Exhibit RD 4-04

College of Education and Human Sciences

1)  Institute for Educational Research and Service (IERS)

2)  Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders

3)  Department of Educational Leadership

4)  Department of Health and Human Performance

5)  Teacher Resource Center

6)  Office of Field Experiences and Licensure

Name: Institute for Educational Research and Service (IERS)

Contact: Rick van den Pol

Director and Project Principle Investigator


Website: http://www.iersum.org/index.aspx

Mission: “Since 1957, IERS has sustained a commitment to promoting the social development and academic achievement of all learners. Our work is focused on the development of effective research models and practical educational services in the areas of safety, health, technological competency, and early intervention of students and communities. Since 1957 IERS has provided grant-funded training and technical assistanceto P/K-16 schools and community agencies across the U.S., and with a particular focus on serving Montana, and American Indian/Alaska Native communities.”

Keywords: Social Development, Education, Safety, Health, Technology,

Intervention, Student, Community, Training,

Current Rural-Urban Connections:

National Native Children's Trauma Center “works to raise the standard of care in the prevention and treatment of childhood trauma. NNCTC is funded by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and also incorporates work of the previously funded Montana Center for Childhood Trauma.”

Montana Safe Schools Center “serves as a training andtechnical assistance center for schools and their communities who are committed to creating a positive school climate, reducing bullying and suicide, enhancing emergency preparedness and promoting Internet safety.”

Co-Teach Preschool “fully inclusive,NAEYC accredited preschool for children ages 3-5that, for 30 years, has been providing students and families with the skills necessary to excel in kindergarten and throughout life.”

Excellence in Science Education & Improving Science Teaching Projects Preparing High-Quality Teachers of Science “a series of science education trainings grounded in best practices with the specific intent of enhancing science education competency of teachers to assure that all teachers are highly qualified; and increasing student interest and academic achievement in science. The teachers who participated in the programs developed innovative and engaging inquiry-based lessons that explored local ecology and watersheds.”

Safe Schools Assessment and Resource Bank (SSARB) “a school-wide assessment and resource tool designed to alert school personnel to strengths and areas needing improvement in school safety and climate issues.”

Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Trauma in Schools (CBITS): School-based treatment on a rural American Indian reservation article

Name: Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Contact: Al Yonovitz, PhD

Chair and Associate Professor,

(406) 243-2408

Website: http://www.soe.umt.edu/csd/default.html

Mission: “The mission of Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders at The University of Montana, academic and clinical program, is to mentor students of strong personal character and to establish in them a commitment to lifelong learning and interest in the process of communication. The program is committed to the use of state of the art technology in bringing academic and clinical education to Montana. It is to develop within each student, compassion toward their clients and a research posture in their service delivery. Through the program's emphasis on typical and atypical speech, language, and hearing, students gain knowledge, skills, and values that foster their individual growth as well as a passion for contributing to society and improving the lives of others.”

Keywords: Communication, Research, Speech, Language, Hearing, Clinic, Education

Current Rural-Urban Connections:

RiteCare Speech, Language and Hearing Clinic “established in 1998, provides diagnostic and treatment services for children and adults with communication disorders and follow-along services for families. The RiteCare division of the clinic helps to provide services free of charge to qualifying families.”

Title II Grant: Advancing Language and Literacy for Adolescent Students “to enhance the knowledge, assessment and intervention skills for those working with adolescents experiencing difficulties with language and literacy that may also negatively affect their academic achievement. A series of eight web-based lectures are being developed by faculty at The University of Montana to provide information and recent research about literacy skills and the connections between oral and written language. Presentations will emphasize child development with a specific focus on the needs of adolescents experiencing language and literacy challenges. The use of appropriate tools to identify student needs as well as explicit and practical teaching methods for the older struggling reader will be addressed.”

Name: Department of Educational Leadership

Contact: John C. Lundt

Professor, Department Chairman,

(406) 243-5204

Website: http://www.soe.umt.edu/edlead/default.html

Mission: “educate organizational leaders”

Keywords: Leadership, Education, Leadership Education, Internship

Current Rural-Urban Connections:

Field-Based Administrative Internship “ provide students with a wide range of leadership experiences that will immerse them in meaningful, concentrated, and applicable administrative experiences. These experiences will be designed through a partnership between the intern, selected K-12 school, on-site supervisor, and the Educational Leadership Director of Administrative Interns. The internship design will consists of 45 hours providing opportunities for cognitive links between theory and practice by immersing student interns in situations that require the application of educational theory and skills to administrative challenges.”

Name: Department of Health and Human Performance

Contact: Scott T. Richter

Associate Professor, Chair

(406) 243-5246

Website: http://www.soe.umt.edu/hhp/default.html

Mission: “Within the liberal arts tradition of The University of Montana and mission of the College of Education and Human Sciences, the HHP department faculty, staff and students engage in professional education, scholarly activity and meaningful public service. The department emphasizes all dimensions of health and human movement to enhance longevity and the quality of life.”

Keywords: Health, Education, Public Service, Quality of Life, Recreation, Outdoors Education

Current Rural-Urban Connections:

Freezer Burn Run " motivate, encourage and support people of all ages in Missoula and surrounding areas to keep moving despite the fading good weather"

HHP 126 Mountain Biking “Instruction in the principles of and how to be comfortable and confident riding a mountain bike off-road.”

HHP 134 Fundamentals of Kayaking “Learn basic strokes and the technique for the roll, as well as introduction to moving water and boating safety.”

HHP 134 Fundamentals of Whitewater Rafting “Four days on Idaho’s Main Salmon, a great spring trip with an educational emphasis on the fundamentals of running whitewater and multi-day river trips.”

HHP 135 Fundamentals of Rock-climbing “Learn the basics of belaying, knot tying, movement on rock, and rappelling all in this introduction to rock-climbing.”

HHP 139 Fundamentals of Fly-Fishing “An introduction to Fly-Fishing.”

HHP 139 Fly-Fishing For Women “An introduction to Fly-Fishing for women only.”

HHP 146 Ski/Snowboard Backcountry “Learn how to build various types of snow shelters, travel on skies, evaluate avalanche hazards, and become more efficient living in the snow. “

Name: Teacher Resource Center

Contact: Shannon Judge

Teacher Resource Center (TRC)

(406) 243-2143

Website: http://www.soe.umt.edu/trc/default.html

Mission: “To provide state-of-the-art instructional resources, both print and non-print, to Montana educators as they work to improve their teaching.”

Keywords: Teacher, Education, Library, Educator

Current Rural-Urban Connections:

Teacher Resource Center Library “collection contains several thousand print volumes including periodicals, children’s books, teacher reference tools, and over 300 optical media and software titles. In-service teachers may check out optical media for one week to preview them in their classrooms with their students. Print materials circulate for two weeks.”

Teacher Resource Links Collection “a database of helpful links for teachers on the subjects of Art and Music, History, Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Educational Leadership, General Teaching Resources, Writing Rubrics Helpers, Reference, Children's Literature, Professional Development, and Teaching Abroad.”

Name: Office of Field Experiences and Licensure

Contact: Susan Harper-Whalen

Director of Field Placements and Student Teaching,

(406) 243-2031

Website: http://www.soe.umt.edu/fieldexp/default.html

Mission: “Field experiences provide an opportunity for candidates to interact with professionals in the field; to participate in and observe a range of students, levels, and programs; to identify and develop skills necessary for teaching; and to determine if there is commitment to the teaching profession.”

Keywords: Student Teaching, Field Experience,

Current Rural-Urban Connections:

Student Teaching “in schools locally and around the world.”