RAI Indicators List and Definitions

The indicators in red are not standard and were recommended by the consultants, thus we need to work on their definitions together

Impact indicators
1 / Confirmed falciparum malaria cases (microscopy or RDT) per 1000 persons per year (disaggregated by source).
2 / Either... % of administrative units with falciparum incidence <1/1,000, or… % of administrative units with falciparum incidence <0.1/1,000.
3 / % of indigenous cases among investigated case (applies only to low endemic areas… to be defined).
Outcome indicators
1 / % of mobile people that used an ITN the last time they slept in transmission areas (disaggregated by category of mobile/migrant person) (special regional survey year 1 & 3).
Coverage/Output indicators
1 / # of ITNs/LLINs distributed to at-risk populations through mass campaigns
2 / # & % of population at risk potentially covered by ITNs distributed
3 / % of suspected malaria cases that receive a parasitological test (numerator and denominator presented in results)
4 / % of confirmed malaria cases that received first-line antimalarial treatment according to national policy (numerator and denominator presented in results)
5 / % of confirmed cases in low endemic areas fully investigated.
6 / % of public sector health facilities or private sector sites without stock-outs of key commodities lasting more than one week in the last three months (also report on community health workers with no stock-outs) (based on random representative sample to be agreed with GF).
7 / % of confirmed transmission foci that received an appropriate response (screening and IRS, LLIN top-up and/or treatment).
8 / # & % of targeted communities with community-based diagnostic and treatment services.
9 / % of confirmed falciparum malaria cases receiving DOT (disaggregated by tier).
10 / % of mobile population with fever in the last 3 months that accessed parasite-based diagnosis (special regional survey year 1 & 3).
11 / % of private sector outlets stocking oral artemisinin-based monotherapies (special regional survey year 1 & 3).

Indicator Definition:


1.  Confirmed falciparum malaria cases

Coverage indicators:

1.  # of ITNs/LLINs distributed to at-risk populations through mass campaigns

2.  # & % of population at risk potentially covered by ITNs distributed

3.  % of suspected malaria cases that receive a parasitological test

4.  % of confirmed malaria cases that received first-line antimalarial treatment according to national policy

5.  % of confirmed cases in low endemic areas fully investigated