Selling A New Pass In AMS

  1. Log into Agile Ticketing Solutions with your username and password. If you haven’t received your user credentials, please contact your system administrator to set up your username and password.
  2. Make sure that you are cashed in before starting sales for the day. SeeHow to Cash In and Use AMS Sales to Create a Daily User Batch" for further instructions.
  3. Click on the“Customer”icon to search for a customer account (See Image 1).
  4. Search to see if they already have a customer record.You can search by LastName, Email address, or Customer Number to see if their customer record is already on file. A list of customer records will appear if they are already in the system. Double click on their customer record iftheir name appears in the list(See Image 1.1).
  5. If the customer is new, you will need to create a new customer account by clicking on“Add New”. (See Image 1.2)
  1. Once you click"Add New"theQuick Add Customerbox will show up where you will fill in the customer's information. Once you havecaptured all of the customer's information,click on "OK"(See Image 2)

    Note:Everyone is a customer but not all customers are pass holder's.
  2. Once youhave selected acustomer’s account, select the“Membership”tabon the left side of the screen (Image 3). Then you will need to select the Pass program from the list underneath (see Image 3). This will allow you to see all the pass programs tochoose from.
  3. Choose the pass program on the right. When selling a pass, make sure your restricted pricesis checked in order to see all pricing options(See Image 4).
  4. Select the Price price you want tosell to the customer. Then add the quantity of passes the customer wants to purchase (see Image 5).

  5. After selecting thePass Typeand quantity, click“Proceed”in the lower right corner (see image 6).

  6. A window will pop up asking you to assign the pass to the pass holder'sname. Click on the name for the account you are working on and then click“OK”(See Image 7).

    Note:Some passes allow more than one person to be assigned to it. Make sure to click theplussign to add a second customer to those passes that allow multiple members (See Image 7.1).
  7. The next screen is anItem Summaryscreenwhere you can review your order before processing a payment and finalizing an order (See Image 8).
  8. Once you confirmed everything on theItem Summaryscreen is correct, click“Proceed”in the lower right hand corner (See Image 9).
  9. TheChange Delivery Methodswindow will pop up. Select the delivery method desired and then click“OK”(See Image 10).

  10. On the payment screen select the payment method (See Image 11). (Example: Cash, MasterCard, Visa, Gift Card, etc.)

    Note:If you are using a POS station or have a USB Credit Card swipe attached to your terminal, you can swipe the credit card and all the credit card information will populate and automatically finalize the order.
  1. Click“Apply Payment”to complete the order(See Image 12).

    Note:If there is no balance due on the order or you are processing a comp pass type, then you will only need to click"Finalize"to complete the transaction.
  2. Oncethe order has finalized,theOrder Confirmationpage will pop up (See Image 13).
  3. Click"Order Confirmation"tostartthe confirmation process(See Image 14).

  4. Once you clickOrder ConfirmationtheOrder Confirmation Optionsbox will pop up. Make sure the email address is correct, add any message you want to appear on the confirmation emailand click"Send Confirmation"toemail them their confirmation receipt(See Image 15).