WWF New ZealandPosition Description
July 12 October 18 May 2010
Auckland Marine Matters Programme Leader
(part time, fixed term position based in Auckland)
Purpose of the Position
To lead, implement and deliver WWF New Zealand’s Auckland Marine Matters(AMM) programme focusing on advocating for marine protection outcomes under a marine spatial planning framework, capacity building for community engagementand working in partnership.
Responsible to:
Marine Programme Manager based in Wellington.
Direct Reports:
No direct line reports however any volunteers and contracts as managed under the Auckland Marine Matters programme reporting to the position.
Main Working Relationships
Marine Programme Manager & Team.
Education Programme Manager.
Executive Director.
Conservation, Fundraising, Marketing, Communications and Operationsstaff
WWF International networks.
The Department of Conservation
Other government and quasi-government agencies, especially Ministry of Fisheries, The Hauraki Gulf Forum, and Auckland based Local Authorities.
The Tindall Foundation and other sponsors and funding agencies
Key stakeholders in the Hauraki Gulf including Iwi and other Maori groups, and non-government organisations, especially community based marine groups.
Other organisations relevant to WWF New Zealand’s strategic objectives and targets.
Responsibilities of the Position
- Implement the core activities of the joint-DOC & WWF Auckland Marine Matters programme which includes:
- Engagement in advocacy and partnership activitiesin the Aucklandregionfocused on Marine Spatial Planning and meeting marine protectionobjectives that support a national process of establishing a comprehensive network of Marine Protected Areas.
- Supporting community groups to participate in marine conservation action that benefits the Auckland region.
- Supporting programme partnership responsibilities including co-delivery of activities with the Department of Conservation and maintainingrelationships with key funding organistions.
- Supporting and closely liasing with the Education Team to deliver marine environmental education capacity in schools in the Auckland region.
- Leadon WWF’s business planning for the Auckland Marine Matters including preparation of strategic plans and measurable targets, annual plans and budgets, and reporting to the board and sub-committees, and programme funders.
- Ensure that fundraising, marketing and communications opportunities to support and sustain the Auckland Marine Matters programme are maximised by working closely with the Marketing and Communications Manager and Fundraising Manager.
- In conjunction with other WWF staff and the Funder, evaluate the success of the programme and develop the AMM proposal to Tindall and /or other funders for the continuation of AMM programme beyond FY12.
- Provide technical advice and input to other WWF conservation campaigns as required, especially the Marine, Education, and Terrestrial programmes.
- Keep abreast of marine conservation developments at local, national, regional and international levels, and incorporate into the programme where appropriate, in order to best position WWF New Zealand as a leader in marine conservation in Aotearoa.
- Foster partnerships with external organisations that serve to support the achievement of the WWF Auckland Marine Matters programmatic targets.
- Contribute to and participate in marine conservation debates and decisions within the WWF network.
- Undertake any other duties as may be required from time to time, as agreed with the Marine Programme Manager.
Skills and Experience Required
- Competence, experience and credibility in development and implementation of marine protected areas networks, andmarine conservation advocacy with a focus on the community engagement in marine spatial planning.
- A tertiary qualification or equivalent experience in either marine conservationor environmental advocacy, or other relevant subjects.
- Programme planning and management experience including:
- Planning, implementing, evaluating, and reporting on programmes and budgets.
- Liaison with other conservation and non-conservation teams to ensure integration.
- An understanding of non-governmental organisations and how they achieve their objectives
- An understanding how financial and other sponsors contribute to conservation and education programmes.
- An understanding of the role of marine environmental education in achieving conservation outcomes.
- Ability to build and maintain a wide range of networks and partnerships.
- Knowledge of current developments in the field of marine conservation, especially Marine Protected Areas, Marine Spatial Planning and socio-ecolgical Therories of Change.
- Excellent communication skills at all levels, internally and externally, oral and written.
Personal Attributes Required
- A commitment to WWF’s values and an enthusiasm for being part of our mission to build a future where people live in harmony with nature.
- Knowledge and interest in marine conservation, without a personal political agenda.
- A commitment to working in a small team environment.
- An understanding of the inherent challenges of working with a wide range of people with divergent views and backgrounds.
- An energetic and professional self starter, able to lead and motivate by example.
- A willingness to adapt and take on new professional skills and develop new areas of expertise.
- A positive approach, able to persevere when faced with obstacles and find solutions.
- Demonstrates integrity, inspires trust and resolves conflict.
- A willingness to create an environment of professional excellence and innovation, underpinned with flexibility and friendliness.
- A commitment to and recognition of the EEO principles.
- A commitment to and recognition of the Treaty of Waitangi.
- A commitment to the values of WWF.