), chair (l9808l; l98283))
Graduate Admissions, Field of Nutrition (l97880), (198789), (2005-08)
International Nutrition Program (1976Present; Co-director 1993-1998)
Curriculum Committee (l9798l, 19851987, 1990-1993, 2011-2012), acting chair (1987)
Graduate Curriculum Review (l9808l ad hoc), chair
Cornell Nutrition Surveillance Program, Policy Committee (198388)
Cornell Food & Nutrition Policy Program, Steering Committee (1988Present)
Maternal & Child Nutrition Training Program, Advisory Committee (1987Present), Acting Director (198990)
Appointments and Tenure Committee (19871990, 1997-1998, 2005-2008), chair (198990, 2006-07)
Faculty Search Committees (1986, 1987, 1991-1995, 2004-2008), chair (2007-2008)
Graduate Field of Nutrition, Academic Affairs Committee (1989-92), Chair (1991-1992)
Nutrition Intervention and Policy (NIP) Committee (ad hoc) (1990-91)
Nutrition as an Integrated Discipline (NID) Committee (ad hoc) (1990-91)
CSREES Departmental Review Committee (1991-1992)
Field of Nutrition, Nominations Committee (1994-1997)
Human Metabolic Research Unit, Advisory Committee (2006-present), Interim Director (2003-2005)
New York State College of Human Ecology:
Committee on International Education (l979)
Biology and Society Committee (19831995)
Committee on Academic Status (198788)
Dean Search Committee (19871988)
Field & International Studies Program, Advisory Committee (198992)
Dean's Advisory Committee for Family Life Development Center (1991-92)
Admissions Policy Committee (1993-1996), chair (1994-1995)
New York State College of Agriculture & Life Sciences:
Mountain Agriculture Committee (l979 exofficio)
Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development (CIIFAD),
Program Committee (1994-2000)
International Planning Council (1995-present)
Life Sciences Planning Council (1998-present)
Food & Nutrition Planning Council (1998-present), Co-Chair (1998-present)
Task Force on Food Systems and Health (1998-1999)
Tata-Cornell Agriculture and Nutrition Initiative (TCi), Faculty Fellow (2013-present)
Cornell University:
Committee on Research on Human Subjects (l97780)
Latin American Studies Program, Steering Committee (l9788l);
Latin American Studies Program, Fellowship Committee (1987-1992)
Summer Fellowship Committee (1987-1989)
Biology and Society Program, Steering Committee (197882; 19871995)
Biology and Society Major, Curriculum Committee (1983Present), chair (198586)
Human Biology Program, Director (1983Present)
Health Careers Evaluation Committee (198386)
Committee to Evaluate Graduate Student Life (1990-91, Chair)
Financial Aid Review Committee, Student Assembly (1991-1993)
Inter-college Task Force on Food Systems, Nutrition and Health (1992)
Task Force on Graduate Education (1992-93)
Program in International Nutrition, (1976-present), Co-Director (1993-1998)
Health Careers Program Advisory Board (1996-2002)
Task Force on Professorial Appointments (2000-2002)
NCAA Recertification Committee (2007-2008)
Planning and Advisory Group for TACO-AN project (2010-present)
Advising: Student Organizations
Faculty Advisor, Varsity Golf Team (2012-present)
Faculty Advisor, Sprint Football Team (2004-2013)
Faculty Advisor, Cornell Chapter, March of Dimes (2007-2010)
Faculty Advisor,Students for a Smoke-Free Environment (1994-1998)
GRADUATE STUDENT ADVISEES (Major thesis advisor to the following graduate students)
Balcazar, Hector, Ph.D., Professor and Assistant Dean for El Paso Campus, University of Texas at Houston, School of Public Health, El Paso, TX
M.S. (Nutrition), 1982, "Relationship between physical growth indicators and behavioral development in Peruvian infants living at high altitude."
Ph.D. (Nutrition), 1987, "Birthweightmortality relationships in an urban poor population of Mexico City: Implications for screening infants at risk."
Bielecki, Emily M. Ph.D. Candidate in International Nutrition, “A longitudinal study of infant growth and nutritional status among smallholder agricultural households in Uttar Pradesh, India.” (degreeanticipated 2016)
Beard, John L., Ph.D., (deceased) Professor of Nutrition, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Ph.D. (Nutrition), 1980, "Oxygen transport and anemia in severely malnourished children in La Paz, Bolivia."
Brownlie, Thomas, Ph.D., Primary Healthcare Representative. Pfizer, Inc, Boston, MA
M.S. (Nutrition), 1999, “Effect of marginal iron deficiencywithout anemia on adaptation to physical training in young women.”
Brutsaert, Tom D., Ph.D., Associate Professor & Chair, Department of Exercise Science, Syracuse University, Syracuse , NY.
M.S. (Nutrition), 1993, "Iron deficiency anemia and high hemoglobinemia in males resident at high altitude (La Paz, Bolivia): The response to exercise and delta efficiency."
Ph.D. (Anthropology), 1997, “Physical performance adaptation in high altitude natives: work and muscular efficiency”
Caulfield, Laura E., Ph.D., Professor, Human Nutrition Program, Department of International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
Ph.D. (Nutrition), 1989, "An epidemiological study of the determinants and postnatal health consequences of variation in ponderal index among intrauterine growth retarded infants."
Chapman (Pickett), Kate E., Ph.D., Lecturer, Department of Epidemiology, University of Kent, UK.
M.S. (Nutrition), 1990, "The effects of early nutritional supplementation on adolescent skeletal maturation in a rural Guatemalan population."
Cohen, Jennifer H., Ph.D., Staff Scientist, U.S. General Accounting Office, Seattle, Washington.
Ph.D. (Nutrition). 1999, “Estimating the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in populations.”
Conlisk, ElizabethA., Ph.D.,Associate Professor of Nutrition, Hampshire College, Amherst, MA.
M.S. (Nutrition), 1987, "The effects of high altitude on birthweight and neonatal mortality in Bolivia."
Ph.D. (Nutrition), 1993, "Heterogeneity of low birthweight as it relates to the Black-White gap in birthweight-specific neonatal mortality"
DellaValle, Diane M., Ph.D., RD. Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Medical College of South Carolina, Charleston, SC.
Ph.D. (Nutrition), 2011, “The effects of iron deficiency without anemia on training and performance in female collegiate rowers”
Dickin, Katherine L., Ph.D., Research Associate, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
M.S. (Nutrition), 1986, "Placental morphometry and infant birthweight in relation to maternal nutritional status and altitude of maternal birthplace in a Bolivian population."
Flegal, Katherine M., Ph.D., Senior Research Epidemiologist, National Center for Health Statistics, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Hyattsville, MD,
Ph.D. (Nutrition), 1982, "Anthropometric evaluation of obesity in epidemiologic research on risk factors."
Frongillo, Jr., Edward A., Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Department of Health Promotion, Education and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
M.S. (Nutrition), 1981, "Validation of the Ithaco Ultrasonic Body Composition Meter and the plastic Ross and McGaw skinfold calipers for the measurement of body composition in athletes."