Employability Skills Class Student Name:

Interview Questions Final Assignment


  1. Type your first and last name in the Header section of this document.
  2. Answer 10 out of 20 interview questions. You may choose any 10 questions.


  1. Read the description under Step 1.
  2. View the matching internet video.All videos can be found on the class website. Click this link to go directly to the interview videos: Interview Videos(Press the CTRL key while clicking on the link.)


Provide or talk about situations from your own work experience that prove you have used this skill in the past:

  1. What skill, or talent, or ability, or strength you USED
  2. When you USED that skill, or talent, or ability, or strength
  3. How you USED that skill, or talent, or ability, or strength


  1. Type your answer to each question in the Step 2square. The square or cell will expand to fit the length of your answers.


Additional interview resources can be found by clicking the following link:Best Interview Questions and Answers.(Press the CTRL key while clicking on the link.)

Interview Questions

Interview Question / Step 1: To better understand how to answer this interview question, read the explanation listed below. / Step 2: Type your answer to the interview question in the box below.
1. Tell me about yourself
This is the most often asked question in interviews. Prepare a short statement to answer this question.
Follow the steps outlined below to guarantee your answer will grab the interviewer’s attention.
Provide a brief introduction. Introduce attributes that are important to the job.
Provide a career summary of your most recent work history. Your career summary is the most important part of your response. Make sure that it supports your job objective (on your resume). Make sure your response is compelling – catches the attention and interest of the interviewer. Limit your response to your current work experience – don’t go back more than 10 years – if possible. Mention some soft and hard skills that match the job.
Mention your recent education, if applicable, that supports the job.
Tie your response to the needs of the hiring organization. Don’t assume that the interviewer will be able to connect all the dots. It is your responsibility to make certain that the interviewer understands how your experiences are transferable to the job the interviewer is trying to fill. / If you created an elevator speech in class, use this for your answer to this question.
Interview Question / Step 1: To better understand how to answer this interview question, read the explanation listed below. / Step 2: Type your answer to the interview question in the box below.
2a.What are your strengths as an employee? Tell me about a time you USED your strengths. / STRENGTHS
Your strengths are a mixture of your talents, knowledge and skills. Write a positive statement that you can say with confidence.
“My strength is my flexibility to handle change. As a customer service representative in a call center in my last job, I was able to quickly adapt to the new computer software the company implemented in the call center. My goal was to learn it quickly, and thoroughly so I could help my coworkers if they needed assistance.”
As a general guideline, the 10 most desirable traits or strengths that all employers like to see in their employees are:
  1. A proven track record as an achiever
  2. Intelligence
  3. Honesty and integrity…a decent person
  4. Good fit with corporate culture…a team player who fits well with the interviewer’s team.
  5. Likeability…positive attitude…sense of humor.
  6. Good communication skills
  7. Dedication…willingness to walk the extra mile to achieve excellence.
  8. Definiteness of purpose….clear goals
  9. Enthusiasm…high level of motivation.
  10. Confident…healthy…a leader
/ Remember, before you answer this question, provide an example of a time that proves you have USED this strength.
2b.You might also be asked “What are your weaknesses?” / WEAKNESS
For your weakness, pick one that is NOT going to disqualify you from the job.
Then, give examples of what you are doing, or have already done, to fix your weakness. The most importantpoint here is to show that you learn from your mistakes and your weakness, and you are taking steps to correct or fix the situation – and REALLY STRESS THIS POINT ABOUT FIXING THE WEAKNESS.
Never say you are a ‘workaholic, a perfectionist because it sounds negative. Instead, try to change these negative qualities into positive ones.
For example, if the job does not require public speaking, you can say that your weakness is that you are afraid of speaking in front of a group of people. Then, tell the interviewer that you have joined a Toastmaster club or enrolled in a public speech course to overcome your fear (or weakness). Remind the interviewer that when you identify a weakness, you take actions to correct it. / Remember, before you answer this question, be prepared to give examples of how you are fixing your weakness.
Interview Question / Step 1: To better understand how to answer this interview question, read the explanation listed below. / Step 2: Type your answer to the interview question in the box below.
3. How would your best friend describe you? / The interviewer really wants to know how your coworkers - NOT your friends, would describe you.
Therefore, when asked about how your friends would describe you, keep the description as professional as possible.
Be confident
