Section Leadership Committee

Meeting Minutes – 02/19/2015

Meeting Date: February 19, 2015

Location: Vi-Chem Corporation (Conference Room)

Attendees: Jim Anderson (Chair), Andrea Ward (Vice Chair), Juan Loera (Treasurer), Ken Phillips (Secretary/Membership), Jim VanWieren (Nominating), Paul Prunty (Program), Bob Suchy (Employment), Sharon Swadner (Historian), Karrie Noel (Arrangements) & Don Brecken (Region 10 Director)

Call to order – 5:50pm

I.  Review of Previous Meeting Minutes

·  Motion to approve the agenda with notation to clarify the initiator of the motion initiator.

·  Motion by Andrea Ward – Motion carried

II.  Standing Reports

A.  Secretary’s Report – Juan Loera & Ken Phillips

1. Reviewed minutes from 2/12/15 ASQ Presents (supplied by Ken P.) & 01/08/2015 SLC meeting (supplied by Juan Loera). Juan mentioned that individual initiators were not captured on the minutes. SLC agreed that the minutes be revised to include comments documenting this issue.

2. Request made to make all meeting minutes available. The minutes will placed on the ASQ 1001 website under miscellaneous. Juan Loera has sent all copies of minutes taken for SLC meetings and ASQ Presents to Jim Anderson & Ken Phillips, Ken Phillips to post.

B.  Treasurer’s Report – Andrea Ward

1. Reviewed Treasurer’s report – period ending 01/31/15.

·  Report provided by Andrea Ward.

·  Reviewed check account, bank statement, statement of Revenues & Expenses and the Annual Report.

2. Reviewed monthly financial report (ASQ HQ format).

·  All items balance.

·  Noted two outstanding checks to QCI.

·  Noted that the annual revenue report was updated to ensure that the minimum 70% of total revenue spent on member value criteria was met (105.86%).

·  Motion to approve January financial reports as presented. – Jim Van Wieren.

·  Motion carried

C.  January ASQ Presents – Karrie Noel

1. Called in 57 after numerous revisions, 65 attended, 27 additional people after Monday morning. Long discussion on late sign-ups.

2. Reviewed survey results

·  Exceed goal of 3.5 score (4.19).

·  Good attendance despite weather

·  Favorable feedback provided.

·  Event financial review, slight loss

·  Reviewed survey results, vegetarian concerns, place comment board on easel, acceptable score, add The Bluff location to website.

·  March ASQ Present! Readiness check – Speaker will be Mark Rusco, Paul will introduce Mark, and tutorial will be SIPOC by Juan Loera.

D.  ASQ Headquarters Business Plan – Andrea Ward

1. Reviewed line item status (due dates) – via tracking chart.

·  Identified 1 line item complete 18 on track.

·  Everything is on track

·  Course count is close – 75%

III.  Individual Chair reports

A.  Education – Gary C.

1.  Recommendation made to consider a workshop for ISO to fill void, left by meeting topic cancellation.

2.  LinkedIn discussion Open or Closed

B.  Nominations/Open Positions – Jim VanWieren

  1. Rob Riemersma has accepted Internet Chair, Caitlin Lake has accepted Marketing Chair; Jim Van Wieren & Paul Prunty to discuss future possibilities for Marketing and Internet presence, in conjunction with website revision.

2. Maggie Merritt – will be stepping down; still need a qualified replacement for Proctor, Sharon S. declined the offer. Suggestion to create work instruction for the position.

3. The new Recertification Chair is Larry Barnsdale. This was announced at ASQ Present! Meeting and his contact information has been added to the website.

E.  Around the Room – Jim Anderson

·  Andrea Ward – New computer needs software. There was discussion regarding software options. Agreed that it is best to purchase new Microsoft Office software.

·  Motion to approve purchase of Microsoft Office software.-Jim Anderson

·  Motion carried

  1. Juan Loera – Add ASQ World Conference to next month’s agenda.
  2. Jim Anderson – Jim receives information about training, presentations, possible presentation topics.
  3. Ken Phillips will place meeting minutes on the ASQ 1001 website Miscellaneous section.
  4. Serious clean-up discussion, The Bluff closet, but more importantly historical documents, scanned items, 5S, no action.

5.  Juan Loera - Banner is beautiful.

IV.  Old Business

  1. Ken Phillips – Member survey progress, one more session and then develop questions.
  2. Hand over web mail notification – transition to the Internet Chair.
  3. Possible Healthcare initiative – Committee with Lisa Rosochacki and Gail Lily, they will be giving a future tutorial.

V.  New Business – Discussion SLC

1. Team to begin brainstorming ideas for next year’s program, send ideas to Paul Prunty. SLC is looking for an A-Lister for the end of the year, perhaps Forest Breyfoggle, a speaker that would be the main presenter and host workshop. May be able to co-sponsor with another section or organization to reduce section cost. Paul has a solid list already. X-Rite may be a possibility. ISO workshop, a lot of options. Paul read through the list of candidates.

2. Upcoming dates – 1st Quarter Financial submission

3. ASQ Award Submissions – Submit Fellow process and Succession Planning. Paul to research dates, Don and Kurt could help craft the submission. Suggestion to search the section for individual candidates, Jim Anderson will call ASQ HQ.

4. Agreed to combine Policy for non-attendees and meeting cancellation due to inclement weather: Subcommittee to meet and provide recommendations – Karrie Noel, Paul Prunty & Andrea Ward – In process

5. Gifts for new members – Jim Anderson to pursue getting books from ASQ HQ. A new member gift discussion, looking for ways to retain new members and encourage them to attend future monthly meetings.

Recognition Award for SLC long serving members, – Should the award be a certificate, plaque, gift card, does there need to be criteria. Item tabled.

·  Motion by Paul Prunty – Section to provide gift bag, including an ASQ Presents! dinner voucher to be used in 12 months, for new section members that are first time attendees.

·  Motion carried, Andrea dissented

VI.  Summary

·  Motion to adjourn @ 8:17PM – Jim Anderson

·  Motion carried

Meeting adjourned at 8:24 PM

Motion Log

Item / Description / Date / Initiator / Status
01 / Approve agenda 1/15/15 meeting. / 1/15/15 / SLC / Carried
02 / Approve Secretary’s report for 11/20/14 & supporting ASQ presents minutes (January). / 1/15/15 / SLC / Carried
03 / Approve December financial reports as presented. / 1/15/15 / SLC / Carried
04 / Release funds not to exceed $100 for banner refurbish by MasterTag / 1/15/15 / Bob Suchy / Carried
05 / 1/15/15 meeting adjourn / 1/15/15 / SLC / Carried
06 / Motion to approve the agenda with notation to clarify the initiator of the motion. / 02/19/2015 / Andrea Ward / Carried
07 / Motion to approve January financial reports as presented / 02/19/2015 / Jim Van Wieren / Carried
08 / Motion to approve purchase of Microsoft Office software for new computer. / 02/19/2015 / Jim Anderson / Carried
09 / Section to provide gift bag, including an ASQ Presents! dinner voucher to be used in 12 months, for new section members that are first time attendees. / 02/19/2015 / Paul Prunty / Carried
10 / Motion to adjourn 02/19/2015 meeting. / 02/19/2015 / Jim Anderson / Carried