Consists of 51-55 credits depending on the classes selected.

Required Courses, 26 credits

• GEOG 101 – The Physical Environment 5 cr.

• GEOG 115 – World Regional Geography 3 cr or
GEOG 120 – Human Geography 3 cr.

• GEOG 230 – Introduction to Regional Planning and Geodesign 3 cr.

• GEOG 260 – Introduction to Cartography: Map Conceptualization and Development 3 cr.

• GEOG 341 – Geographic Information Systems I 3 cr.

• GEOG 377 – Remote Sensing I 3 cr.

• GEOG 390 – Applied Statistics in Geography 3 cr.

• GEOG 490 – Senior Research 3 cr. or

• GEOG 491 – Senior Thesis, 3 cr. or

• GEOG 496 – Community Development Practices 3 cr.

Select one class from each of the following Areas, 8-9 credits.

Area 1 – Human/Planning/Geodesign

• GEOG 315 – Geography of Wisconsin 3 cr.

• GEOG 317 - Africa 3 cr.

• GEOG 320 – Urban Geography 3 cr.

• GEOG 321 – Rural Geography 3 cr.

• GEOG 330 – Urban and Regional Planning Analysis 3 cr.

• GEOG 331 – Planning Theory and Ethics 3 cr.

Area 2 – Physical Geography/Human-Environment Interaction

• GEOG 208 – Weather and Climate 3 cr.

• GEOG 303 – Processes of Environmental Degradation 3 cr.

• GEOG 305 – Environmental Hazards 3 cr.

• GEOG 308 – Climate: Past, Present, and Future 3 cr.

• GEOG 310 – Biogeography 3 cr.

• GEOG 312 – Geomorphology 3 cr.

• GEOL 330 – Environmental Geology 3 cr.

• GEOL 370 – Glacial Geology 3 cr.

Area 3 – Geospatial Techniques

• GEOG 241 – Fundamentals of GIS 2 cr.

• GEOG 342 – GIS Database Design and Data Modeling 3 cr.

• GEOG 343 – Geographic Information Systems II, 3 cr.

• GEOG 360 – Statistical and Multimedia Cartography 3 cr.

• GEOG 361 – Dynamic Cartography 3 cr.

• GEOG 362 – Map Design and Production 3 cr.

• GEOG 433 – GIS and Geodesign for Sustainability and Resiliency 3 cr.

• GEOG 488 – Mobile GIS Techniques 3 cr.

• GEOG 477 – Remote Sensing II 3 cr.

Electives, 5- 6 credits

Select from Geography or Geology courses numbered 200 or higher

Mathematics, 4 credits

• MATH 111 - Applied Calculus 4 cr. or

• MATH 355 - Elementary Statistical Methods 4 cr.

Natural Science, 7-10 credits

• BIOL 101 - General Biology 5 cr.

• BIOL 130 - Introduction to Plant Biology 5 cr.

• BIOL 160 - Introduction to Animal Biology 5 cr.

• CHEM 105 - Fundamental Chemistry 5 cr.

• CHEM 106 - Fundamental Chemistry 5 cr.

• CHEM 117 - General Chemistry Principles 5 cr.

• GEOL 104 – Physical Geology 4 cr.

• PHYS 201 - Applied Principles of Physics I 4 cr.

• PHYS 202 - Applied Principles of Physics II 3 cr.

• PHYS 203 - College Physics I 5 cr.

• PHYS 204 - College Physics II 5 cr.

Communication in the Major, 6 credits

• GEOG 330 - Urban and Regional Planning Analysis 3 cr.

• GEOG 387 - Environment and Culture of the Mississippi Delta 1-3 cr.

• GEOG 393 - Field Trip in Geography 1-3 cr.

• GEOG 490 - Senior Research 3 cr.

• GEOG 496 - Community Development Practices 3 cr.

Capstone Experience

• GEOG 490 - Senior Research 3 cr. or

• GEOG 491 - Senior Thesis 3 cr. or

• GEOG 496 - Community Development Practices 3 cr.