You can never cast more doubts onto your answer, if you sound unconfident, unclear or uncertain about what people would say about you. Don’t start your answer using the phrase ‘I think my colleagues would describe me as...’ Don’t sound unsure or uncertain.
Be Factual
Another important aspect to remember why answering this, and any type of interview question is to provide facts and truthful information.
You never want to place yourself in a position where you tell something that is not true and it could be discovered later.
Most of this information would be cross checked, and some of it may even be used to take decisions about you. For example, if you tend to describe that you have leadership qualities, there are many chances that they might consider you for leadership positions now or in the future of working with the company.
Refer to your old performance appraisals and boss’ quotes. This is a great way to brag about yourself by using someone else’s words.
My manager has told me that she can always count on me to come through in every situation. She said I’m dependable, innovative and that she appreciates my suggestions. In fact, She requested that I join the Improvement Process Team comprised of co-workers with the purpose of sharing innovative ideas that improve customer satisfaction processes. / Remember, before you answer this question, be prepared to provide an answer of how your boss or coworkers would describe you – NOT your friends.
Interview Question / Step 1: To better understand how to answer this interview question, read the explanation listed below. / Step 2: Type your answer to the interview question in the box below.
4. What do you want to be doing five years from now? / The interviewer is hoping to discover a few things by asking this question.
  1. Are you the type of person who plans ahead and sets goals? You should be.
  2. Do your goals match those of the company and the position? Your goals need to fit the career path for the job. The company doesn’t want to lose you in a year or two.
  3. The interviewer does NOT want to hear about your personal plans – only about your career plans. And, you career plans must have something to do with the company or job you are interviewing for.
“After 5 years I see myself better skilled and more knowledgeable in my profession. I would like people to admire me for my work and hope the company would grow more with my help. I would like to be a leader for my juniors and you would be proud to have hired me.” / Remember, before you answer this question, the interviewer does NOT want to hear about your personal plans – only about your career plans and how they relate to their company.
Interview Question / Step 1: To better understand how to answer this interview question, read the explanation listed below. / Step 2: Type your answer to the interview question in the box below.
5. What do you know about our company? / The WORST think you can say is “Not much.” Or “Nothing.” The WORST thing you can do is showing up at an interview knowing nothing about the company.
RESEARCH the company before the interview. Whether you are applying at McDonald’s or applying at Facebook, do a search online. Look at the company’s website. Review their recent Press Releases. Find out who they are, what kind of business they conduct, and why you’d want to work for that company. What is the company’s mission statement? Are the company’s core values, or company culture similar to your own values and culture? Would you and the company make a good fit?
Once you know about the company you can answer this question.
“I’ve read about how this company is involved in the local community, and this is something I can relate to. I volunteer at my local community senior center. I feel very strong about giving something back to the community. / Remember, before you answer this question, be prepared to state some information about the company.
Interview Question / Step 1: To better understand how to answer this interview question, read the explanation listed below. / Step 2: Type your answer to the interview question in the box below.
6. Describe your ideal job or ideal work environment. / EXAMPLE ANSWER
“I would describe the ideal job as a job that makes the most of my qualifications and abilities, and gives me a chance to constantly challenge myself. I look for a stable job with quality supervision, a positive work culture at a successful company that will encourage me to work at my best.”
Other good answers to the ‘dream job’ interview question could be:
A job that provides opportunity to learn, progress and contribute to the organization.
A teamwork-oriented environment in a company that empowers employees to create and take initiatives.
A job that my skills are utilized to the maximum and allows me to grow within the organization.
I would prefer the company culture to be very team oriented and focused on delivering real measurable results while still maintaining a friendly and respectful work environment.
My ideal job would be – Open, supportive, entrepreneurial, stimulating, collaborative, inspiring, focused on fostering strengths.
I would love to work in a job in which I can work both by myself and with others to achieve the end result. I am very self-motivated so I am interested in working in an atmosphere where I can continuously learn new things and improve my skills.
My ideal job is – Friendly, fast paced, available to learning new things, challenging and of course opportunity for career advancement.
