Settlement Arrivals Information

Settlement Grants Funding Round 2014-15

Western Australia

Contents Page

About This Document

SG Target Group

Location Data

Data Caveats

Other Information Sources

2013-14 SG Target Group in Western Australia

Western Australia - All SDs

Central SD - All SSDs

Kimberley SD - All SSDs

Lower Great Southern SD - All SSDs

Midlands SD - All SSDs

Perth SD - All SSDs

Central Metropolitan SSD

East Metropolitan SSD

North Metropolitan SSD

South East Metropolitan SSD

South West Metropolitan SSD

Pilbara SD - All SSDs

South Eastern SD - All SSDs

South West SD - All SSDs

Upper Great Southern SD - All SSDs

About This Document

This document is provided to assist in preparing funding proposals for the Settlement Grants (SG). It details statistical information specific to the SG Target Group in Western Australia.

SG Target Group

The SG Target Group is a group of settlers eligible for settlement services. It consists of settlers who meet the following criteria:


  • permanent Humanitarian stream settlers;
  • permanent Family stream settlers with low English proficiency;
  • some temporary Family stream settlers with low English proficiency living in rural/regional locations;
  • dependants of permanent Skilled settlers with low English proficiency living in rural/regional locations;
  • dependants of some temporary Skilled settlers with low English proficiency living in rural/regional locations;
  • some permanent Other stream settlers;


  • settlers who were in Australia when their visa was granted, with visa grant dates between 1 July 2008 and 30 June 2013; and
  • settlers who were overseas when their visa was granted, with arrival dates between 1 July 2008 and 30 June 2013.

Location Data

Boundaries for Statistical Division (SD), Statistical Sub-Division (SSD) and Statistical Local Area (SLA) are based on the 2011 Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC)[1]. This is a standard national framework used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for the collection of statistical information on a geographic basis. The benefits of the ASGC are that it:

  • covers the entire geographic area of Australia without gaps or overlaps, ensuring that no locations are excluded or double counted; and
  • enables settlement patterns and needs to be analysed at a national, state/territory and regional level, while allowing consideration of smaller, more specific areas of need. (Please note the caveats on data usage below).

Data Caveats

The data source for this document is the DIAC Settlement Database (SDB).

You should note and take into account the known limitations of the data as detailed below:

  • The SDB collects general data from settlers who have been granted a permanent resident visa, or who are on the ‘settlement pathway’ (i.e., they have been granted a temporary visa that would lead to permanent residency).
  • The data contained in this document is based on a snapshot view of the current location of settlers; it does not provide any form of trend analysis.
  • Statistics on migrant numbers in regions may not be entirely accurate due to limitations in data capture of address data. Address information is only updated if the Department is notified. In addition, address data is based on a migrant’s latest recorded residence, and may not be current.
  • Some data with 5 or less settlers may have been confidentialised (indicated by <5 or ‘…’) to protect the privacy of individuals. This confidentialisingis minor and does not impact on the useability of the data.
  • Data values including ‘not stated’, ‘invalid’ or ‘not recorded’ indicate that the data is missing or is otherwise unavailable.
  • This data may contain records for settlers who have permanently departed Australia, who are deceased or who have had their grants cancelled.
  • The data consists of settlers and their latestvisa grant. Settlers who have multiple SDB grants will appear in different categories of data over time as they hold different visas over time.
  • Humanitarian settlers born in foreign refugee camps are frequently recorded in the SDB with a country of birth that does not equate to their ethnicity. While DIAC is unable to identify all country of birth groups which may have significant proportions of foreign ethnicities, the following groups are known to be affected and should be interpreted with caution:
  • Thailand (most settlers are of Burmese ethnicity);
  • Bhutan (most settlers are of Nepalese ethnicity); and
  • Kenya (most settlers are of Dinka ethnicity).

Other Information Sources

The Settlement Reporting Facility (SRF) uses the SDB to provide the general public with statistical data on permanent arrivals to Australia.

