
BrusselsFriday 16 May

Top News from the European Commission19 May to 16 June 2008

Background notes from the Spokesperson’s service for journalists
The European Commission reserves the right to make changes

Monday 19 May:
European films in the spotlight at Cannes Film Festival

Monday 19 May:
Commission presents 2007 report on seizures of counterfeit goods: cigarettes, medicines and personal care products still on the top of the list

Tuesday 20 May:
The "health check" of the CAP reform

Tuesday 20 May:
Advanced Safety features and Tyres for Cars

Tuesday 20 May:
EU celebrates first European Maritime Day to generate greater public awareness of the importance of Europe's oceans and seas, as expressed in the new Integrated Maritime Policy

Tuesday, 20 May:
Commission proposals on the Union for the Mediterranean

Thursday 22 May:
Bluefin tuna fishery - state of play, risk analyses, forecasts,
on the eve of the peak season

Tuesday 22 and Friday 23 May:
European Nuclear Energy Forum in Prague

Friday 23 May:
Hübner and Nobel laureate Michael Spence unveil report identifying policy ingredients for successful growth in developing countries

Tuesday 27 May:
Europe's Internet Security Agency Tackles Online Security Threats

Tuesday 27 May :
Realising a single labour market for Researchers

Wednesday 28 May:
Around 50% of the adult population in EU-10 do not have a bank account – improving access to basic financial services

Monday 2 June:
Annual report on quality of bathing water in Europe

Wednesday 3 June:
Inauguration of European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in Helsinki and first
application of REACH legislation

Tuesday 3 to Friday 6 June:
The Commission goes green

Wednesday 11 June:
2008 Public Finances Report

Friday 13 June 2008:
Are you at risk? – Healthy Workplaces campaign for a better assessment of work-related risks

Monday 19 May: European films in the spotlight at Cannes Film Festival

The news:

The 6th Europe Day event will take place on Monday, 19 May 2008 during the Cannes Film Festival. Amongst the films that will be in the official contest at Cannes, a number have benefited from EU support, via the Media Programme: Gomorra directed by Matteo Garrone (EU funding from MEDIA: €45,000); Delta directedby Kornél Mundruczó (€100,000); La frontière de l'Aube directed by Philippe Garrel (€50,000); Le silence de Lorna directed by Luc and Jean-Pierre Dardenne (€202,500); The Palermo Shooting directed byWim Wenders (€50,000).

President Barroso, Commissioner Viviane Reding and Festival President Gilles Jacob will invite EU ministers for Audiovisual policy to discuss international film cooperation and make a special tribute to Portuguese film maker Manoel de Oliveira. President Barroso will open the Ministers' meeting under the multilingual banner: Cinema, Dianying Yan, Kino, Chalchitra, Cine: Building a world of exchanges.

While the geographical sphere of the current MEDIA programme is essentially European, a future programme would aim both to widen the circulation of audiovisual works to other countries of the world and to strengthen cooperation between audiovisual industries in the EU and in third countries. In anticipation of a future programme, a new preparatory action has been set up to support the screening of films from other countries within European markets and vice-versa.

The background:

Patron of this year's Europe Day is Cristian Mungiu, Romanian film-maker and last year's Palme d'Or winner for his film 4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days.

MEDIA programme contributed to support successful films such as The Counterfeiters (2008), La Vie en Rose (2008), Persepolis (2008), The Lives of others (2007) or The March of the Penguins (2006

The preparatory action MEDIA International was agreed by the EP in December 2007 with a budget of € 2 millionfor 2008. It will run for a three-year period covering the training of professionals,the promotion of cinematographic works and the cinema networks. In this respect, a call for proposals was launched in April 2008 (deadline 13 June 2008). ).

The event:

A press conference by Commissioner Viviane Reding will take place at 12:00 in the Palais des Festivals.An information session on the MEDIA International call for proposals will also be held at 15h30 on 19 May during Cannes Film Festival (Salon des Ambassadeurs, Palais des Festivals). In the evening of 19 May, the film "Douro, Faina, Fluvial (1930)" will be shown at the Croisette to honour Portuguese film maker Manoel de Oliveira.