A workplace that is open to communication, staff that are approachable and willing to listen as well as give feedback.
I flourish in an environment that allows me to grow my position and gives me learning opportunities. Work environments where trust and team work are keys to success. I really enjoy working with teams and feel mutual trust and respect is a necessary component to any job.
An environment with various sized teams of equally passionate, creative and intelligent people on projects that are both exciting and practical.
I would prefer working in an interesting and professional job where everybody work hard and help each other to succeed as a team.
A job where I can use my creative abilities to support, aid and mentor other professionals.
The workplace that gives enough space and helps employees to grow. There should be healthy team work, good communication, mutual understanding between each team member. A workplace where there is respect for individual’s ideas and always appreciate good work as well as knowledge / Remember, before you answer this question, be prepared to give an answer that talks about how your skills and strengths will benefit the company if you take this job – NOT how you will benefit from the job.
Interview Question / Step 1: To better understand how to answer this interview question, read the explanation listed below. / Step 2: Type your answer to the interview question in the box below.
7. What does success mean to you?
Or, how do you know you are successful in your job?
Or, do you consider yourself successful? / A good explanations is that success to you is about setting and achieving goals. State that you have set goals, and you have achieved some of these, and you are on track to achieve your other goals.
You could also say:
You set high standards for yourself and meet them.
Your outcomes or work results are a success.
Your boss tells you that you are successful. / Remember, before you answer this question, provide an example of a time that proves you have set a goal and that you either achieved it, or that you are taking specific steps to achieve this goal. State what these steps are.
Interview Question / Step 1: To better understand how to answer this interview question, read the explanation listed below. / Step 2: Type your answer to the interview question in the box below.
8. Do you have any questions for me (the interviewer)? / You should ask at least 2 questions.
Salary, pay, benefits, vacation? DO NOT ASK!
Never ask about these things during an interview.
You can ask about these things ONLY if and when the job or position is offered to you.
Good questions to ask the interviewer:
1. Job Challenges
You can ask about the job challenges while emphasizing that you like to be motivated by well focused daily work challenges, multi-tasking and even pressure.
2. Career/Professional Development & Promotion Opportunities
You can also ask about the company policy regarding professional development and tell the interviewer that you would consider this an important aspect for enhancing your skills and experience.
“What opportunity is there for career advancement” is a good question to ask interviewers as it shows serious approach toward career and motivation.
3. Work Environment and Team members
You may ask about your perspective team and the workplace environment/culture, stating that as a team player effective team work is your first priority.
4. The company (and department) long/short term goals and challenges
Other questions can be askedto high level managers about the company goals, competition, the industry challenges etc., showing an interest in the company and its vision. / Remember, be prepared to ask 1-2 questions.
Interview Question / Step 1: To better understand how to answer this interview question, read the explanation listed below. / Step 2: Type your answer to the interview question in the box below.
9. Why should we hire you? / The interviewer wants to know:
-What benefits or value are you going to bring to the company?
While answering this question, focus on providing reasons why the company should hire YOU over someone else.
“From our conversations, it sounds as if you’re looking for someone to come in and take charge immediately. It also sounds like you are experiencing problems with losing customers. With my 7 years of experience working as a Customer Service Representative, I have successfully built strong customer relationships. My strong customer relationship management skills and my high energy enable me to jump right in and turn a negative situation into a positive one – and keep the customers coming back for more. / Remember, before you answer this question, provide an example of a time that proves you have brought value to your company, or to the customers of that company.
Interview Question / Step 1: To better understand how to answer this interview question, read the explanation listed below. / Step 2: Type your answer to the interview question in the box below.
10. What are your salary expectations? / Try not to answer this question because if you say an amount too high, it could disqualify you from the job. On the other hand, if you say an amount too low, you could potentially end up making less than you deserve, or less than the interviewer was going to pay you.
If possible, avoid answering this question until you are offered the job. This gives you more bargaining power. If pushed by the interviewer to answer the question, ask the interviewer