Part I ~ Multiple Choice: Choose the answer that best fits the questions. (50 Points)

1.  The Ku Klux Klan enjoyed wide popularity after World War I because of:

(A)  America’s new leadership role in world affairs

(B)  Intellectual disillusionment with society

(C)  Reaction to rapid change and mass immigration

(D)  A need to protect civil liberties

2.  Which of the following was a prima cause of the other three?

(A)  Imposition of immigration quotas

(B)  The Red Scare

(C)  Raids conducted by Attorney General Palmer

(D)  Rapid growth of the KKK

3.  Which was NOT a characteristic of the economic life of the 1920s?

(A)  New methods of production

(B)  Buying on credit and borrowing to finance consumer growth

(C)  A government tax policy that stopped accumulation of large personal fortunes

(D)  Investment by banks in stocks and bonds

4.  A major feature of the immigration legislation of the 1920s, is that this legislation:

(A)  Gave preference to immigrants from northern and western Europe

(B)  Encouraged Asians to migrate to the United States

(C)  Provided equal quotas for all nations

(D)  Restricted immigration from countries that were enemies of the United States in World War I

5.  The most accurate statement concerning U.S. foreign policy is that the United States has generally:

(A)  Used military confrontation to solve disputes

(B)  Reacted forcefully to imperialism around the world

(C)  Acted according to national self-interests

(D)  Formed entangling alliances with countries in need

6.  Which aspect of life in the 1920’s most likely caused the decade to be labeled the “Roaring Twenties”?

(A)  Social change

(B)  Technological improvement

(C)  Political reform

(D)  Territorial Expansion

7.  The racial segregation and poverty experienced by African Americans in the South during the 1920’s led them to:

(A)  Move to the North in great numbers to find factory jobs

(B)  Join the whites in strong National movements to protest unjust laws

(C)  Evolve their own strong labor movement

(D)  Support Federal programs that gave them their own farmland

8.  The return to “normalcy” during the 1920’s can be best described as an attempt to:

(A)  Expand social welfare programs

(B)  Show greater tolerance toward immigrant groups

(C)  Reduce the role of government in regulating the economy

(D)  Decrease the United States intervention in European affairs

9.  The case of Sacco and Vanzetti aroused sympathy for them and criticism of government measures because they

(A)  Were executed immediately

(B)  Were found innocent of all charges against them

(C)  Probably did not receive a fair trial as a result of unsubstantiated fears

(D)  Were imprisoned without trial

10.  During the decade 1920-1930, Congress and the President approved important laws providing for:

(A)  Conservation of natural resources

(B)  Increase in tariff rates

(C)  Regulation of the sale of stocks and bonds

(D)  Guaranteed prices for farm products

11.  The “boom” years of the 1920’s were characterized by:

(A)  Decreases in both agricultural surpluses and farm foreclosures

(B)  Limited investment capital and declining number of workers in the labor force

(C)  Widespread use of the automobile and an increase in buying

(D)  Increased regulation of the marketplace by both Federal and State governments

12.  After World War I, why did American farmers fail to share in general economic growth of the United States?

(A)  Many immigrants were settling in the West and competing with the farmers

(B)  The Federal government reduced the number of acres on which farmers could grow subsidized crops

(C)  Farmers could not produce enough to keep up with demand

(D)  Overproduction and competition caused falling prices

13.  In the United States, attempts to enforce laws relating to Prohibition led to public awareness that:

(A)  Violators of Federal laws inevitably received severe punishment

(B)  Unpopular laws are difficult, if not impossible to enforce

(C)  Government should limit itself only on actions clearly defined in the Constitution

