UNDERGRADUATE MAJOR: Geography-Anthropology Specialization in Cultural & Natural Heritage Management CREDITS REQUIRED IN MAJOR: minimum of 36-39 credits


MAT 120 / Introduction to Statistics / 4 / Successful completion of the USM mathematics readiness requirement.
Either GEO 105 or ANT 105 / Society, Environment, and Change / 3
GEO 102 / Physical Geography / 4
ANT 103 / Introduction to Archaeology / 3

SELECTCLASSES FROM THE FOLLOWING- 9 credits minimum:(at least 3 credits from each GEO & ANT)

ANT 306 / Analysis of Archaeological Materials / 3-6 / ANT 103, or permission of instructor
ANT 308 / Environmental Archaeology / 3-6 / Junior status, and ANT 103 or GYA 300
ANT/TAH 315 / Ethnography: Methods, Ethics, and Practice / 3-6 / ANT 101 and one ethnography course or ANT 310
ANT360/ 560 / Public Archaeology / 3-6 / ANT 103 or permission of instructor
GEO 209 / Introduction to Land Use Planning / 3
GEO 305/ 505/ 605 / Remote Sensing / 3
GEO408/518/618 / GIS Applications II / 4 / GEO 308 or permission of instructor

SELECT 15 credits CLASSES FROM THE FOLLOWING: (Select courses from the following list to total at least 15 credits. At least six credits must be from the GEO & ANT prefix and at least 6 credits at or above 300 level):

ANT 201 / Human Origins / 3
ANT 202 / Origins of Civilization / 3
ANT/ TAH 241 / Tourism and Community Development / 3 / Entry Year Experience Course
ANT 250 / Archaeology of South America- description not found / 3
ANT/TAH 261 / Introduction to Cultural Tourism / 3
ANT/TAH 262 / Women, Arts & Global Tourism / 3
ANT 320 / Anthropology & the Museum / 3
ANT 380 / African American Historical Archaeology / 3
ANT 410 / Japan: Archaeology, Environmental History and Multicultural Perspectives / 3
ANT 450/ TAH 341 / Tourism, Development, and Sustainability / 3 / Junior standing or permission of instructor
GEO 203 / Urban and Regional Development / 3
GEO 207 / Map History: Making Sense of the World / 3
GEO 210 / Planning Maine Communities: Current Issues and Directions / 3
GEO/ESP 285 / Global Environmental Issues and Sustainability / 3
GEO 320/ 520 / Conservation of Natural Resources / 3 / Recommended prerequisites: GEO 101, GEO 102, or GEO 103
GEO 450 / Topics in Geography / 3 / Permission of department
GEO 481/GEO 581 / Megacities and Global Planning Issues / 3
GYA 210 / Perspectives on Environment, Society, and Culture Since 1750 / 3 / One introductory course in Geography (GEO 101 or GEO 102) and one introductory course in Anthropology (ANT 101 or ANT 103) and sophomore standing
ECO 327 / Natural Resource Economics / 3 / ECO 102 or permission of instructor
ESP 200 / Environmental Planning / 3 / ESP 101/102 or permission of instructor
ESP 220 / Introduction to Environmental Policy / 3 / ESP 203
TAH 231 / Introduction to Sustainable Tourism / 3
TAH 251 / Topics in Tourism & Hospitality / 3
TAH 252 / Tourism, Wildlife & Biodiversity / 3

SELECT _3 credits minimum__ CLASSES FROM THE FOLLOWING:(3 credits minimum): Any one of the following will count toward the capstone requirement:

GYA 300 / Archaeology Field School / 3-6
GYA 350/351 / Internship in Applied Geography-Anthropology / 1-6 / Junior or senior standing in geography-anthropology and permission of instructor
GEO 360 / Field Mapping in the Island Environment: Data Collection to GIS / 6 / Permission of instructor
GYA 400 / Independent Study in Anthropology or Geography / variable / Permission of instructor
Summer Travel Course / Various options
Study Abroad / Various options
Existing Capstones / Various options

**Additionally, all geography-anthropology majors are required to demonstrate writing competence by completing either two research papers or one research paper and one research product (e.g., poster, media project) in the major with grades of C or better, from two different professors, at least one semester prior to graduation.**


QR / MAT 120 / Introduction to Statistics / Yes
INT / ANT 105 / Society, Environment, and Change / Yes (OR GEO 105)
DIV OR INT / ANT 103 / Introduction to Archaeology / Yes
SCA / ANT 201 / Human Origins / Topical Elective option
SCA / ANT 202 / Origins of Civilization / Topical Elective option
SE / GEO 102 / Physical Geography / Yes
INT / GEO 105 / Society, Environment, and Change / Yes (OR ANT 105)
INT / GEO/ESP 285 / Global Environmental Issues and Sustainability / Topical Elective option
SCA / GEO 207 / Maps: Knowledge, Technology, Society, Culture / Topical Elective option
EISRC / GEO 209 / Introduction to Land Use Planning / Methods option
EISRC / GEO 210 / Planning Maine Communities: Current Issues and Directions / Topical Elective option
INT / GEO 481/GEO 581 / Megacities and Global Planning Issues / Topical Elective option

Text from the 2016 – 2017 Catalog:

All students with majors or specific discipline minors in the social sciences must achieve at least six credits with grades of B or better in the requirements of those majors or minors. No grades of D will be counted toward fulfillment of the major or minor requirements. Except for Independent Studies, no required course may be repeated more than one time.

All students are reminded that, in addition to meeting departmental requirements for the major, they must also meet the University's minimum readiness requirements and the Core curriculum requirements. Students are required to take MAT 120 Introduction to Statistics for the Quantitative Reasoning requirement of the Core.

The minimum number of credits (exclusive of the University's Core curriculum) required for the major: 36-39 credits.

Core curriculum codes

EYE – Entry Year Experience

CW – College Writing

QR – Quantitative Reasoning

CE – Creative Expression

SCA – Socio-cultural Analysis

CI – Cultural Interpretation

SE – Science Exploration

EISRC – Ethical Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & Citizenship

DIV – Diversity

INT – International

CAP - Capstone