Lacombe Ringette Association
September 13th, Executive Meeting
- Call to Order – Start 7:30
- Agenda additions/adoptions - none
- Minutes from the last meeting – August 22, 2012
- Motion to Adopt the Minutes – Jackie Hutchinson moved, seconded by Tammy - passed
- Corrections to the minutes – the AA tournament is December 15/16th
- We should add the date to the provincial AA tournament as well which will be February 22, 23, 24 – includes all AA teams and NRL
- Correspondence
- Keely Brown has been circulating emails seeing if there was interest in goalie clinics. Jackie will add it to the Zone meeting discussions. The discussion identified that the clinic was awesome last year and we would encourage it to occur again. Jackie will talk to Red Deer to discuss coordinating this with them.
- Letter from a Leduc High School Student asking for some feedback on long term athlete development specifically in regards to goalie development. The email had had a survey to complete.
- Alberta Ringette Newsletters – Bill continue to forward them to the membership. September 26th is the Semi Annual General Meeting for Alberta Ringette their meeting will take place via telephone conference. We need a representative to participate in that meeting.
- Reports
- Treasurer – Trevor Krall – Chequing Account has $117,000.
- Signing Authority Follow Up – Bill and Trevor need to go the bank to change this over.
- Ice Allocator – Steve Pluister
- Update on ice and start times – we have Clive ice confirmed, costs have gone up.
- Tournament – Theresa Grubb/Michele Cade/Nadine Cunningham
- November 30th to December 2nd– in the process to apply for sanctioning
- February 15th and 16th AA – Correct dates are December 15 and 16
- January 25 and 27th–in progress
- Casino – Lori Winslow – every team will need to submit 3 parents to work the casino
- Fundraising Committee – Dee Zunti – absent
- Letters have been sent out to the potential sponsors and they are starting to come back in
- Marketing Committee – Tammy Gagnon/Trina Kohut
- Fall Bring A Buddy – September 18th– posters up and flyers are up, candy bags will not be handed out there will be a healthy treat provided to the participants instead
- Don’t Hibernate Fair – September 12th– not a huge turnout, but did get some new registrations
- Referee Allocator – Jamie Figursky
- Clinic – Level 1 is confirmed for September 23, Level 2 and 3 are still be finalized.
- Level 2/3 Refresher - still be finalized
- Jamie needs to check on rates of pay to see if Red Deer increased theirs. We have lost about 6 refs for this season, but we have about 30 left. Not sure yet on how hard we need to recruit. Jamie also suggested that new executive members have a roles and responsibilities for positions such as ref allocator, Jamie will improve and provide that for the next person coming into the position.
- Equipment Director – Bruce Miller – let Bruce know if you need equipment ASAP. All goalie pads have been moved to the center locker.
- Grocery Cards – Jody Dorn
- Summer Grocery Cards – had 31 people participate made $3100.00
- Registrar – Megan Miller
- Report on Registrations
- Belle – 11
- Junior – 12
- Tween – 15
- Petite – 24
- Novice – 29
- U9 – 12
- U6 – 18
- Team Formations – in the process of doing this
- Coaches – list went around for email addresses etc. this list was provided to Megan so she can keep the coaches up to date on the registrations
- Evaluation Coordinator – Chad Collins
- Bill asked Chad to describe the roles and responsibilities of the directors. Tracy explained that the roles including working with the evaluation coordinator, questions and concerns are answered by the directors, directors sit in on the final decisions on player assignments on to teams and player movement decisions. It was suggested that the director be responsible for contacts about first skate, evaluation processes, coach meeting prior to evaluations, etc. Bill reviewed the bylaws and found the role description, it was suggested that this be fleshed out in more detail when the bylaws get rewritten.
- Affiliation Meeting – September 27th– will be at 7:00 upstairs at the arena
- Coaches Meeting – September 27th
- Coach Liaison Mentor – Bev Smith
- Coaching Certifications and Coaching Clinics needed – coaches can take Ethics online even before they take their coaching certification. There are already coaching clinics listed on the Alberta Ringette Website. For example, level 1 and 2 is in Edmonton in November, there may not be a central Alberta one due to lack of interest. Bev will be hosting a CSI course for sure.
- Zone 4 – Jackie Hutchinson
- Schedule Zone 4 Meeting for the end of September – Jackie is trying to change this meeting to October 1st. The meeting will be in Lacombe at 7:00. There has to be a coach in attendance at the meeting, that coach can be from any level.
- Zone 5 Meeting - fees have been paid, by Miranda. Colleen and Miranda were at the meeting during this meeting. There are still many executive positions available. Colleen submitted a report summarizing the last meeting. This report was shared. U12 and above coaches need to be diligent in sending in their score sheets, it is vital for repooling. Get those scores sheets into Barb Leidl.
- Website – Dee Zunti – she is working on improving the website and the information there. Dee did check out the Ramp program and online registration forms are not something currently in our package with them.
- Discussion and voting on player movement requests
- Bill provided background – Bill started the discussion indicating that Ringette Alberta is mute on the process involved in player movement within an association. Bill read out the process that Lacombe Ringette Association has in their bylaws in regards to this process. Bill indicated that a committee was set up to deal with the request. The committee met with the coaches and after reviewing the numbers at all levels a decision was made to allow a tryout for one girl to move up to the Belle level from the Jr. level. Bill also had a meeting with Red Deer Ringette to discuss Red Deer’s numbers etc. They discussed combining the Lacombe and Red Deer Belle teams and it was decided that it was not in Lacombe Ringette’s interest to join the Belle program in Red Deer. It was also discussed that Jr. Teams could be joined between the two associations. A meeting then took place with the families to present three option: Options One - the families could submit the name of one girl to move up to the Belle level. Option Two - Select one player to move up to the Belle level based on an evaluation/tryout Option Three: The families could turn down the offer and remain in the Jr. Program. The girls responded that they would not be submitting a name for the Belle spot, nor would they participate in a tryout for the one spot. The girls requested that their letters of request to move to the Belle team stand and that they be allowed to speak at the September 13th meeting. Bill decided that we would proceed with allowing the girls to speak about their request and then a vote would take place on any motions made in that regard.
Motion: Raine Moldenhauer moves that Dakota Moldenhauer, Darby Dykslag, and Jenna Salmon be released from the Jr. program to the Belle program from 2012-2013 season. Seconded by Lori Wilson
Discussion occurred.
Motion defeated
- LTAD – further discussion if required on bandana program which will take place at a future meeting. All executive members are encouraged to read the Ringette Newsletters to learn more about the program.
- Adjourn - Meeting Adjourned at 9:45
Respectfully submitted,
Sonja Dykslag, Secretary