A meeting of Mumby Parish Council was held in Beckets on
Wednesday 18th January 2017at 7.00pm
Present:CouncillorsJean Bradley (Chairman), Roger Gilburd, Joan Stapleton, Dianne Baxterand Jean Morlini
Also Present:9 members of the public
CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS: The Chairman welcomed all those present and invited the public to speak.
Four members of the public asked if the Parish Council could do anything about a complaint they had with a resident at Listoft Lane, Helsey. Cars were parked on the grass verge making it impossible for lorries or farm machinery to pass. The grounds of the property were very untidy and seven uncontrolled dogs were kept in the yard. The landlord was not prepared to do anything and the dogs had attacked live-stock and a pet dog. Court cases on these attacks were pending. It was agreed that the Parish Council would write formally to Councillor Davie with the facts.
- APOLOGIES – Apologies were accepted from Cllrs Selma Harrington and Mick Spencer. Dist Cllr Alan Vassar had also sent apologies.
- NOTES OF LAST MEETINGheld on 16th November2016were unanimously approved as the minutes and signed by the Chairman.
- CLERK’S REPORT ON MATTERS OUTSTANDING – Items of note were on the agenda.
County Cllr Colin Davie reported that a further £5M had been granted from central government for Highways. Half of this amount would be used for potholes. A major flood alert was called at the weekend for the coastal communities which had been well managed. The council tax will be increased by 3.9% for the countybut adult social care will be short of funding. Ambulances are to be withdrawn from this area. Going forward there is to be a new medical school for Lincolnshire so that more doctors can be trained. Every Parish will be consulted on the transformation programme.
- Copy of letter from Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership to the resident on the corner of Long Lane regarding the safety to his property stated that their investigations of accidents in that area identified vehicle loss of control on damp/wet surfaces. As a result they are now proposing to realign the junction and carry out road surface improvement works.
- Letter from National Grid confirming that the purple route for the Viking Link project had been agreed. This route would not be of concern to Mumby village as it would run from Sandilands to the north of Alford.
- Email from neighbour to White House Farm regarding the huge leilandi trees between the properties. The previous owner had promised to cut them down but they were now concerned that the new owners may not honour this promise. The Chairman noted that this is a problem for LCC and not the Parish Council.
- Letter of thanks from Citizens Advice Bureau for the £50 donation.
a)The Financial Statement to 31st December 2016 showing a balance of £10895 was unanimously accepted.
b)The clerk explained the budget in detail and made particular reference to a further £400 being reserved for possible election expenses. The total budget expenses of £5062 was unanimously accepted.
c)It was unanimously agreed that the precept should be raised to £5200 (4% increase) to cover any small extraordinary costs.
d)Payment of accounts was unanimously approved for £65.37 to clerk for expenses, £190 repayment to clerk for purchase of computer and £2796 to Castletree Care for the work done on the Mumby churchyard trees. The clerk was instructed to check that the stump growth had been killed before sending the cheque.
e)It was agreed not to join LALC’s Annual training Schemeat a cost of £65 for the year.
a)Full planning permission had been given for N/125/12109/16- Albion, Hogsthorpe Road to demolish the existing bungalow and erect a pair of semi-detached houses.
b)Planning permission for the three applications for the Bungalow, Hogsthorpe Road for an increase in touring caravans, winter caravan storage facilities and toilet block to be kept open had all been refused.
c)The clerk noted that she had again spoken to planning enforcement regarding the untidy bungalow, Hill Rise. The tenant had now left but a skip parked in the drive had been left full of rubbish for 6 weeks. Planning Enforcement will again take this up with the owner of the property. The District Councillor will again be contacted.
a)Problems with residents at Listoft Lane, Helsey – see notes on public forum.
b)The clerk reported that Castletree Care had completed the tree work in the cemetery (she would check that the stump growth had been killed). They had found no further works required for 2017 and the resistograph drill result was within tolerable limits. They recommended that a regular assessment of the tree be undertaken and any fungal growth reported. They offered their services to reassess this tree annually for a fee of £55. With regard to the overhanding branch on the main road, their opinion was that this was better left until the new growth appeared. A cost of £450 including road management and traffic lights was quoted.
c)It was noted that Coots Lane had still not been repaired by Highways and was in a dreadful state. Highways had again been contacted and had stated that it was in the plan but no date had been set. Cllr Davie will look at this when he is in the area.
a)Bus Shelter - Cllr Baxter would be making enquiries about funding for this project before the March meeting.
b)Cemetery path – it was agreed to search for grants to install a path to the cemetery. It is believed that a large donation of £5K was being given for upkeep of the churchyard later in the year.
c)There was still no heating at Beckets. The clerk understood that the PCC were waiting for an electrician to repair the current system and no PCC meeting had been held to discuss a grant for heating
The next meeting date was confirmed as Wednesday 15th March 2017 - 7p.m. at Becketts.
Notice boards would be put on the next agenda.
The meeting closed at 8.15 p.m.
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