California Department of Education Executive Office
SBE-003 (REV. 09/2011)
tlsb-elsd-nov17item01 / ITEM #16
California Education for a Global Economy Initiative: Approve Commencement of a 15-Day Public Comment Period for Proposed Amendments to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations Sections 11300, 11301, 11309, 11310, 11311,
11312 and 11316 / Action
Public Hearing


The California Department of Education (CDE) is responsible for the implementation of the California Education for a Global Economy (CA Ed.G.E.) Initiative. The CA Ed.G.E. Initiative amends California Education Code (EC) sections 300, 305, 306, 310, 320, and 335, and repeals EC Section 311. This agenda item requests that the State Board of Education (SBE) approve a 15-day public comment period for modifications to the proposed amendments to the above-mentioned regulations of the California Code of Regulations, Title 5 (5 CCR).

In July 2017, the CDE submitted proposed amendments to the SBE to the 5 CCR sections 11300, 11301, 11309, 11310, and 11316, and proposed new sections 11311 and 11312. These proposed amendments to the regulations were approved by the SBE at its July 2017 meeting and the rulemaking process commenced on July 29, 2017. At the conclusion of the 45-day public comment period, a public hearing was held on September 11, 2017. One attendee provided comments at the public hearing, and 19 written comments were received during the 45-day comment period.

After its review, the CDE revised the proposed regulations. The proposed changes are presented in the attached 15-day Notice of Modifications (Attachment 1) and the proposed regulations (Attachment 2).


The CDE recommends the SBE take the following actions:

·  Approve the proposed changes to the proposed regulations.

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·  Direct that the proposed changes be circulated for a 15-day public comment period in accordance with Administrative Procedure Act.

·  If no relevant comments to the proposed changes are received during the 15-day public comment period, the proposed regulations with changes are

deemed adopted, and the CDE is directed to complete the rulemaking package and submit it to the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) for approval.

·  If any relevant comments to the proposed changes are received during the 15-day public comment period, the CDE is directed to place the proposed regulations on the SBE’s January 2018 meeting agenda for action.

·  Authorize the CDE to take any necessary ministerial action to respond to any direction or concern expressed by the OAL during its review of the rulemaking file.


Prior to 1998, California schools could readily provide bilingual programs to meet the needs of English learners. Proposition 227, approved by the voters, created an “English Only” sentiment that became a barrier to the implementation of these programs.

Proposition 227 specified that English learner pupils be educated through a sheltered English immersion process during a temporary transition period not normally to exceed one year. Participation in sheltered English immersion could be waived through a process initiated by a written request for a bilingual program from a pupil’s parent or legal guardian. Proposition 227 required, among other things, that “all children in California public schools be taught English by being taught in English” (EC Section 305).

In 2016, the voters of California overwhelmingly approved Proposition 58, the CA Ed.G.E. Initiative. The CA Ed.G.E. Initiative amends or repeals provisions of Proposition 227, codified in EC sections 300, 305, 306, 310, 311, 320, and 335.

The CA Ed.G.E. Initiative acknowledges the benefits and opportunity that multilingual education provides students as a vehicle toward participation in a global economy. This initiative provides opportunity for English learners and native English speakers to participate in a program that leads to proficiency in English and another language.

Three sections (EC sections 305, 306, and 310) of the amended statute necessitate regulation. The proposed regulations address:

1.  The inclusion of parents and community members while considering the establishment and implementation of language acquisition programs at school districts or county offices of education, during the development of local control and accountability plans.

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2.  Notification to parents regarding the language acquisition programs available in the school district or county office of education.

3.  A process for receiving and responding to parent requests for language acquisition programs provided at a school site.


On July 12, 2017, the CDE recommended and the SBE approved the commencement of the rulemaking process for the CA Ed.G.E. Initiative regulations.


The proposed amendments to these regulations will not result in any additional costs or savings to local educational agencies, state agencies, or federal funding to the State.

An Economic Fiscal Impact Statement is provided as Attachment 5.


Attachment 1: 15-Day Notice of Modifications (4 pages) Attachment 2: Proposed Regulations (10 pages) Attachment 3: Final Statement of Reasons (5 pages) Attachment 4: Summary of Public Comments (21 pages) Attachment 4a–4h: Copies of Written Comments (75 pages)

Attachment 5: Economic and Fiscal Impact Statement (STD. 399) (5 pages)

tlsb-elsd-nov17item01 Attachment 1

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TOM TORLAKSON, State Superintendent of Public Instruction / CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION
916-319-0800 / 1430 N Street Sacramento, CA 95814-5901 / 916-319-0827

November 13, 2017


Pursuant to the requirements of Government Code Section 11346.8(c), and California Code of Regulations, Title 1, Section 44, the State Board of Education (SBE) is providing notice of changes made to the above-referenced proposed regulation text which was the subject of a regulatory hearing on September 11, 2017.

Changes to the text:

General changes were made to the regulations to include grammatical edits, and renumbering and/or re-lettering to reflect deletions or additions.

After the 45-day comment period, the following changes were made to the proposed text of the regulations and sent out for a 15-day comment period:

Current title of Chapter 11, Subchapter 4 is amended from “English Language Learner Education” to “Multilingual and English Learner Education.” “Multilingual” is added to include the types of programs available under California Education Code (EC) sections 305, 306, and 310 (other than Structured English Immersion [SEI]). The word “Language” is deleted from “English Language Learners” to align the title with the term “English learner” used in the statute.

Proposed Section 11300(a) is amended to reword the section, including replacing “protected time” with “time set aside during the regular school day.” This change is necessary to specify when and how Designated English Language Development instruction is carried out.