  • EBS Coverage

The sources:

  • I-054176 Cannes Film Festival 2007

MEDIA programme's website

Cannes Film Festival's website:

The contact:

Martin Selmayr +32 2 298

Monday 19 May: Commission presents 2007 report on seizures of counterfeit goods: cigarettes, medicines and personal care products still on the top of the list

The news:

The Commission will present its yearly report on customs activities related to counterfeiting and piracy at the EU border.

The 2007 statistics show a marked increase in the amount of customs actions involving infringements of intellectual property, even though the total quantity of products seized is less than in 2006. This is partly due to a growing number of seizures involving smaller quantities of counterfeit and pirated articles.

Cigarettes continue to be counterfeited in large quantities, though the overall quantity seized is much less than in 2006. Elsewhere however, major increases were reported in nearly all sectors including medicines and personal care products.

The background:

The report contains statistics on the seizures of fake goods by customs and includes information about the type and quantities of goods seized, as well as a breakdown of results by Member States, the provenance of the goods, the means of transport used and the type of intellectual property infringed.

The drawing up of such statistics on a yearly basis provides useful information to support analysis of counterfeiting and piracy in the EU and the development of appropriate counter-measures by customs.

The event:

Press announcement by Commissioner Kovács before the Midday Briefing, in the press room of the Berlaymont, Brussels

Technical Briefing with Mr John Taylor (head of the Anti-Counterfeiting Team in DG TAXUD), after the Midday Briefing (around 12h30),in the press room of the Berlaymont, Brussels.

  • EbS coverage

The sources:

IP/07/735: Customs: Commission publishes 2006 Customs seizures of counterfeit goods

I-057198 : Counterfeiting and piracy

MEMO/07/214: 2006 customs seizures of counterfeit goods – Frequently Asked Questions

Commissioner Kovács' website:

The contacts:

Maria Assimakopoulou+32 2 29 59

Emer Traynor+32 2 29 215

Tuesday 20 May: The "health check" of the CAP reform

The news:

Following a thorough debate on its Communication from November 2007, the Commission will now adopt legal proposals for improvements to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the so-called "health check".

The main questions it addresses are:

- How to make the Single Payment Scheme more effective, efficient and simple?

- How to render market support instruments more relevant in a globalised world and an EU of twenty-seven?

- How to master new challenges, from climate change to water management, by adapting to the new risks and opportunities?

The "Health Check" is not a fundamental reform, rather it essentially aims to ensure that the CAP functions effectively and to simplify it where possible.

The proposal will be sent to the Council and Parliament. The idea is to adopt it during the French Presidency, before the end of the year.

The background:

The 2003/2004 reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) introduced decoupled direct payments and strengthened Rural Development Policy.

This process continued with reforms in the sectors of sugar (2006), fruit and vegetables and wine (2007).

For the CAP to continue to be a policy of the present and of the future, it needs to be able to evaluate its instruments, to test whether they function as they are meant to do, and consequently to identify any adjustments needed to meet the stated objectives, being able to adapt to new challenges as they emerge. This is the purpose of the so-called "Health Check".

The event:

Press conference by Commissioner Fischer Boel in Strasbourg - time tbc.

  • EbS coverage

The sources:

IP/07/1720 from November 2007

European Commission website:

Commissioner Fischer Boel's blog:

  • I-055494 Health check of the Common Agriculture Policy (11/2007)

The contacts:

Michael Mann+32 2 299 97

Johan Reyniers+32 2 295 67

Tuesday 20 May: Advanced Safety features and Tyres for Cars

The news:

The Commission is coming forward with a proposal for a Regulation on the general safety of motor vehicles which will lay down harmonised rules on the construction of motor vehicles. The proposal aims to enhance the safety of vehicles by requiring the mandatory fitting of some advanced safety features, such as Electronic Stability Control (ESC) systems.

In normal driving conditions, ESC can reduce accidents by more than 20 percent while its benefits are even more significant under wet or icy conditions where the accident reduction rate increases to between 30 and 40 percent.

The proposal on safety will also introduce requirements for Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems and Low Rolling Resistance Tyres, which will not only contribute to improving safety but are also part of the integrated approach to reduce CO2 emissions from cars.

The background:

In February 2007 the European Commission adopted a comprehensive strategy for the European car industry, to keep the manufacturing of motorcars viable on a long term basis, at prices affordable to consumers. The strategy covers a variety of areas, (including for example, reduction of administrative burdens, environmental sustainability, and road safety). The Commission in its Communication on “A Competitive Automotive Regulatory Framework for the 21st Century” welcomed the recommendation from the CARS 21 report to simplify the current whole vehicle type-approval regulatory framework.

The technical requirements for the type-approval of motor vehicles with regard to numerous safety and environmental elements have been harmonised at Community level to avoid requirements that differ from one MemberState to another, and to ensure a high level of road safety and environmental protection. New technologies now available can dramatically improve vehicle safety (such as ESC) or reduce CO2 emissions (such as low rolling-resistance tyres). Research has shown that there would be significant benefits if such technologies were introduced as standard on new vehicles.

The automotive industry is a major pillar of the European economy, representing 3% of the European GDP and 7% of employment in the manufacturing sector.

The event:

Adoption by the Commission

The sources:

IP/07/157: New Commission strategy for long term viability of European car industry

  • I-055102: Employment in the Automobile Industry

MEMO/07/47: The EU’s automotive sector: new challenges, responsibilities and opportunities

Competitive Automotive Regulatory System for the 21st century:

The contacts:

Ton Van Lierop+32 2 296 65

Catherine Bunyan+32 2 299 65

Tuesday 20 May: EU celebrates first European Maritime Dayto generate greater public awareness of the importance of Europe's oceans and seas, as expressed in the new Integrated Maritime Policy

The news:

20 May marks the first European Maritime Day to be celebrated annually throughout the EU. President of the European Parliament Hans-Gert Pöttering, Council President Janez Janša, and Commission President José Manuel Barroso will officially launch the event.

At the same time, several regional stakeholders around the EU will organise their own activities linked to the European Maritime Day. Some examples:

- The Week of the Sea in the Netherlands: a key maritime event starting for 9 days, on 24th May

- RORO 2008 at Gothenburg, Sweden: a large shipping industry event, from 20th to 22nd May with over 100 exhibitors

- The 68th International FISHING Fair at Ancona, Italy: from 23rd to 25th May, it will focus on equipment and innovative technologies, logistics, and quality for professional fishing

The Day will also be marked by the adoption of a report on the Integrated Maritime Policy by the European Parliament. This year's events will include, this time in Brussels, a stakeholder conference, with the participation of Joe Borg, Commissioner for fisheries and maritime affairs. It will focus on the regional approach to the implementation of the IMP and dialogue with stakeholders.

The background:

The European Maritime Day, decided jointly by the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council, aims to generate greater public awareness of the importance of Europe's oceans and seas, as expressed in the new Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) for the EU, adopted by the Commission in October 2007 and endorsed by the European Council in December.

The European Maritime Day will highlight the contribution that oceans and seas make to helping Europe meet the challenges of a globalized world. It will be an opportunity to celebrate Europe's maritime heritage and maritime identity. It will help raise awareness of the importance of the maritime industries and sectors in Europe's overall economy, and emphasise the key role of Europe's coastal regions.

The event:

On 20 May in Strasbourg, President of the European Parliament Hans-Gert Pöttering, Council President Janez Janša, and Commission President José Manuel Barroso will officially launch the first European Maritime Day by signing the Joint Tripartite Declaration establishing a "European Maritime Day". A photo opportunity will be organised at the EP, at 13h00, Louise' Weiss building, 1st floor, left of the Hemicycle.

  • EbS coverage

Stakeholder conference in Brussels, 19-20 May, Charlemagne building. Journalists are invited to attend the conference. In order to register to the European Maritime Day Stakeholder Conference please download and fill out the registration form and send it to .