(D)  Government action determines social behavior

14.  Which episode best demonstrates a clash between traditional beliefs and scientific influences?

(A)  The Red Scare

(B)  The Scopes Trial

(C)  The Prohibition Issue

(D)  The rise of the KKK

15.  Which conditions are most characteristic of a depression?

(A)  High production and high demand

(B)  Few jobs and little demand

(C)  Much money in circulation and high stock prices

(D)  Supply meeting demand and high unemployment

16.  Which group did not fare well during the Coolidge prosperity in the 1920s?

(A)  Bankers

(B)  Farmers

(C)  Automobile manufacturers

(D)  Brokers

17.  A major characteristic of the United States economy during the 1920’s was the:

(A)  Uneven distribution of income among Americans

(B)  Slowdown of the use of technology in industry

(C)  General prosperity of farmers

(D)  Increase in the strength of organized labor

18.  A major difference between the New Deal and policies followed by earlier administration was that the New Deal:

(A)  Emphasized and encouraged rugged individualism

(B)  Advocated socialism as a solution to the problems of the times

(C)  Provided the government with a more active role in the economy

(D)  Was able to eliminate discrimination in employment

19.  Franklin D. Roosevelt first gave his attention to what major problem?

(A)  Unemployment

(B)  Speculations in securities

(C)  Farm relief

(D)  Bank failures

20.  Which is a valid conclusion based upon the study of the New Deal?

(A)  Labor, not business was affected

(B)  It resulted in a government budget surplus

(C)  It forced individuals to accept responsibility for their own economic welfare

(D)  It continued to influence United States economic policy for many years

21.  Private business opposed the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) because:

(A)  It was thought the lakes would soon be filled with silt

(B)  The project did not provide satisfactory protection against floods

(C)  Electricity was produced and distributed by a government agency

(D)  The TVA charged higher rates

22.  Which of the following New Deal acts or agencies was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in Schecter Poultry v. The United States?

(A)  The AAA

(B)  The NRA

(C)  The TVA

(D)  The WPA

23.  The provisions if the Wagner Act:

(A)  Halted all union organizing

(B)  Declared that only skilled workers could join unions

(C)  Put an end to labor violence

(D)  Guaranteed the right of unions to negotiate

24.  A major idea in the philosophy behind the New Deal was that:

(A)  The states should accept more responsibility for the funding of social programs

(B)  Individual citizens should solve their own problems

(C)  Private organizations are best equipped to solve social problems

(D)  The resources of the Federal Government should be used to solve problems

25.  Deficit spending by the Federal Government as a means of reviving the economy is based on the idea that:

(A)  Purchasing power will increase and economic growth will be stimulated

(B)  Only the national government could operate business efficiently

(C)  The national government should turn its revenue over to the states

(D)  Lower interest rates will encourage investment

Part II ~ Documents: Answer the questions that follow each document on a separate sheet of paper. (20 Points)


1.  How is "America" presented in this poem?

2.  What is the meaning in the poem I, Too?

3.  What kinds of problems did African Americans face after WW1 was over?

4.  What was the Harlem Renaissance and why is Langston Hughes such an excellent example of it?

5.  How does the poem manage to work on two levels – America in the time of slavery and America in the first half of the 20th century? How are those two time periods similar? How are they different?


1.  Who does the quarterback represent?

2.  What did the actual “Court-Packing Plan” want to do?

3.  What actual New Deal programs did the Supreme Court rule unconstitutional? (Two programs)

4.  Why was Congress portrayed as a referee?

5.  Why was the “Court-Packing Plan” considered by many critics to be “un-American”?

Part III ~ Identifications – Fully define each of the following terms on a separate sheet of paper. (15 Points)

Scopes Trial

Bonus Army

Palmer Raids

Glass-Stegall Banking Act

Social Security


Part IV ~ Essay: (15 Points)

The coming of the Great Depression in 1929 brought an end to the business boom and prosperity of the 1920s. The following were different factors that led to the Great Depression:

Risky European Loans

Agricultural Practices

Stock Market

Banking Practices

Business Practices

Choose THREE of the above factors and for each one describe how it contributed to the Great Depression. Be sure to provide historical information to back your response.