The SRF can assist you to provide further information in your funding proposal about the target group you propose to deliver services to. Instructions on how to produce a settlement report are also available. The Settlement Reporting Facility is available on DSS website.

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2013-14 SG Target Group in Western Australia

Western Australia - All SDs

SG Target Group distribution by Statistical Division and Migration Stream
Statistical Division / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Central / 200 / 6 / 67 / 273
Kimberley / 110 / 17 / 52 / 179
Lower Great Southern / 153 / 123 / 47 / 323
Midlands / 100 / 3 / 25 / 128
Perth / 9,990 / 6,593 / 0 / 16,583
Pilbara / 314 / 9 / 87 / 410
South Eastern / 173 / 24 / 96 / 293
South West / 734 / 71 / 522 / 1,327
Upper Great Southern / 18 / 0 / 5 / 23
Not Recorded / 252 / 33 / 0 / 285
Total / 12,044 / 6,879 / 901 / 19,823

SG Target Group by Gender and Migration Stream
Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Female / 8,800 / 2,803 / 599 / 12,202
Male / 3,244 / 4,075 / 302 / 7,621
Total / 12,044 / 6,879 / 901 / 19,823

SG Target Group by Age on Arrival and Migration Stream
Age on Arrival / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
00-05 / 476 / 784 / 99 / 1,359
06-11 / 664 / 740 / 102 / 1,506
12-15 / 626 / 503 / 45 / 1,174
16-17 / 296 / 363 / 25 / 684
18-24 / 1,680 / 1,173 / 65 / 2,918
25-34 / 4,927 / 1,747 / 309 / 6,983
35-44 / 2,173 / 948 / 192 / 3,313
45-54 / 794 / 383 / 53 / 1,230
55-64 / 205 / 151 / 8 / 364
65+ / 203 / 87 / 3 / 293
Total / 12,044 / 6,879 / 901 / 19,823


Central SD - All SSDs

SG Target Group by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
200 / 6 / 67 / 273

Top 10 Country of Birth by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian / Skilled
Thailand / 65 / Fiji / <5 / United Kingdom / 8
Vietnam / 44 / Burma / <5 / Vietnam / 8
PRC (China) / 25 / PRC (China) / <5 / India / 6
Philippines / 13 / Egypt / <5 / South Africa / 6
Taiwan / 8 / Papua New Guinea / <5 / Argentina / 5
Former USSR / 6 / Philippines / 5
Indonesia / 5 / Sri Lanka / <5
Estonia / <5 / Egypt / <5
Hungary / <5 / Italy / <5
Japan / <5 / Burma / <5
SG Target Group by Gender and Migration Stream
Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Female / 156 / 1 / 45 / 202
Male / 44 / 5 / 22 / 71
Total / 200 / 6 / 67 / 273

SG Target Group by Age on Arrival and Migration Stream
Age on Arrival / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
00-05 / 6 / 0 / 6 / 12
06-11 / 16 / 0 / 9 / 25
12-15 / 10 / 0 / 1 / 11
16-17 / 2 / 0 / 1 / 3
18-24 / 19 / 1 / 3 / 23
25-34 / 67 / 3 / 25 / 95
35-44 / 46 / 1 / 16 / 63
45-54 / 26 / 1 / 5 / 32
55-64 / 5 / 0 / 1 / 6
65+ / 3 / 0 / 0 / 3
Total / 200 / 6 / 67 / 273

SG Target Group by Key Settlement Locations and Migration Stream
Location / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Carnegie / 7 / 2 / 4 / 13
Gascoyne / 57 / 1 / 15 / 73
Geraldton / 116 / 3 / 27 / 146
Greenough River / 20 / 0 / 21 / 41
Total / 200 / 6 / 67 / 273
SG Target Group by Migration Stream and Years Since Arrival in Australia


Kimberley SD - All SSDs

SG Target Group by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
110 / 17 / 52 / 179

