Chapter Eight: The Southern Colonies

Content: Lesson 1: England Founds the Southern Colonies

Materials: Textbook, blank US map, US map, Colony chart, guided comprehension questions

Vocabulary: Proprietor, Debtor, and Toleration Act


·  5.16 J- Describe how the government protects individual and property rights and promotes the common good

·  7.1.6B- Describe and locate places and regions

·  7.36 B- Describe the human characteristics of places and regions by their cultural characteristics

·  7.36C- Describe the human characteristics of places and regions by their settlement characteristics

·  8.36A- Identify and explain the political and cultural contributions of individuals and groups to the United States from Beginnings to 1824.

·  8.36C- Explain how continuity and change has influenced United States history from Beginnings to 1824.

Focus Skill: Summarize


1.  Review the settlement of, the government, geography, economy, and life in the New England Colonies

2.  Introduce the lesson by going over Think About What you Know on page 191 and on guided comprehension sheet.

3.  Using the blank map transparency, have a student come up and locate where the Southern colonies may be located. As you read the sections, have students locate the colonies on the map and fill it in.

4.  Preview the vocabulary and have students brainstorm what the words may mean. As you read through the lesson, have them fill out the definitions on their sheets.

5. Preview the essential questions on the guided comprehension sheet.

6.  Do a text walk paying attention to the headings and have students think pair share about what they already know and what they might learn in the section.

7.  Go over the focus skill transparency and how and what it means to summarize.

8.  Read and discuss the sections using the guided comprehension questions on the side of the page and also by filling in the focus skill chart so students have a visual and could summarize the section.

9.  Repeat step four and five for each section.

10.  Possible discussions to hit on:

a.  Who settled?

b.  Why was it settled?

c.  What was the government like?

d.  Why did these settlements prosper or fail?

11.  Have students work with a partner and go over the guided comprehension questions.

12.  As a class, go over the correct answers. This will later be used as a study guide.


1.  Review the vocabulary

2.  Exit Slip: What goals did the founders of each of the Southern Colonies have and were they achieved why or why not?

Chapter Eight: The Southern Colonies

Content: Lesson 2: Geography of the Southern Colonies

Materials: Textbook, blank US map, US map, Colony chart, guided comprehension questions

Vocabulary: Tidewater, Atlantic Coastal Plain, The Piedmont, The Appalachians


·  7.1.6B- Describe and locate places and regions

·  7.2.6A-Describe the physical characteristics of places and regions

·  7.4.6A- Describe the impacts of physical systems on people

Focus Skill: Summarize


1.  Review the vocabulary form previous day- Proprietor, Debtor, and Toleration Act - and discuss why this area was settled.

2.  Go over the Think About What You Know on page 195 and on guided comprehension sheet.

3.  Preview new vocabulary- Tidewater, Atlantic Coastal Plain, The Piedmont, The Appalachians

4. Preview the essential questions on the guided comprehension sheet.

5.  Do a text walk paying attention to the headings and have students think pair share about what they already know and what they might learn in the section.

6.  Go over the focus skill transparency and how and what it means to summarize

7.  Read and discuss the sections using the guided comprehension questions on the side of the page and also by filling in the focus skill so students have a visual and could summarize.

8.  Repeat step four and five for each section.

9.  Have students label the geography features for this area on the map.

10.  Possible Discussion: (You can create a chart for this)

a.  What are the geography features of this area?

b.  What advantages and disadvantages for these features?

9. Have students work with a partner and go over the guided comprehension questions.

10. As a class, go over the correct answers. This will later be used as a study guide.


1.  Review vocabulary from today and previous lesson

2.  Exit Slip: What is the geography and climate like in the Southern Colonies? What advantages and disadvantages do they create?

Chapter Eight: The Southern Colonies

Content: Lesson 3: The Economy of the Southern Colonies

Materials: Textbook, blank US map, US map, Colony chart, guided comprehension questions

Vocabulary: Cash Crop, Plantation, Indentured Servant, Slave, Indigo


·  7.46A- Describe the impacts of physical systems on people

·  6.46C-Identify and define imports, exports, inter-regional trade, and international trade

·  6.46E-Explain how specialization and trade lead to interdependence

Focus Skill: Summarize


1.  Go over previous vocabulary-- Proprietor, Debtor, Toleration Act, Tidewater, Atlantic Coastal Plain, The Piedmont, and The Appalachians

2.  Go over the Think About What You Know on page 199 and comprehension sheet. Discuss.

3.  Preview new vocabulary- Cash Crop, Plantation, Indentured Servant, Slave, Indigo

4.  Preview the essential questions on the guided comprehension sheet.

5.  Do a text walk paying attention to the headings and have students think pair share about what they already know and what they might learn in the section.

6.  Go over the focus skill transparency and how and what it means to summarize

7.  Read and discuss the sections using the guided comprehension questions on the side of the page and also by filling in the skill focus chart so students have a visual.

8.  Repeat step four and five for each section.

9.  Possible Discussion

a.  What and how did the colonists use the natural resources? Why was this important?

b.  What were the cash crops for each of the Southern Colonies?

c.  How are indentured servants and slaves similar and different?

d.  Why was slavery important to the economic success of the Southern Colonies?

9. Have students work with a partner and go over the guided comprehension questions.

10. As a class, go over the correct answers. This will later be used as a study guide.


1.  Review vocabulary from all days and the colonial chart.

2.  Exit Slip: How did the people in the Southern Colonies make a living?

Chapter Eight: The Southern Colonies

Content: Lesson 4: Life in the Southern Colonies

Materials: Textbook, blank US map, US map, Colony chart, guided comprehension questions

Vocabulary: County Seat, Back Country


·  5.16A-Explain the purpose of government

·  5.16 J- Describe how the government protects individual and property rights and promotes the common good

·  8.36C- Explain how continuity and change has influenced United States history from Beginnings to 1824.

·  8.3.6D- Identify and explain conflict and cooperation among social groups and organizations in the United States history from Beginnings to 1824.

Focus Skill: Summarize


1.  Go over previous vocabulary- Proprietor, Debtor, Toleration Act, Tidewater, Atlantic Coastal Plain, The Piedmont, The Appalachians, Cash Crop, Plantation, Indentured Servant, Slave, Indigo

2.  Go over the Think About What You Know on page 203 and comprehension sheet. Discuss.

3.  Preview new vocabulary- County Seat, Back Country and Preview the essential questions on the guided comprehension sheet.

4.  Do a text walk paying attention to the headings and have students think pair share about what they already know and what they might learn in the section.

5.  Go over the focus skill transparency and how and what it means to summarize

6.  Read and discuss the sections using the guided comprehension questions on the side of the page and also by filling in the skill focus chart so students have a visual.

7.  Repeat step four and five for each section.

8.  Possible Discussion:

a.  What was the plantation village like?

b.  How was the planters and the slaves life different?

9. Have students work with a partner and go over the guided comprehension questions.

10. As a class, go over the correct answers. This will later be used as a study guide.


1.  Review vocabulary from all days and the colonial chart.

2.  Exit Slip: Compare and contrast the life of colonists of the New England Colonies to that of the Southern Colonies. Where would you rather live and why?

3.  Write a postcard to an imaginary friend in England as if you were living in the Southern Colonies. On the front, draw a picture of what it looks like in one of the Southern Colonies. On the back, write a description of life in the colony they live in.

Name: ______Date: ______

Chapter Eight: The Southern Colonies

Summarize Skill

Lesson 1: England Founds the Southern Colonies /


Lesson 2: The geography of the Southern Colonies
Lesson 3: The Economy of the Southern Colonies

Lesson 4: Life in the Southern Colonies