The sources:

Information on the European Maritime Day Stakeholder Conference and other regional events:

  • I-051623: Maritime security 2006

An Integrated Maritime Policy for the EU:

The contacts:

Nathalie Charbonneau+32 2 299 16

Lone Mikkelsen +32 2 296 05

Tuesday, 20 May: Commission proposals on the Union for the Mediterranean

The news:

The Commission will be presenting its proposals on the Union for the Mediterranean in preparation for the Summit of Heads of State and Government to be held on 13 July 2008 inParis.

The background:

In March 2008, the European Council called on the Commission to present proposals to the Council for stepping up cooperation between the EU and the third countries bordering on the Mediterranean on the basis of the acquis of the Barcelona Process and the European Neighbourhood Policy.

The proposals to be put forward by the Commission on the initiative "The Barcelona Process: a Union for the Mediterranean" will be discussed by the EU Heads of State and Government at the European Council in June, in preparation for the Euro-Mediterranean summit to be held in Paris on 13July2008 under the French Presidency of the Union.

The event

Press conference in the European Parliament's press room in Strasbourg. Time tbc

  • EbS coverage

The sources

European Commission site:

The contacts

Christiane Hohmann+32 2 29 91196 Christiane.Hohmann

Concha Fernandez de la Puente+32 2 29 52977

Thursday 22 May: Bluefin tuna fishery - state of play, risk analyses, forecasts, on the eve of the peak season

The news:

Experts from the European Commission and the Community Fisheries Control Agency will host an off-the-record technical briefing to present their analysis of the main trends which are shaping the 2008 Eastern bluefin tuna fishery.

They will discuss the current state of play based on the latest data available to them, and answer questions on the options open to the Commission as the fishing season advances.

The background:

Analysis of historical catch figures demonstrates the extraordinary rapidity with which quota can be exhausted during the peak season of the fishery (i.e. in June), and the special challenge which this represents for management authorities at national, European and international levels.

Following substantial overfishing of bluefin tuna in 2007, an unprecedented Special Control and Inspection Programme has been established at EU level to prevent this situation from recurring in 2008.

The risk of overfishing remains very high, however, given the persistent overcapacity of the EU fleet, and rapid action to close the fishery as the quota approaches exhaustion will be crucial.

The fishery for bluefin tuna in the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean involves vessels from seven EU Member States (France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Malta and Cyprus). 96% of the annual catch is taken in the months of May and June.

The event:

Technical briefing in press room OFF the record after the midday briefing

The sources:

Commission launches major control campaign to clamp down on overfishing of bluefin tuna

Commission welcomes unanimous adoption of Bluefin tuna recovery plan

Commission: ICCAT's welcome decisions confirm its commitment to bluefin tuna recovery plan

Joint deployment plans (background)

The contacts:

Nathalie Charbonneau+32 2 29

Lone Mikkelsen +32 2 29

Tuesday 22 and Friday 23 May: European Nuclear Energy Forum in Prague

The news:

Underlining the high importance, Commission President Barroso and Commissioner for Energy, Andris Piebalgs will participate to the opening session of the 2nd European Nuclear energy Forum in Prague, together with several Prime Ministers, high representatives of the Member States, members of the European Parliament, key CEOs from the Industry and high ranking representatives of the civil society.

The purpose of the European Nuclear Energy Forum is to organise on the basis of the European Council's mandate, an open and structured debate, without taboos, on key issues with regard to opportunities and risks of nuclear energy in the EU.

The background:

The need to come gradually to a low carbon energy supply in Europe opened again the view towards the role of nuclear energy. Therefore, more and more EU Member States reconsider the continued, increased or new use of nuclear energy in a low-carbon energy mix, especially to assure base load capacity.

The request of the 2007 Spring Summit of the Head of States and Governments to consider launching an open debate on the opportunities and risks of nuclear energy proved to be very timely and appropriate. The Commission responded to this request by creating the European Nuclear Energy Forum, which had its first meeting in November 2007 in Bratislava. See conclusions below.

The event:

The European Nuclear Energy Forum will take place at the CzerninPalace (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Prague.

The first day ends with a dinner at the LichtensteinPalace.