Top 10 Country of Birth by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian / Skilled
Thailand / 47 / Afghanistan / 6 / Vietnam / 10
PRC (China) / 13 / Kenya / <5 / Philippines / 9
Japan / 10 / Kuwait / <5 / South Korea / 7
Indonesia / 6 / Zimbabwe / <5 / United Kingdom / 5
Taiwan / 5 / Burma / <5 / South Africa / <5
Vietnam / 5 / Cameroon Rep / <5 / Egypt / <5
Colombia / <5 / Iraq / <5 / PRC (China) / <5
Estonia / <5 / Pakistan / <5 / Nepal / <5
Philippines / <5 / Unknown / <5 / Thailand / <5
Egypt / <5 / England / <5
SG Target Group by Gender and Migration Stream
Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Female / 92 / 3 / 30 / 125
Male / 18 / 14 / 22 / 54
Total / 110 / 17 / 52 / 179

SG Target Group by Age on Arrival and Migration Stream
Age on Arrival / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
00-05 / 2 / 0 / 6 / 8
06-11 / 4 / 0 / 5 / 9
12-15 / 7 / 1 / 2 / 10
16-17 / 2 / 0 / 1 / 3
18-24 / 2 / 3 / 6 / 11
25-34 / 55 / 7 / 19 / 81
35-44 / 28 / 1 / 8 / 37
45-54 / 9 / 2 / 3 / 14
55-64 / 1 / 3 / 1 / 5
65+ / 0 / 0 / 1 / 1
Total / 110 / 17 / 52 / 179

SG Target Group by Key Settlement Locations and Migration Stream
Location / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Fitzroy / 87 / 16 / 30 / 133
Ord / 23 / 1 / 22 / 46
Total / 110 / 17 / 52 / 179
SG Target Group by Migration Stream and Years Since Arrival in Australia


Lower Great Southern SD - All SSDs

SG Target Group by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
153 / 123 / 47 / 323

Top 10 Country of Birth by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian / Skilled
Afghanistan / 31 / Afghanistan / 57 / PRC (China) / 31
Thailand / 31 / Burma / 42 / Philippines / <5
PRC (China) / 15 / Thailand / 17 / Burma / <5
Indonesia / 15 / Tanzania / <5 / India / <5
Philippines / 14 / Pakistan / <5 / South Africa / <5
Vietnam / 8 / Burundi / <5 / Ireland / <5
Former USSR / 7 / PRC (China) / <5 / Kuwait / <5
Colombia / 5 / Romania / <5
Burma / <5 / Sri Lanka / <5
Japan / <5 / Thailand / <5
SG Target Group by Gender and Migration Stream
Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Female / 116 / 39 / 29 / 184
Male / 37 / 84 / 18 / 139
Total / 153 / 123 / 47 / 323

SG Target Group by Age on Arrival and Migration Stream
Age on Arrival / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
00-05 / 1 / 5 / 5 / 11
06-11 / 10 / 18 / 6 / 34
12-15 / 13 / 6 / 4 / 23
16-17 / 7 / 3 / 2 / 12
18-24 / 27 / 23 / 4 / 54
25-34 / 43 / 29 / 12 / 84
35-44 / 35 / 30 / 11 / 76
45-54 / 13 / 9 / 3 / 25
55-64 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 2
65+ / 2 / 0 / 0 / 2
Total / 153 / 123 / 47 / 323

SG Target Group by Key Settlement Locations and Migration Stream
Location / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
King / 120 / 36 / 25 / 181
Pallinup / 33 / 87 / 22 / 142
Total / 153 / 123 / 47 / 323
SG Target Group by Migration Stream and Years Since Arrival in Australia


Midlands SD - All SSDs

SG Target Group by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
100 / 3 / 25 / 128