Proposed Section 11300(d) is amended to add language to the definition of “language acquisition programs.” The new language specifically names the language acquisition programs described in the statute. This addition is necessary to align the definition to the definition of language acquisition programs in EC Section 306(c).

Proposed Section 11300(h) is added to provide a definition of “multilingual.” This definition is necessary to clarify the use of the term in these regulations.

Former Proposed Section 11300(m) is deleted. Structured English Immersion is defined in EC Section 306(c)(3), therefore is not necessary in regulations.

Proposed Sections 11301(a) and (c) are amended to add “if applicable” after “English Learner parent advisory committee.” This change is necessary to align the language in this section with EC Section 52062.

Proposed Section 11309(c)(3)(A) is amended to replace “if applicable, another” with “when the program model includes instruction in another language, proficiency in that other.” This change is necessary to clarify that proficiency in another language applies when a student participates in a language acquisition program designed for that purpose.

Proposed Section 11309(c)(3)(B) is amended to replace “if applicable” with “when the program model includes instruction in another language, achievement in that other.” This change is necessary to clarify that academic achievement in another language applies when a student participates in a language acquisition program designed for that purpose.

Proposed Section 11309(d) is amended to add language regarding the inclusion of Designated and Integrated English Language Development (ELD) in an SEI program. This addition emphasizes that SEI is a fully articulated language acquisition program, with the same services required for English learners as any other language acquisition program.

Proposed Section 11309(e) is amended to delete “in addition to SEI.” The deleted language is not necessary for the purposes of the section, which is to specify that a language acquisition program may serve both English learners and native speakers of English.

Proposed Section 11310(a) is amended to delete “any,” and replace “provided by” with “available in.” The change does not modify the meaning of the section.

Proposed Section 11310(b)(2) is amended to add “when the program model includes instruction in another language.” This addition is necessary to specify that the description must identify the additional language of instruction when the program design includes an additional language of instruction.

Proposed Section 11310(b)(4) is added to require that the notice include a description of the process for parents to request to establish a new language acquisition program at a school. This is necessary to ensure parents know how to request a new language acquisition program pursuant to EC Section 310.

Proposed Section 11311 amends the title of this section to replace “for” with “to establish a.” This modification is necessary to designate that the purpose of this section is to address parent requests to establish a new language acquisition program, rather than choosing a program that already exists.

Proposed Section 11311(a) is amended to add “a” and replace “provided” with “available.” These changes bring this section into alignment with the title of this section and language changes in section 11310 of these regulations.

Proposed Section 11311(f), formerly (i), is amended to replace “may” with “shall,” and adds “for a multilingual program model.” The changes are necessary to clarify to local educational agencies (LEA) that all parent requests count toward reaching the stated thresholds in cases where the requested program model goal is multilingualism.

Proposed Section 11311(h), formerly (g), is amended to remove the word “immediately.” This time requirement for a LEA to notify parents that a threshold has been met has been moved to section 11312(h)(1).

Proposed Section 11311(h)(1), formerly (g)(1), is amended to require that LEAs notify parents, teachers, and administrators “within 10 school days” of a threshold being reached. This change is necessary to provide a specified time within which LEAs must provide the required notification.

Proposed Section 11311(h)(2), formerly (g)(2), is amended to include “costs and” and “any new” to the language in this section. These additions provide further specificity on what an LEA is expected to include in their assessment for possible implementation of a language acquisition program or language program.

Proposed Section 11311(h)(3), formerly (g)(3), is amended to replace “90” with “60” calendar days, reducing the number of days for an LEA to determine whether it is possible to implement the requested language acquisition program. This regulation is necessary to ensure LEAs respond to parent requests in a timely manner.

Proposed Section 11311(h)(3)(B), formerly (g)(3)(B), is amended to require that the explanation of why it is not possible to implement a language acquisition program requested by parents is provided by the LEA in written form. This addition is necessary to maintain transparency regarding the process of responding to parent requests for a language acquisition program.

Proposed Section 11316 is amended to delete an incorrect citation.

If you have any comments regarding the proposed changes that are the topic of this

15- day Notice, the SBE will accept written comments between November 13, 2017, and November 28, 2017, inclusive. All written comments must be submitted to the Regulations Coordinator via facsimile at 916-319-0155, by e-mail at , or mailed and received at the following address by close of business at 5:00 p.m. on November 28, 2017, and addressed to:

Patricia Alverson, Regulations Coordinator Legal, Audits and Compliance Branch

Administrative Supports and Regulations Adoption Unit California Department of Education

1430 N Street, Suite 5319

Sacramento, CA 95814

All written comments received by 5:00 p.m. on November 28, 2017, which pertain to the indicated changes will be reviewed and responded to by California Department of Education (CDE) staff as part of the compilation of the rulemaking file. Written comments received by the CDE staff during the public comment period are subject to viewing under the Public Records Act.

Please note: Any written comments are to be restricted to the recent modifications as shown in the enclosed language. The SBE is not required to respond to comments received in response to this Notice on other aspects of the proposed regulations.

1  · The State Board of Education has illustrated changes to the original text in the

2  following manner: text originally proposed to be added is underlined; text

3  proposed to be deleted is displayed in strikeout. 4

5  · The 15-day text proposed to be added is in “bold underline,” deleted text is

6  displayed in “bold strikeout”. 7

8  Title 5. EDUCATION

9  Division 1. California Department of Education

10  Chapter 11. Special Programs

11  Subchapter 4. Multilingual and English Language Learner Education


13  § 11300. Definitions.

14  “School term” as used in Education Code section 330 means each school's semester or

15  equivalent, as determined by the local governing board, which next begins following

16  August 2, 1998. For multitrack or year round schools, a semester or equivalent may

17  begin on different days for each school track.