Team Roles

Team Leader

  • Makes all arrangements for meetings or delegates responsibility
  • Sends out all meeting notices, agendas, and minutes
  • Clarifies the purpose of the group for group members
  • Pays primary attention to the goals of the Action Plan
  • Makes sure all key roles are filled
  • Encourages all team members to participate
  • Remains impartial
  • Ensures that members have equal opportunity to participate
  • Moves the agenda and keeps the group on task
  • Initiates evaluation of meeting


  • Provides support for:

□Team start-up

□Team sustainability

□Public relations/communications

□Positive reinforcers to students and staff

□Technical assistance/data-based decision-making


□Local training/leadership

□Comes prepared and on time


  • Keeps agenda in mind
  • Asks for clarification and summarizes speakers’ statements
  • Uses people’s words to capture essence of statements and does not revise statements
  • Listens for real meaning
  • Transcribes discussions and decisions on Team Minutes form
  • Distributes Team Minutes form to all staff in a timely manner

List Keeper

  • Keeps a running list of tasks or materials needed for the next meeting
  • Ensures the team discusses old Action Plan items
  • Tracks new Action Plan items
  • Distributes Action Plan summary to all team members in a timely manner following each meeting

Communicator (you may decide to have different communicators to communicate with different stakeholder groups)

  • Communicates the decisions or requests from the team to all stakeholders:

√Classified staff

√Certified staff



√School board


Data/Technology Specialist

  • Ensures that a discussion about data occurs during every meeting
  • Brings necessary data to meeting for review and analysis
  • Leads discussion about data during meetings
  • Has interest and understanding of internet and other web-based technology

Time Keeper

  • Gets the group started on time
  • Reminds facilitator of time intervals
  • Assists in the development of ground rules
  • Reminds the groups of ground rules, as needed
  • Initiates timely adjournment of meeting
  • Comes prepared and on time

Keeper of the Manual

  • Keeps a written record of how and what the team accomplished in the process of developing school-wide PBS
  • Keeps the official copies of all handouts and documents
  • Keeps the official copies of team meeting agendas and minutes
  • Manual will evolve into a procedures manual for the school

Team Member

  • Actively participates in meetings
  • Thinks of the welfare of the group at all times
  • Assists with facilitation of group discussion
  • Devotes energies to all tasks
  • Encourages all members to participate

Other roles as deemed necessary by the Leadership