Top 10 Country of Birth by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian / Skilled
Thailand / 35 / Not Specified / <5 / Philippines / 10
PRC (China) / 13 / Zimbabwe / <5
Philippines / 7 / United Kingdom / <5
Vietnam / 7 / India / <5
Former USSR / 6 / Japan / <5
Indonesia / 5 / Bulgaria / <5
Serbia Republic Of / <5 / PRC (China) / <5
Afghanistan / <5 / Poland / <5
Egypt / <5 / Ukraine / <5
Taiwan / <5
SG Target Group by Gender and Migration Stream
Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Female / 83 / … / 16 / 99
Male / 17 / … / 9 / 26
Total / 100 / 3 / 25 / 128

SG Target Group by Age on Arrival and Migration Stream
Age on Arrival / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
00-05 / 1 / … / 3 / 4
06-11 / 4 / … / 2 / 6
12-15 / 7 / … / 0 / 7
16-17 / 2 / … / 1 / 3
18-24 / 6 / … / 0 / 6
25-34 / 27 / … / 10 / 37
35-44 / 36 / … / 8 / 44
45-54 / 15 / … / 1 / 16
55-64 / 1 / … / 0 / 1
65+ / 1 / … / 0 / 1
Total / 100 / 3 / 25 / 128

SG Target Group by Key Settlement Locations and Migration Stream
Location / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Avon / 54 / … / 15 / 69
Campion / 10 / … / 1 / 11
Moore / 36 / … / 9 / 45
Total / 100 / 3 / 25 / 128
SG Target Group by Migration Stream and Years Since Arrival in Australia


Perth SD - All SSDs

SG Target Group by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian / Total
9,990 / 6,593 / 16,583

Top 10 Country of Birth by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian
PRC (China) / 1,655 / Burma / 1,356
Thailand / 1,272 / Afghanistan / 1,172
Vietnam / 801 / Iraq / 620
Afghanistan / 474 / Iran / 553
India / 464 / Thailand / 413
Indonesia / 443 / Sri Lanka / 256
Japan / 435 / Sudan / 231
Philippines / 264 / Ethiopia / 221
South Korea / 246 / Zimbabwe / 182
Sudan / 222 / Democratic Republic Of Congo / 165
SG Target Group by Gender and Migration Stream
Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Female / 7,176 / 2,705 / 9,881
Male / 2,815 / 3,887 / 6,701
Total / 9,990 / 6,593 / 16,583

SG Target Group by Age on Arrival and Migration Stream
Age on Arrival / Family / Humanitarian / Total
00-05 / 394 / 756 / 1,150
06-11 / 520 / 706 / 1,226
12-15 / 496 / 481 / 977
16-17 / 240 / 351 / 591
18-24 / 1,467 / 1,121 / 2,588
25-34 / 4,240 / 1,675 / 5,915
35-44 / 1,669 / 911 / 2,580
45-54 / 609 / 363 / 972
55-64 / 173 / 147 / 320
65+ / 182 / 82 / 264
Total / 9,990 / 6,593 / 16,583

SG Target Group by Key Settlement Locations and Migration Stream
Location / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Central Metropolitan / 662 / 115 / 777
East Metropolitan / 1,519 / 793 / 2,312
North Metropolitan / 3,161 / 2,742 / 5,903
South East Metropolitan / 3,222 / 2,611 / 5,833
South West Metropolitan / 1,426 / 332 / 1,758
Total / 9,990 / 6,593 / 16,583

