Goals of the course:
- Students will become proficient with mathematical skills
- Students will develop an expanded understanding of mathematical concepts
- Students will use their mathematical abilities to successfully pass their final exam
- Students will use their mathematical abilities to successfully pass the Geometry Regents in June
- Three-ring binder with loose-leaf.
- Workbook: AMSCO GeometryPreparing for the regents examination to be purchased by student. (I will tell you when to buy the book! You will purchase it from our book store on West bottom)
- TI – 84 Plus Calculator
- Graph Paper
- Compass
- Ruler
Class Policies:
All students are expected to be ready to work when the class bell rings. That means being in your seat with the appropriate materials (pen/pencil, notebook, etc.) on your desk. Lateness will not be tolerated and will result in detention!
Dress Code: It is school policy that all students be in dress code. (See agenda book for details). Any student out of dress code will receive a dress code violation (detention). If a dress code violation must be given to a student, the student will politely accept the violation and say “Thank You.” After all, it is you that is out of dress code, not the teacher.
The bell does not dismiss you! I dismiss you!
Calculator Policy:
All students are required to own a graphing calculator. Students are expected to come prepared for each class, tests or quizzes. That includes bringing a pen/ pencil and calculator. THERE WILL BE ABSOLUTELY NO BORROWING OF CALCULATORS DURING CLASS, A QUIZ OR AN EXAM. If you forgot your calculator you will be sent to your locker to get it (and you will lose that time on the exam). If it is not in your locker, you are out of luck. “Dead batteries” is not a valid excuse. When your batteries are going dead the calculator displays a warning message. Replace the batteries.
Cell Phone Policy:
Cell phones are not permitted in class at any time. If your phone rings, it will be confiscated and given to the Dean. It is your responsibility to turn the phone off or on silent (not vibrate) before entering my classroom. Cell phones cannot be out during an exam. Violation of this will result in an honor code violation and a grade of zero on the exam.
Make-up Policy:
Tests and Quizzes:Any missed tests or quizzes must be made up before school or during a free period.(NOT DURING CLASS TIME) See me as soon as you return to school to schedule a makeup. You will only have 1 school cycle to make-up your test or quiz. Failure to do so will result in a score of a ZERO on the test or quiz.
**Failure to show up for a scheduled make-up exam will result in a ZERO—NO EXCUSES!!!!!!
Homework: Homework is to be made up the day after you return to school. It is your job to get and complete the homework assignment you missed and show it to me so as not to lose points. You can also come for extra help to ask any question s on material you had been absent for.
** If you are going to be absent for an extended period of time, it is your responsibility to see me prior to your absence to get any work you will miss.
Academic Honesty:
The grade you receive in this class reflects your own efforts and abilities. It is wrong to copy another’s homework or look at someone else’s exam. If anyone is caught cheating in my class he/she will receive a grade of zero and parents will be contacted. The student also receives a school Honor Code violation.
**In addition – No bags, purses or cell phones can be present on your desk or on your lap while taking a test or quiz.
**Both hands must be visible at all times during the duration of the test or quiz.
**Having a cell-phone out during a test or quiz is a violation of the honor code policy and you will receive a grade of zero on that test or quiz.
**Borrowing calculators during a test or quiz will also result in an honor code violation.
**”Wandering Eyes” will also result in an honor code violation.
Failure to comply with any of the above policies will result in an honor code violation and receiving a grade of ZERO on the assessment!
Homework will be assigned everyday. Daily homework assignments are to be copied into your agenda book. Every student will start off with 20 homework points. For every homework not completed, 2 points will be deducted from your homework points.Homework is a vital part of understanding mathematics so you are expected to put effort into each and every homework.
Remember the reward for doing your homework is understanding the material and doing well on the exam. The penalty for not doing your HW is 2 points off your homework average each time!!!!
Quarterly grade:95% Exams and Quizzes
5% Homework
- Performance on exams and quizzes are a good barometer of how well you understand the material. Thus, they will be the main factors in determining your grade. There will be at least 3 major exams each quarter. All exams will be announces at least 3 days in advance and will be cumulative. Quizzes will be announced, usually a day or two before the quiz. You will have a quiz almost every day in this class.
How to Calculate Your Average:
Suppose there were 4 – 100 point tests and you received 89, 94, 96, and 99. Then there were 4 quizzes and you received 28/30, 18/20, 9/10 and 19/20. The total possible points you could have gotten were 480. The points that you earned were 452 points or 452/480. That gives you an average 94.1667. Now, let’s say you got an 85 as a homework and class participation grade. The way to compute your grade would be 94.1667 * .95 + 85 * .05. That would give you a final grade of 93.71. That would be a 94 on the report card.
**The reason why such a large emphasis is based on test and quiz performance is that when students sit to take the department final in June or Regents this year, there are no points for class participation and homework. I do not want any student having a false sense of confidence because they had inflated quarter grades during the year due to having high grades in homework and class participation.
Final Grade: 20% of your final grade is your grade on the final exam. The other 80% is determined by your 4 quarter grades (20% each quarter).The regents exam will not count towards your final grade!!!
Extra Help:
If you feel you are having any problems with the material covered in class, please see me right away. Math tends to build on what we did the on the previous days and weeks. So if you don’t understand a particular topic and you don’t take care of it, it will probably affect you for a while. Some problems can be dealt with in just a few minutes. Some take a little more time. Either way, make the effort to come to extra help if you need it.
Extra help will be available every morning, before school 7:30 AM till 8:25 AM ( Room E 014).I will never mandate you to come to extra help. I believe it is your responsibility to take action if you are having problems.I will help you everyday if you want me to. Please do not wait until the day of the test to come for extra help.
I expect each student to respect all the other students in the class. I cannot stress enough how important it is to have a classroom environment conducive to learning. Distractions can hinder other students’ performance in class. Therefore, talking, calling out, nor any other misbehavior will be tolerated.Misbehavior of any kind will result in detention.
Contacting the teacher:
Please feel free to contact me with any questions concerns you may have. I am available through e-mail via the prep website or through .
**My e-mail will be checked throughout the school day and possibly once after school hours. This means that if you e-mail me at 11:00pm the night before school, I will not receive that e-mail until the next school day. Although e-mail is the fastest way to contact me, it should not replace extra help or asking questions before school or during class time.
Parents:If you need to contact me for any reason I prefer to communicate by email. You can reach me at . If that is inconvenient, you can contact via phone in the Math Department office at (718) 423-8810, x-228.
Parent/Student Portal:
Access to your grades is a great tool! Teacher portal will be updated frequently. With parents and students having access to the grades in this class on a daily basis, it is your responsibility to monitor your grades. The only grade not accessible on teacher portal is Homework. Records of missing homework will be kept throughout the quarter and entered as a grade in teacher portal at the end of the quarter. Progress reports will be sent home only at mid-quarter. Report cards are sent home at the end of each quarter.
Student and Parent Signatures
I have read and fully understood all the material above.
Student signature:
Parent signature: