Black Nationalism

Elijah Muhammad

Carmichael speech

Carmichael definition of black power

Black Panthers

Black Panther Party

Watts in Perspective

Primary Source Watts Riots

X assassination

Malcolm X

Burned, Baby Burn

Shift in Power Webquest

In groups of four, each group member will be responsible for completing one section of the webquest. This webquest explores the other side of the civil rights movement. It takes a look into Black Nationalism, The Nation of Islam and The assassination of Malcolm X, The Black Power Movement, and The Riots held in Newark, Watts, and Detroit.

You will find all the websites you will need to find the information at the top of each handout. You can also find all of the links through the webquest link on the moodle.

You will have all of the class time to complete the webquest. Any portion that is not complete must be finished for homework.


Black Nationalism

Rely on the following websites to answer the following questions:



1.  Define the term “Black Nationalism”.

2.  Why was emigration to African and Latin America not feasible as a component of Black Nationalism not realistic? At least two reasons should be identified?

3.  When Marcus Garvey arrived in the U.S., how did he intend to assist African Americans?

4.  Did Garvey support integration into “white society”? Explain.

5.  As a young member of the Nation of Islam, what aspects of Garvey’s philosophy did Malcolm X attempt to implement and spread?

6.  What were Elijah Muhammad’s views regarding civil rights organizations and political activity as a means to improve social conditions for African Americans? How did Elijah Muhammad attempt to address these social problems?

7.  What specific tactics did Malcolm X utilize in an effort to help African Americans improve their social and economic standing?

8.  Who was the founder of the Nation of Islam and in what U.S. city did it materialize?

9.  What were some of the features of the Nation of Islam following its move to Chicago?

10. Why did Elijah Muhammad denounce World War II?

11. What war did Elijah Muhammad advocate? Explain.


Malcolm X Assassination

Rely on the following websites to answer the following questions:




1.  What four different names had Malcolm been known as? What did each of the names represent or indicate at the time in which the label was being used?

2.  When, where and by whom was Malcolm X assassinated?

3.  Briefly describe the manner in which the assassination took place? What was the methodology?

4.  Why is it not surprising that a Muslim had been arrested for the murder?

5.  Louis Farrakhan was a member of the Nation of Islam at the time of Malcolm X’s death. He would eventually become the leader of the NOA. Refusing to accept full responsibility for the murder, he instead blames who? How does he implicate them?

6.  What evidence exists, from both before and after the murder, that implicates the leadership of the Nation of Islam in Malcolm X’s death?

7.  Why/How does the murder of Malcolm X continue to be an “albatross” around the neck of the Nation of Islam?

8.  In the last year of his life, what evidence exists that Malcolm X had truly broken with the philosophies of the Nation of Islam?

9.  What changes were evident in Malcolm X following his pilgrimage to Mecca?

10. Why had Elijah Muhammad suspended Malcolm X from the Nation of Islam?


Black Power Movement

Rely on the following websites to answer the following questions:





1.  When the Black Panther’s were originally formed, where were they based and what were their objectives?

2.  The Black Panther’s provided valuable services to many of the communities in which they were based. Identify some of them.

3.  In a six year period, from the late 60’s into the early 70’s, twenty four “Panther’s” had been killed. How?

4.  What position did the FBI take regarding the Black Panthers?

5.  How did the platform of the Black Panther Party (BPP) differ with the goals of SCLC, CORE and the NAACP as we have studied them?

6.  In the 1970’s the BPP declines and is no longer in a position to carry out it’s platform. What factors contributed to its downfall?

7.  How did Stokely Carmichael describe the white civil rights activists who volunteered in places like Mississippi?

8.  Why did Carmichael believe that a coalition could not be formed with white liberals?

9.  Why did Carmichael claim that the people of Neshoba County, Mississippi could not condemn Sherriff Rainey for the murders of Cheney, Goodman and Schwerner?

10. Carmichael states that he believes that civil rights bills are passed for white people. Explain what he means by this.

11. When Carmichael references Lyndon Johnson and Ho Chi Minh what is the context of the conversation? What is he being critical of?


Watts, Detroit and Newark Riots

Rely on the following websites to answer the following questions:





1.  Summarize the events on the street that resulted in the beginning of the Watts riots.

2.  Where is Watts? When did the riots take place and what were the costs (monetary and human)

3.  How did the anti-Red (communist) stance hurt the residents of Watts in the post World War II time period?

4.  What changes did the African American population in Watts experience in the postwar era that contributed to the eventual riots?

5.  Summarize the causes of the Detroit riots.

6.  When did the Detroit riots occur? How long did the riot last and how many people were killed?

7.  What role did the “big four” or the “Tac Squad” play in promoting the eventual rioting in Detroit? What was the number one problem faced by African Americans living in Detroit in the time leading up to the riot?

8.  Summarize the problems associated with housing that contributed to the rioting in Detroit?

9.  Summarize the events associated with the start of the riots in Newark, New Jersey?

10. What do you think the term “white flight” means? How did white flight impact the racial makeup of Newark and Detroit?

11. Explain how industrial decline in cities like Newark may have contributed to the eventual rioting?

12. Give an example as to how “urban renewal” negatively impacted African American residents in Newark.