SG Target Group by Migration Stream and Years Since Arrival in Australia


Central Metropolitan SSD

SG Target Group by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian / Total
662 / 115 / 777
Top 10 Country of Birth by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian
PRC (China) / 124 / Iran / 30
Japan / 74 / Afghanistan / 10
Thailand / 52 / Iraq / 10
Vietnam / 42 / Zimbabwe / 10
South Korea / 37 / Ethiopia / 9
India / 31 / Colombia / 5
Indonesia / 26 / Democratic Republic Of Congo / <5
Italy / 21 / Jordan / <5
Hong Kong / 16 / Pakistan / <5
Former USSR / 15 / Sri Lanka / <5
SG Target Group by Gender and Migration Stream
Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Female / 525 / 28 / 553
Male / 137 / 87 / 224
Total / 662 / 115 / 777
SG Target Group by Age on Arrival and Migration Stream
Age on Arrival / Family / Humanitarian / Total
00-05 / 24 / 8 / 32
06-11 / 24 / 8 / 32
12-15 / 17 / 4 / 21
16-17 / 11 / 4 / 15
18-24 / 73 / 26 / 99
25-34 / 303 / 36 / 339
35-44 / 130 / 19 / 149
45-54 / 49 / 6 / 55
55-64 / 20 / <5 / 23
65+ / 11 / <5 / 12
Total / 662 / 115 / 777
SG Target Group by Key Settlement Locations and Migration Stream
Location / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Cambridge (T) / 114 / 15 / 129
Claremont (T) / 29 / 8 / 37
Cottesloe (T) / 17 / 1 / 18
Mosman Park (T) / 25 / 0 / 25
Nedlands (C) / 46 / 4 / 50
Perth (C) - Remainder / 113 / 24 / 137
Subiaco (C) / 79 / 8 / 87
Vincent (T) / 239 / 55 / 294
Total / 662 / 115 / 777


East Metropolitan SSD

SG Target Group by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian / Total
1,519 / 793 / 2,312
Top 10 Country of Birth by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian
Thailand / 221 / Burma / 164
PRC (China) / 196 / Afghanistan / 151
Vietnam / 185 / Iraq / 67
Afghanistan / 76 / Iran / 64
India / 71 / Thailand / 53
Philippines / 66 / Zimbabwe / 32
Japan / 64 / Ethiopia / 29
Iraq / 49 / Sudan / 28
Indonesia / 47 / Congo Republic / 17
Ethiopia / 43 / Somalia / 17
SG Target Group by Gender and Migration Stream
Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Female / 1,095 / 306 / 1,401
Male / 424 / 487 / 911
Total / 1,519 / 793 / 2,312
SG Target Group by Age on Arrival and Migration Stream
Age on Arrival / Family / Humanitarian / Total
00-05 / 45 / 85 / 130
06-11 / 72 / 85 / 157
12-15 / 95 / 65 / 160
16-17 / 37 / 67 / 104
18-24 / 241 / 124 / 365
25-34 / 616 / 186 / 802
35-44 / 262 / 107 / 369
45-54 / 108 / 42 / 150
55-64 / 29 / 23 / 52
65+ / 14 / 9 / 23
Total / 1,519 / 793 / 2,312
SG Target Group by Key Settlement Locations and Migration Stream
Location / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Bassendean (T) / 144 / 65 / 209
Bayswater (C) / 588 / 369 / 957
Kalamunda (S) / 137 / 32 / 169
Mundaring (S) / 32 / 3 / 35
Swan (C) / 618 / 324 / 942
Total / 1,519 / 793 / 2,312


North Metropolitan SSD

SG Target Group by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian / Total
3,161 / 2,742 / 5,903
Top 10 Country of Birth by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian
Vietnam / 424 / Burma / 704
Thailand / 379 / Afghanistan / 379
PRC (China) / 322 / Iraq / 300
Afghanistan / 149 / Iran / 203
Sudan / 137 / Thailand / 164
Fmr Yugo Rep Of Macedonia / 125 / Sudan / 143
India / 118 / Ethiopia / 115
Japan / 118 / Democratic Republic Of Congo / 59
Iraq / 101 / Malaysia / 59
Ethiopia / 88 / Eritrea / 55
SG Target Group by Gender and Migration Stream
Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Female / 2,219 / 1,201 / 3,420
Male / 942 / 1,541 / 2,483
Total / 3,161 / 2,742 / 5,903
SG Target Group by Age on Arrival and Migration Stream
Age on Arrival / Family / Humanitarian / Total
00-05 / 122 / 358 / 480
06-11 / 156 / 305 / 461
12-15 / 149 / 192 / 341
16-17 / 73 / 137 / 210
18-24 / 523 / 425 / 948
25-34 / 1,339 / 694 / 2,033
35-44 / 507 / 369 / 876
45-54 / 173 / 150 / 323
55-64 / 54 / 73 / 127
65+ / 65 / 39 / 104
Total / 3,161 / 2,742 / 5,903
SG Target Group by Key Settlement Locations and Migration Stream
Location / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Joondalup (C) - North / 203 / 55 / 258
Joondalup (C) - South / 214 / 8 / 222
Stirling (C) - Central / 1,305 / 1,719 / 3,024
Stirling (C) - Coastal / 247 / 50 / 297
Stirling (C) - South-Eastern / 126 / 52 / 178
Wanneroo (C) - North-East / 332 / 51 / 383
Wanneroo (C) - North-West / 253 / 85 / 338
Wanneroo (C) - South / 481 / 722 / 1,203
Total / 3,161 / 2,742 / 5,903


