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Henry News – December 1, 2008
Tom and Beth Kos of Omaha, NE arrived at the Terry Kos home on Wednesday evening for the Thanksgiving holiday. They returned to their home on Saturday. Kayla DeJong of Watertown accompanied them from to Watertown to Henry and spent the evening.
Thanksgiving Day dinner guests of Randy, Carol, Darin and Kellie Wiedebush of rural Mansfield included, Arlen, Joan, John and Stephanie Boehnke, Barb and Lynn Hartley and Adam and Laci Hartley, Brodie, Aubrie and Tate all of Henry, Bob Boehnke and Terry Boehnke of Watertown, Jenna Hulscher of Goodwin, Rick, Lori and Bailey Hyland of Nunda and Brady Roberts of Warner.
Mike and Lola Nelson spent the Thanksgiving Holiday in Hope Mills, NC visiting their daughter, Jessica Langdeaux, husband James and children, Naomi and Carter. Mike returned home on Monday and Lola will spend another week with the family and return December 9th.
Kelby and Toni Goodall, Hayley and Travis, and Fain and Roxanne Geiger spent Thanksgiving in Miller with Louie and Mardella Gortmaker.
Brian and Patti Nicholson of Pinckney, MI spent Thanksgiving week at the Don and Rose McElroy home. On Tuesday Bob McElroy of Lincoln, NE came and spent the rest of the week Friday Dave and Becky McElroy, Mara and Brenna of Sioux Falls arrived. The families celebrated Thanksgiving Friday night. The guests each returned to their home on the weekend.
Alice and Wendell Bruns visited Violet Winemiller at the Golden Living Center in Clark Friday morning.
The Bludorn family enjoyed Thanksgiving in Henry at the Community Center. Those attending were Rich, Karen and David Bludorn and Andrew and Lucy Bludorn of Cincinnati, OH, Jonathan and Casey Bludorn, Lubbock, TX, Tom and Charlene Bludorn, Sam, Trisha, Alex and Elizabeth Reiffenberger, Amy Anderson and Emma Sattler, Watertown, Larry Bludorn, Omaha, NE, Jerry, Tammy, Jaclyn and Jamie Bludorn, Webster, Lisa Bludorn, Mitchell, Mike, Mandy and Lawson Lodmel, Onida, SD, Mark Maynard, Brad, Sydney and Jackson Maynard, Steve, Cindy and Josh Anderson and Ruth and Dale Bludorn.
Lavern Reinhart was a Thanksgiving Day guest of Arlen Swedeen.
Floyd and Donna Kittelson were among Friday evening supper guests at the Bryan and Cindy Wientjes home in Watertown.
Thanksgiving dinner guests at the Ron and Peggy Bastian home were Kathy, Mike, Chris and Kaylee Frey and Shawn and Lynn Bastian and family of Watertown and Virgil Bastian.
Arlen and Joan Boehnke attended the 50th birthday party for Tim Page at his home on Saturday evening.
Thanksgiving Day dinner guests at the Terry and Judy Kos home were Brian and Kathy DeJong and family and Joanne and Teddy Berglund of Watertown, Bret and Karen Henricks, John and Liz of rural Waverly and Tom and Beth Kos of Omaha.
Laura Eidsness of Northern State University of Aberdeen spent the Thanksgiving school vacation at the home of her parents, Myron and Diane Eidsness. On Thanksgiving Day the family traveled to Harrisburg and enjoyed dinner at the Tim and Kim Audus home.
Fain and Roxanne Geiger helped Alyssa Rhody celebrate her 30th birthday in Kranzburg Friday evening.
Thanksgiving Day dinner guests at the Danny and Bonita Sharp home included, Debbie Sharp and Gary Voeltz of Watertown, Betty Keyes of Clark and Joe and Nicole Sharp and Karli and Troy and Nicky Watson and girls.
Terry and Ruth Boehnke of Watertown were Sunday dinner guests at the Arlen and Joan Boehnke home.
Guests at the Monty and Marcia Montgomery home for Thanksgiving Day dinner were Helen Van Sickle, Linda and Nicki Page, Bob Van Sickle and Cindy Van Gerpen and daughter, Jess of Brookings, Julie and Jessie Van Sickle Luke Molitor, Jane Seifel and Andy Whitaker all from Watertown. Gordon and Loydeen Van Sickle stopped in later in the day.
Bonnie and Chris Sattler joined Wendell and Alice Bruns for Friday evening dinner.
Gary and Sue DeJong of Clear Lake, Kurt and Ramona Kaiser of Clear Lake, Bob DeJong of Brookings, Kelly Bakken and Macie of Brookings, Beth Warne of Watertown,
Terry and Judy Kos, Tom and Beth Kos, Karen and Elizabeth Henricks were Friday evening supper guests at the Brian DeJong home in celebration of Kayla DeJong’s birthday.
John and Stephanie Boehnke spent the long Thanksgiving break at their parents’ home and returned to SDSU and USD Sunday.
Irene Redmond was a Sunday afternoon visitor at the Dennis Martenson home.
Thanksgiving Day dinner guests at the Dan and Karrie O’Neill home included, Kylie Stein and Jacob, Enterprise, Alabama, Troy and Lisa Werdel, Sioux Falls, Angie and Krista O’Neill, Vermillion, Mark and Renee O’Neill, Josh and Katie, Carol O’Neill and Dick O’Neill.
LeDene Geiger, and Fain and Roxanne Geiger enjoyed supper out in Henry Saturday evening.
Thanksgiving Day dinner guests at the Calvin and Lois Schoepp home were Jeff Schoepp and Stacy Schoepp of Omaha, Kevin Schoepp and Dianne York, Watertown, Chad York, Pierre, Tom and Karen Miller, Casey and Lindsey, Iroquois, Steph and Dillon Raasch, and Doug Schoepp.
Joe and Elsie Young attended baptismal services for Trever John, son of Travis and Jodie on Wednesday evening at Immaculate Conception Church in Watertown. Later they were among family members enjoying supper at Travis Young’s home.
Peggy Bastian met Emily Bastian in Sioux Falls on Sunday and enjoyed a day of shopping.
Mike and Shauna Lane hosted Thanksgiving at their home with Troy and Sandy Van Sickle of Watertown and Gordy and Loydeen as guests.
Friday evening supper guests at the Tom and Myrna Brenden home were John and Chelsey Wiik, Connor and Cody of Watertown, Leslie Brenden, Zach and Allison of Florence and Jared, Julie and Dillon Brenden.
Thanksgiving Day dinner guests at the Rick and Amy Nelson home were Matt and Tara Stein, Madison and Gavyn of Watertown, Dean and Sandra Paulson and family and Marjorie Nelson.
Gary and Tondi Schoepp and boys of Chanhassen, MN arrived at the Calvin Schoepp home on Wednesday evening and returned to their Minnesota home on Sunday.
Friday evening, Linda Page of Watertown and Marcia and Sarah Montgomery and Loydeen Van Sickle attended the Christmas lighted parade in Watertown later they were joined by Helen Van Sickle for supper out in Watertown.
Saturday dinner guests at the Floyd and Donna Kittelson home were Rick and Vickie Burchatz and family, Bryan and Cindy Wientjes and boys of Watertown, Kathy Wookey, Bridget, Steph and Cody of Clark, Dave and Cindy McNeil and family of Warner and Mike and Cheryl Hovde and family of rural Vienna. Afternoon callers were Megan Buhler and Laurel McHenry of Watertown.
Rod and Cheri Jans, Taylor and Cory joined Aaron and Connie Hemmingson and family Clark, Gary and Betsy Kolden, and family, Vienna , Brad and Lorie Terhark and family, Willow Lake at the Milo and Janice Kolden home in Clark for Thanksgiving Day dinner.
Keith and Randall Fitzgerald, Aberdeen, Courtney Zweig, rural Watertown, Dennis and Barb Martinson and family, and Pat and Irene Redmond joined the Rodger and Diann Redmond family for Thanksgiving dinner.
Cokey and Heidi Johnson spent Thanksgiving in Hayti with Agnes Opdahl.
Joe and Elsie Young joined family members for Thanksgiving Day dinner at the Gary and Kathy Young home in Watertown.
Thanksgiving dinner guests at the Ron and Sharon Burchatz home were; Richard, Vickie, Jordan and Kayla Burchatz; Shelly and Dillon Root; Dean, Stacy and Chreanna Plunkett; Dominic, Reva (Waldner) and Dayne Plunkett; Stephanie Pickrel and John Heber; Tyler, Jennifer (Bertch) and Tanner Pickrel; Ronald G., RJ George and Logan Burchatz; and Ross and Brandon Burchatz.
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