Exporting Records from Melvyl®


Single records

Single records can be exported directly into RefWorks, EndNote, and EasyBib from the Item Details screen. On the Item Details screen, click on the Cite/Export button at the top.

When the Cite/Export dialog box displays, select a citation style (APA, Chicago, etc.) and click the appropriate export link. See below.

Clicking one of the direct export links saves the citation directly into the selected program.

Multiple records

Multiple records can be exported in various ways from a saved list. First, create or sign into your WorldCat Account and select the appropriate list from My WorldCat/My Lists.

Direct export - CSV

When the list displays, you can export directly in CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format by clicking the Export to CSV link at the top and selecting an appropriate program; Microsoft Office Excel is the default.

Direct export - RefWorks, EndNote, and EasyBib

To export a saved list directly into RefWorks, EndNote, and EasyBib, select the “Citations View” tab. From this tab, select a citation style and the appropriate program (to EndNote, to RefWorks) from the “Export selected references” dropdown menu and click the Export button. See below.

Clicking the Export button saves the citations directly into the selected program.

Indirect export – HTML, Rich Text Format, and RIS

Users with reference management programs other than RefWorks, EndNote, and EasyBib can export records in HTML, Rich Text Format (RTF) and RIS. RIS is a standardized tag format used by several reference management programs.

To download records in the RIS format…

From the “Citations View” tab, select as RIS from the “Export selected references” dropdown menu. Then click the Export button.

When the subsequent dialog box displays, the radio button for “Open with” is highlighted. Select Notepad (default) from the dropdown menu so that the citations are displayed as text-only. Click OK. See below.

When the formatted text file displays (see below for an example), save the file and then follow the software’s usual procedures for importing records from a saved text file.


If you need further assistance with exporting records from Melvyl into a reference management program, contact the program’s customer support department or check with your campus library for local expertise.


jad, 05/30/11