South East Metropolitan SSD

SG Target Group by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian / Total
3,222 / 2,611 / 5,832
Top 10 Country of Birth by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian
PRC (China) / 750 / Afghanistan / 598
Thailand / 341 / Burma / 464
Afghanistan / 240 / Iraq / 223
India / 208 / Sri Lanka / 218
Indonesia / 178 / Iran / 195
Japan / 110 / Thailand / 192
South Korea / 109 / Zimbabwe / 69
Burma / 101 / Democratic Republic Of Congo / 68
Vietnam / 100 / Ethiopia / 63
Somalia / 83 / Pakistan / 57
SG Target Group by Gender and Migration Stream
Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Female / 2,295 / 1,029 / 3,324
Male / 927 / 1,581 / 2,508
Total / 3,222 / 2,611 / 5,832
SG Target Group by Age on Arrival and Migration Stream
Age on Arrival / Family / Humanitarian / Total
00-05 / 134 / 262 / 396
06-11 / 184 / 272 / 456
12-15 / 162 / 191 / 353
16-17 / 95 / 121 / 216
18-24 / 492 / 492 / 984
25-34 / 1,383 / 670 / 2,053
35-44 / 486 / 375 / 861
45-54 / 172 / 152 / 324
55-64 / 49 / 45 / 94
65+ / 65 / 31 / 96
Total / 3,222 / 2,611 / 5,832
SG Target Group by Key Settlement Locations and Migration Stream
Location / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Armadale (C) / 309 / 196 / 505
Belmont (C) / 398 / 257 / 655
Canning (C) / 1,288 / 1,246 / 2,534
Gosnells (C) / 642 / 647 / 1,289
Serpentine-Jarrahdale (S) / 27 / 6 / 33
South Perth (C) / 211 / 54 / 265
Victoria Park (T) / 347 / 205 / 552
Total / 3,222 / 2,611 / 5,832


South West Metropolitan SSD

SG Target Group by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian / Total
1,426 / 332 / 1,758
Top 10 Country of Birth by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian
Thailand / 279 / Iran / 61
PRC (China) / 263 / Afghanistan / 34
Indonesia / 109 / Democratic Republic Of Congo / 26
Japan / 69 / Burma / 22
Philippines / 64 / Iraq / 20
Vietnam / 50 / Liberia / 19
Former USSR / 44 / Zimbabwe / 19
South Korea / 40 / Eritrea / 16
India / 36 / Pakistan / 15
Italy / 31 / Sudan / 14
SG Target Group by Gender and Migration Stream
Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Female / 1,042 / 141 / 1,183
Male / 384 / 191 / 575
Total / 1,426 / 332 / 1,758
SG Target Group by Age on Arrival and Migration Stream
Age on Arrival / Family / Humanitarian / Total
00-05 / 69 / 43 / 112
06-11 / 84 / 36 / 120
12-15 / 73 / 29 / 102
16-17 / 24 / 22 / 46
18-24 / 138 / 54 / 192
25-34 / 599 / 89 / 688
35-44 / 284 / 41 / 325
45-54 / 107 / 13 / 120
55-64 / 21 / 3 / 24
65+ / 27 / 2 / 29
Total / 1,426 / 332 / 1,758
SG Target Group by Key Settlement Locations and Migration Stream
Location / Family / Humanitarian / Total
Cockburn (C) / 546 / 90 / 636
East Fremantle (T) / 16 / 8 / 24
Fremantle (C) - Remainder / 63 / 30 / 93
Kwinana (T) / 168 / 130 / 298
Melville (C) / 325 / 41 / 366
Rockingham (C) / 308 / 33 / 341
Total / 1,426 / 332 / 1,758


Pilbara SD - All SSDs

SG Target Group by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
314 / 9 / 87 / 410

Top 10 Country of Birth by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian / Skilled
Thailand / 159 / Afghanistan / <5 / Philippines / 11
Indonesia / 23 / Burma / <5 / PRC (China) / 9
PRC (China) / 20 / Fiji / <5 / Thailand / 9
Philippines / 17 / Burundi / <5 / India / 6
Japan / 12 / Vanuatu / <5 / Burma / 5
Vietnam / 9 / Zimbabwe / <5 / Malaysia / <5
India / 6 / Peru / <5
Cambodia / 5 / South Africa / <5
Former USSR / 5 / Russian Federation / <5
South Korea / 5 / Scotland / <5
SG Target Group by Gender and Migration Stream
Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Female / 269 / 5 / 66 / 340
Male / 45 / 4 / 21 / 70
Total / 314 / 9 / 87 / 410

SG Target Group by Age on Arrival and Migration Stream
Age on Arrival / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
00-05 / 8 / 0 / 11 / 19
06-11 / 21 / 0 / 13 / 34
12-15 / 18 / 1 / 4 / 23
16-17 / 6 / 1 / 1 / 8
18-24 / 32 / 1 / 11 / 44
25-34 / 122 / 2 / 25 / 149
35-44 / 86 / 0 / 14 / 100
45-54 / 20 / 4 / 7 / 31
55-64 / 1 / 0 / 1 / 2
Total / 314 / 9 / 87 / 410

SG Target Group by Key Settlement Locations and Migration Stream
Location / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
De Grey / 153 / 6 / 33 / 192
Fortescue / 161 / 3 / 54 / 218
Total / 314 / 9 / 87 / 410

SG Target Group by Migration Stream and Years Since Arrival in Australia


South Eastern SD - All SSDs

SG Target Group by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
173 / 24 / 96 / 293

Top 10 Country of Birth by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian / Skilled
Thailand / 79 / Afghanistan / 13 / PRC (China) / 10
Philippines / 18 / Unknown / <5 / Philippines / 10
PRC (China) / 15 / Zimbabwe / <5 / Iran / 6
Former USSR / 6 / Cameroon Rep / <5 / Peru / 6
India / 6 / Ethiopia / <5 / Mongolia / 5
Sri Lanka / 5 / Fiji / <5 / Papua New Guinea / 5
Vietnam / 5 / Iran / <5 / South Africa / 5
Japan / <5 / Kenya / <5 / United Kingdom / <5
South Korea / <5 / Zimbabwe / <5
Afghanistan / <5 / Hong Kong / <5
SG Target Group by Gender and Migration Stream
Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Female / 144 / 8 / 65 / 217
Male / 29 / 16 / 31 / 76
Total / 173 / 24 / 96 / 293

SG Target Group by Age on Arrival and Migration Stream
Age on Arrival / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
00-05 / 2 / 4 / 8 / 14
06-11 / 13 / 4 / 10 / 27
12-15 / 6 / 2 / 5 / 13
16-17 / 4 / 2 / 4 / 10
18-24 / 25 / 2 / 9 / 36
25-34 / 69 / 8 / 38 / 115
35-44 / 37 / 0 / 17 / 54
45-54 / 13 / 2 / 3 / 18
55-64 / 3 / 0 / 1 / 4
65+ / 1 / 0 / 1 / 2
Total / 173 / 24 / 96 / 293

SG Target Group by Key Settlement Locations and Migration Stream
Location / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Johnston / 23 / 0 / 9 / 32
Kalgoorlie/Boulder City Part A / 115 / 18 / 83 / 216
Lefroy / 35 / 6 / 4 / 45
Total / 173 / 24 / 96 / 293
SG Target Group by Migration Stream and Years Since Arrival in Australia


South West SD - All SSDs

SG Target Group by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
734 / 71 / 522 / 1,327

Top 10 Country of Birth by Migration Stream
Family / Humanitarian / Skilled
Thailand / 210 / Afghanistan / 29 / PRC (China) / 64
PRC (China) / 96 / Zimbabwe / 10 / Burma / 52
Indonesia / 60 / Iran / 7 / Iran / 49
Japan / 44 / Ethiopia / <5 / South Korea / 36
Vietnam / 44 / Iraq / <5 / United Kingdom / 33
Philippines / 36 / Pakistan / <5 / Philippines / 30
Afghanistan / 31 / Australia / <5 / India / 26
Former USSR / 22 / Burma / <5 / Sri Lanka / 25
Poland / 22 / England / <5 / South Africa / 20
Taiwan / 16 / Tanzania / <5 / Italy / 17
SG Target Group by Gender and Migration Stream
Gender / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Female / 591 / 29 / 347 / 967
Male / 143 / 42 / 175 / 360
Total / 734 / 71 / 522 / 1,327

SG Target Group by Age on Arrival and Migration Stream
Age on Arrival / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
00-05 / 26 / 10 / 60 / 96
06-11 / 50 / 10 / 56 / 116
12-15 / 41 / 6 / 27 / 74
16-17 / 21 / 4 / 15 / 40
18-24 / 80 / 14 / 32 / 126
25-34 / 256 / 18 / 178 / 452
35-44 / 177 / 5 / 118 / 300
45-54 / 65 / 2 / 31 / 98
55-64 / 15 / 1 / 4 / 20
65+ / 3 / 1 / 1 / 5
Total / 734 / 71 / 522 / 1,327

SG Target Group by Key Settlement Locations and Migration Stream
Location / Family / Humanitarian / Skilled / Total
Blackwood / 32 / 3 / 7 / 42
Bunbury / 185 / 15 / 197 / 397
Mandurah / 311 / 31 / 258 / 600
Preston / 63 / 6 / 20 / 89
Vasse / 143 / 16 / 40 / 199
Total / 734 / 71 / 522 / 1,327

SG Target Group by Migration Stream and Years Since Arrival in Australia


Upper Great Southern SD - All SSDs

SG Target Group by Migration Stream
Family / Skilled / Total
18 / 5 / 23

Top 10 Country of Birth by Migration Stream
Family / Skilled
Thailand / 5 / Philippines / <5
Former USSR / <5 / India / <5
PRC (China) / <5 / United Kingdom / <5
Cambodia / <5
El Salvador / <5
Indonesia / <5
South Korea / <5
Pakistan / <5
Philippines / <5
Taiwan / <5
SG Target Group by Gender and Migration Stream
Gender / Family / Skilled / Total
Female / 17 / 1 / 18
Male / 1 / 4 / 5
Total / 18 / 5 / 23

SG Target Group by Age on Arrival and Migration Stream
Age on Arrival / Family / Skilled / Total
06-11 / 1 / 1 / 2
12-15 / 0 / 2 / 2
18-24 / 1 / 0 / 1
25-34 / 7 / 2 / 9
35-44 / 6 / 0 / 6
45-54 / 2 / 0 / 2
65+ / 1 / 0 / 1
Total / 18 / 5 / 23

SG Target Group by Key Settlement Locations and Migration Stream
Location / Family / Skilled / Total
Hotham / 12 / 2 / 14
Lakes / 6 / 3 / 9
Total / 18 / 5 / 23

SG Target Group by Migration Stream and Years Since Arrival in Australia

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[1]For a detailed list of the ASGC classification for each State and Territory see:

Detailed maps for each state are also available on the ABS website at: